Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3145: Forced link

"Lee Yao, kill him!"

"Lee Yao, hold on!"

"Li Yao, now all hopes are pinned on you, but you are... distracted!"

All the strong men clenched their fists and rounded their eyes. They wanted to pull their souls out of their bodies and project them into the ball of light to help Li Yao.

Although they are divided into different positions and camps, they usually have different views on Li Yao. However, at the crucial moment, they have to admit that Li Yao is the guy who is self-proclaimed, the last line of defense, if there is one The enemy can't even defeat Li Yao's all-out solution, so no one can beat it.

Countless times in the past, Li Yao has defeated an enemy who is ten times stronger than him in a way that is ingenious and his own style is extremely clear. This time, should it be the same?

The core of the super body is carried in the unintentional body. As long as the ancient heartless, the sea of ​​foamy cells will be solidified and withered, this is happening.

They can only look forward to it, they are helpless, uneasy, and almost desperately looking forward to it.

It is a pity that the enemy they faced this time is essentially different from all the enemies of the past.

Seeing that a piece of black spot is about to be connected into pieces, the sea of ​​large cells is completely depleted and withered, and even a lot of tentacles that stretch straight into the sky have broken, like the broken gene chain, but in the area of ​​dark spots. When it is about to break through the critical point, its diffusion speed gradually slows down and stops completely at the end.

In the huge ball of light ignited by life and spirit, Li Yao has a strange blue light, which gradually forms a crystal clear outer shell, and even shrinks slightly inward.

Experienced practitioners know that this is a large magnetic field with high-energy reactions, a sign of sudden collapse and contraction, which means that Li Yao has been out of the well and is unsustainable.

"Lee Yao!"

Ding Lingwei issued a tearful cry, but he really wanted to rely on a district of the crystal, regardless of all the rush to the ancient innocent, but was thrown down by several self-cultivators from the Federation, lingering on her.

Long Yangjun drove the fragmented "Tianjing", kneeling on one knee, trying to hold up the incomplete arms and condensing the new shock wave, but tried several times and eventually took the elbows, shoulders and waist of the giant soldiers. They all burst into a huge fireball and ended up completely.

White Boss, Yan Yiren, Boxing King, Li Jialing, Li Linghai... Everyone’s attempts have failed. They can only watch the “shell” of the light ball peeling off and smash.

Within the annihilation of the magnetic field, the fire of the spirit of Li Yao’s burning spirit has been thin to the extent of illusory.

The only thing that can prove that he has just released the horrible destructive power is the circular crater that burns on the ground to a smooth mirror. The surface of the crater blooms with colorful patterns, showing the characteristics of glazing and crystallization.

And above the crater...

The ancient unintentional indeed suffered heavy losses.

His skin and outer flesh and blood tissue have been burned out, and the whole body is not black, but like the crater, it has a colorful, crystal-clear texture, as if the whole person was sent to the refining furnace, with nearly 10,000 The high temperature was burned for seven or forty-nine days.

Even Li Yao’s tears from the top down have not been fully restored. From the Tianling to the tip of the nose, from the chest to the chest, from the chest to the lumbosacral, there is a shocking scar, and the wound is deeply sunken. Going on, as if his body is still divided into left and right halves, just relying on hundreds of granulations to connect together.

The ancient innocence of this form has completely stripped off the characteristics of the "female Dai" or "human", more like the gods from different universes.

Although the ancient unintentional did not deliberately release the momentum of destroying the land, but the hearts of many human powers still sink down.

Because the ancient innocent foot is tens of meters long at the end of the right arm, the sharp claws are clinging to death, it is Li Yao and his giant soldier "Sun Holocaust"!

The power of the ancient unintentional power, five claws deeply embedded in the head of the "sun catastrophe", grabbed most of the sensor chips.

The head of the giant soldier concentrates 50% of the magical sense of the whole body. Although the head burst is not fatal, the combat power is reduced by at least 30%. Many giant warriors prefer to sacrifice an arm and are not willing to expose the skull to the enemy. Within the scope of firepower.

However, at this moment, the "sun catastrophe" is like a whole body, and the limbs and lumbosacral are loosely pulled down. The joint gap and the ultra-high compression reactor shed a suspicious liquid, and there is no response to the enemy's cockroaches.

"Lee Yao!"

Ding Lingwei, Bai Laoda, Long Yangjun, Li Jialing... The hearts of all the strong, as if they were torn by the unintentional claws.

There was a dead silence in the communication channel. There was no such thing as Li Yao’s voice. I don’t know if it was falling into the enemy’s saturated spiritual bombing, or the external communication of the giant soldiers was seriously disturbed and suppressed.

"Is it felt, this is the power of the super body."

The ancient incontinence continued to squat with the head of the "Sun Holocaust" and sent a similar wave of ripples to many human powers. "Only a few thousand years, thousands of researchers and strong people within the Imperial Palace have gathered together. With such power, how powerful is the real super-body outside the Pangu universe, can you imagine that you can resist?

"Give up, if I am not an opponent, you are not qualified to be an enemy of super-civilization. I don't understand what you are still insisting on, meaningless, meaningless!"

"Come on, join us, let us share all the power, wisdom and memory in the super-body. All the powers I have just shown can be shared with you. We will be completely integrated. I am you, and you are I, with us like this, work together to create a new world with no disputes, no deception, no contradictions!"

"Stop, this monster!"

Ding Lingwei unveiled the mask of the crystal scorpion, revealing the face of anger, and screaming at the ancient bloodless heart. "We will not join you in the supernatural!"

"So, just as you wish."

The ancient heartless smile, the portrait of the ceramic and the crystal melted and then condensed, the smile is very strange, "However, not death, but rebirth."

The tens of meters long arm flew twice in midair, flying Li Yao and his "Sun Holocaust", and colliding with the remaining dozens of giant warriors into a strangely shaped scrap of copper. A deafening loud noise.

At the same time, the sea of ​​cells that were already withering and collapsing has recovered ten times more vitality. From the depth of the bursting dark spots, hundreds of shiny tentacles are stretched out and slammed to nearly 100. Taiwan giant soldiers.

Most of the giant soldiers lost some or all of their power in the battle.

Many of the giant squadrons have different degrees of bursting in the overall frame and transmission structure. Even the connection between the upper and lower body is uncontrollable. It is equivalent to "half-length body" or "body squat", and can't avoid the sudden tentacles.

These tentacles are not so much the tentacles of the giant octopus, but rather the magnified billions of nerve endings. Once they are entangled in a giant soldier, they immediately split and proliferate in a frantic, intricate neural network. It covered every armor of the giant gods, and even penetrated the gaps and wounds, penetrated into the interior of the giant soldiers, and easily penetrated the battlefields of the scorpion and mustard, and drilled into the front of the driver.


Many powerful people saw that they had drilled into Lingfu, such as snakes and nematodes, and they all messed up.

These colorful, unusually bright "neural bundles", while releasing paralyzed and hallucinatory bioelectric currents, swim toward the nostrils of the driver, the ear canal, the corners of the eyes and the mouth, and lightning into the body of the strong.

Many strong people are struggling to get rid of these abominable bugs from the body.

However, with the invasion of the "neural bundle", the astronomical information flow was like a flash flood, and the tsunami flooded into their minds. Everything that Li Yao had experienced just now reappeared in the minds of many powerful people.

Moreover, because it was just "wireless transmission", now it is "wired transmission", the intensity of information bombing is more than ten times!

Even the most special body of many powerful strong dragons, there is no "earth" in the depths of the brain, and there is no spiritual strength and spiritual defense like Li Yao.

In the face of the ancient "invitation", they have no power to refuse.

All the strong people are screaming and screaming, and the screams are gradually becoming dull and weak. They are like falling into a nightmare that can never escape. The fall of the endless abyss has just begun.

Regardless of whether they are willing or not, almost all the human powers and the "Moonmooners" who survived, etc., have been entangled, covered and eroded by the strange nerve bundles drilled in the sea of ​​cells, connected to a super giant. In the neural network.

There are more and more taupe cells, like the infinitely splitting and proliferating bacteria blankets, crawling up the legs of the giant gods, gradually devour one after another.

"Boom! Hey!"

It seems to echo with the power of the ancient unintentional. In the sky that has not changed in the eternal relics of the ancient times, there are also thunders in the sky, which condense a large number of colorful clouds, and the glare of lightning rushes and entangles each other, just like energy. The neural network of the form, and when the neural network between the heavens and the earth is gradually torn, the sky of the ancient ruins is torn open a huge gap, just let the light of the "Rainbow Bridge" shoot out from the middle and shoot at the Xinghai The distance.

"at last"

I have no heart to look at the sky, deep and deep, "Time is up."

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