Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3170: Reappeared yesterday


Li Yao’s mind seems to have a kaleidoscope suddenly blasted, and numerous gorgeous and mottled images flooded like the raging tide. He seemed to see a tall, honey-colored skin with large mouth and ears. Too good-looking but full of angry girls, Dad came towards him, they cried in tears, laughed arrogantly, screamed and screamed, and hugged...

He also saw two tyrannosaurus dragons rolling around in the ancient wasteland; seeing two weird trees entangled each other for thousands of years; seeing a pair of wolf tigers and leopards in the hot afternoon, tangled in the cold; he even looked Two meteorological fireballs on two planets roared, and the smashed together, hitting a hundred times, a thousand times, 10,000 times, the hot magma rushed out, and the breath of life spread to the whole universe.

"what happened?"

Li Yao scratched his pants and muttered to himself. "Why suddenly there is a feeling of soft back and legs, very empty and lonely. It is like a thief going to the building. The whole person is exhausted and uninteresting. what!"

Li Yao fixed his mind and continued to read it.

He was quickly attracted to Ding Lingwei, a seemingly alternative female character.

According to the general way of writing, this fierce elder who can kill a cow with a fierce fist is unlikely to be the heroine.

But I don't know why, Li Yao's mind is a faintly revealing picture of Ding Ling's freshness, like a flame flower. This picture shines in every brain cell, so he can't help but want to read it. Everything about this girl, and what happened to her and "Chenzhen Li Yao".

"This chapter is too short, the author can really water, there is nothing at all. This chapter, not counting, look at another chapter.

"Hey, kill the broken knife of a thousand knives, it’s just stuck in the key point of the plot. It’s too shameless? Let’s not let people sleep? Otherwise, read this episode of Konjac Island. Well, go to sleep after reading!

"Sure enough, this 'repair of real Li Yao' is still very old-fashioned, faint, debilitated, ridiculed, as a waste, but what is the situation, he will not really be better with the muscular female Ding Ling? If he I really found the muscular woman, I won’t watch it, I won’t watch it!

"I have already read a hundred chapters without knowing it, or else I will get together. I will sleep when I see a hundred chapters. I swear!"

"One hundred chapters have arrived, um, um, now it is 11:57 in the middle of the night. It is still said to be 'today'. In the last three minutes, I will read another chapter, sleep at 12 o'clock on time, use Fuxin. The face, ushered in a new tomorrow!

"What are you doing? What is this? Why is it just 11:57, just after reading a short chapter, it will become two o'clock in the middle of the night? What, not a chapter, I have seen a hundred Eighty-two chapters? Impossible, hell!

"Well, since it is already two and two points, then make a whole, try to see two hundred and two chapters at half past two, then completely delete the book, even the reading software is also unloaded, reborn, re-man !

"Three or three points? Why, heaven, earth, why is this!"

"Three and a half? How is it half past three? Fallen, how do I fall to this level, is it really the pressure to work on a recent paper to find a job, and a need for a soothing nerve channel? Also, the necessary rest and entertainment still have to , one by one, the way of civil and military, don't worry too much about the conclusions and work, the body is the capital of the revolution, the horns are drilled, the brain is tangled, and it is hard to say that this author really can't write emotional dramas, hahahaha I took you as a brother, but you want to go to me, I have never seen such a man and woman, hahahaha, how is it going, feeling that the legs are getting softer and softer, the lower body is faintly painful, as if it was crushed back and forth by the train. It should be reduced in frequency.

"No, I must sleep, look at the last chapter, I must sleep, I swear..."

Li Yao was confused and groggy, squinting at the lower abdomen while flying his mobile phone.

It’s a strange thing, but also the “Study of the 40,000 Years of Comprehension”. Apart from the gimmicks of self-cultivation and technology, it’s really unremarkable. It’s nothing new. It’s just like a standard product in the big industrial assembly line. You can see it, you can't watch it.

What is the **** bridge on the wilderness train, can not get rid of the author's forced blood, but told the reader to look at the suspected goose bump.


Why Li Yao Yue is more familiar with it. Most of the scenes and pictures are like memories of a hundred years ago. They seem to have met each other, and the more they look at them, the more they want to see them. They are anxious to know "repairing Li Yao" and his friends. What on earth happened.

"Zhao Kai didn't lie, "The 40,000 Years of Comprehension is really beautiful!"

Li Yao yawned, "Go to the urine, sleep, sleep, not sleep, not people!"

Li Yao fell asleep.

Or, he thinks he should be asleep.

Because he has done countless eccentricities, such as the dream of the world.

Today, the dream is clearer than the past hundreds of times, so clear that he can't tell whether he is dreaming, or sitting at the desk under the bed, concentrate on seeing a network called "Fifty Years of Comprehension."

He saw the tyrannosaurus with the lipstick on him.

But this time, behind the Tyrannosaurus Rex is sitting on a barbarian queen.

Sharp eyes, straight nose, honey-colored lips and wheat-colored skin, the whole body exudes the world, only the momentum of my own, it is the character "Ding Bell".

"For so many years, I have been looking for you in the endless sea of ​​stars, starting from the vindictive universe, killing so many universes, so many worlds, so many enchanting paradise and terrible hell."

Ding Lingyan stared at Li Yao, his voice was low and full of magnetism, pure and full of vicissitudes of life. "Everyone said that you are dead, the soul and life information are completely shattered, and you are annihilated, but I just don't believe, I know you must still To live, you must persist in your own way, even if the enemy is the earth, or even the whole universe!

"Remember what we said when we left?"

"I said that even if you die one day, it will not matter if you go down to the yin and the house, and the nine secluded yellow springs, it will not matter, because I will dismantle the yin, blast the land, and burn the nine secluded yellow springs, and save you!

"Liang Yao, hold on.

"I'm coming!"

Li Yao suddenly woke up again.

I feel that my fingers and waist are not so sore in my life.

It was as if someone had poked the red-hot steel needle into his ten fingernails and smashed his waist with a red hammer.

Although the body has regained consciousness, and the consciousness is still in the swamp of the brain, he sat on the chair for ten minutes, until the pale sunshine pierced his eyes, only to find that it was already 9:30 in the morning.

Today is Monday. Although there are no classes in the graduating class, roommates go to the library to prepare papers, or go outside to run internships and recruitment.

The dormitory was very quiet, and the time on the wall clock was so loud that it was unbearable. Li Yao held his breath and thought about what happened last night.

He seems to see a very interesting network to see the middle of the night, then get out of bed to pee, finished sitting back in the chair under the bed and read a chapter, another chapter, still a chapter, I do not know how to watch Zhang, when I watched the blood and the tide, I took out my little book that I had recorded my dreams and wrote and painted. Then I fell asleep on the table... Should it be like this?

"The network is killing people!"

Li Yao tried to scratch the hair like a bird's nest and thought about it with a sleepy eye. "Well, it fell again last night. I deleted the book later, the software was uninstalled, and then from noon today, No, it’s still a good idea at noon. It’s been reborn from ten o'clock in the evening, and it’s true, it’s so happy!

"That said, how the waist hurts so much, the station can't stand up, it's not right, the underwear is very dry, really not that!"

Li Yao screamed in his head and yawned, trying to remember what he had done after peeing last night. In addition to reading a book, it seemed to be smeared on the small book and written and painted.

Li Yao opened his most private "dream record book".

Then, he slammed, his face pale, like a ghost.

I saw the dream record book, the back of the tyrannical dragon with the lipstick, I don’t know when there is a heroic, domineering barbaric queen, who can see through the notebook and desk or even the crust.

The Barbarian Queen reached out to him and seemed to want to pull him out of the abyss, or an invitation to fight.

With a trembling fingertip, Li Yao rubbed the barbarian queen he had drawn, and a strange current flowed from his fingertips, which was about to detonate his heart.


His heartbeat is getting faster and faster, reaching the limit, and he can't help but want to suppress the roar of countless years.

"Is this what I painted?"

Li Yao did not dare to ask himself, "When did my painting skills become so good, and the people who painted them are like this?"

Turning it back, there are new paintings, graffiti with a ballpoint pen and a signature pen on his desk, and a few strokes to outline a city or building or natural scenery.

Li Yao’s pupil suddenly shrank, and the heart almost grew his hands and feet, tearing his chest and jumping out.

Fu Gecheng, Fabao Grave, Chishao No. 2 Middle School, Liaoyuan, Great Wilderness Train, Great Wilderness Battlefield...

Although there is no mark, Li Yao will know that it is the scene in "Fifty Years of Comprehension". There is a ballpoint pen drawing on the Great Wild Train. Even the soldiers who are fighting, the comprehensible sacrificer, and the sharp point are clearly visible. The passengers who called and the "Ghost Face Silver Mosquito" that screamed in the distance.

Although the brushwork is very poor, at first glance, people are excited, as if they are immersed in the situation, returning to the great wilderness of that day, inside the thunderstorm zone.

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