Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3171: Li Yao’s Kirin Arm

Seeing the graffiti of these ballpoint pens and signature pens, Li Yao’s heart was “smashing” and he had to slap his heart with his hands to repress the feeling of familiarity and eccentricity.

Later, there are some sketches of "magic weapons", most of which are chain saw swords, shock knives and sagittal guns. They are not only beautiful but also harmonious. They can see the traces of mature industrial design. It is very different from the common design style, and there are very fine internal structures, which seem to be intricate and complete.

This is even more strange.

Li Yaoxue is an economy. He is very sure that he has not taken courses in industrial design and circuit design. If the "fiction scenes" in front of them are still graffiti, how can these beautiful and rigorous structures be seen at a glance? thing?

Li Yao thought for a long time with his head.

"Does I have the potential that I have not found, is a genius without a teacher, and should I test an industrial design?"

He continued to turn down, and there was still behind.

This time, it was a series of sketches that were criss-crossed like a three-dimensional labyrinth. Li Yao turned the notebook over and over for a long time, only to realize that it was not the characters, scenes or magic weapons in the novel, but their dormitory and teaching building, and even the entire university. Architectural drawings and topographic maps.

Although Li Yao is hard to judge, the accuracy of these architectural drawings and topographic maps, but the mysterious lines and the scales of the seams can be seen in the plotter's skill. Li Yao does not feel that he has never learned architectural design. I have such a craft, and, very embarrassingly, whether it is a school building or a dormitory building, ventilation ducts and sewer pipes are the key points that he draws and marks, even the ventilation ducts and sewage that lead to the women’s toilets. The pipe was painted by him meticulously.

"Yes, are you mistaken, are these self-employed, who am I, a hidden industrial and architectural genius, or a deep-seated metamorphosis voyeur?"

Li Yao looked at the architectural structure and couldn't figure it out for a while.

I think about it, I have a dream at night, I have been on campus for several years, and it is not surprising to be familiar with the general structure of the teaching building and the dormitory. But these drawings are not even the ventilation ducts and sewer pipes hidden between the floors. Leaking, it is too strange!

However, this also explains another doubt of Li Yao.

From getting out of bed to peeing, suddenly awakening, but three or five hours, which can be used for painting is not discovered, up to an hour or two.

Within an hour or two, it is no wonder that his ten fingers are so painful that he has to paint so many pieces of life, vivid and seamless scenes and structural drawings.

Li Yaomo looked at the fingers and found several dents that were too hard to leave, as well as traces of ink left in the fingers. This is more convincing of his judgment. The shadows recalled these scenes, magic weapons and structure drawings. It is indeed what he painted.

It was about the darkest time before the dawn. He read the novel and saw that the blood was boiling and could not himself. Suddenly he gave birth to a feeling of nowhere to vent. He only felt that the ten fingertips would become ten-door Taiyi magnetic cannons, and the palms. There are countless flaming runes on the back of the hand. I don’t know how to make a splash of ink, and I’m so hard to write up and leave these things.

This is nonsense.

It wasn't his own painting. Did someone sneak up to him in the middle of the night, and he couldn't make a prank with his pen and book?

Li Yao knows very well about Zhao Kai and Yu Xin. They are not the ones who will make this kind of mischief. Besides, the brothers in the dormitory are half a catty, without the slightest art and design of the cells. Who can draw such complicated things?

Li Yao turned to the blank page and held the pen again. He wanted to draw another picture in the awake state. No matter what he painted, he would do the scene, the magic weapon, the architectural structure map and the map.

Of course, what he wants to paint most is Ding Ling, who wants to draw tens of thousands of bells and bells to see who this mysterious girl is.

Unfortunately, the feeling of burning in the palm of the hand has disappeared. He bite the pen for a long time and barely painted a few sketches, all of which are grungy graffiti, and can't find the spirituality of last night.

"What is this called, the genius of the night?"

Li Yao tilted the chair up and swayed and couldn't find a clue.

At this time, he found that his right hand had a problem.

He just took a pen and painted, and then he sandwiched the pen between two fingers, unconsciously rotating this little game called "turning the pen" is a popular game for big and middle school students, leisure and boring, folk movements for everyone. Of course, most people put the pen on the fingertips for a few laps. If you can play one or two fancy styles, you can get the excitement of your companions. Li Yao is also like this. Falling asleep, where do you have time to practice turning the pen? It is the limit to be able to turn two or three laps without falling.

But now, his right hand is like injecting mysterious spirituality, owning his own life, or lingering with a strange magnetic field, manipulating the ballpoint pen at the fingertips to jump lightly, frantically dance, make one after another He saw the fancy that he had never seen before, and the rotation between the square inches turned out to be a thrilling feeling and a sound of breaking the wind. No matter how it moved, it was always firmly stuck on his finger.

"How can it be?"

Li Yao was stunned.

I don't know if it is illusory. He feels that his ten fingers are more and more sensitive, he is getting more and more slender, and he can make some incredible movements against the joints. He even sees that the ballpoint pen has slipped from the fingertips, but he has been invisible. Traction, once again jumped to the palm of your hand, as the drill bit was swiftly spinning.

Moreover, the less his attention is focused, the less he wants to think about the finger, the faster the pen is turned, the more gorgeous and gorgeous the fancy, once he notices it too much, consciously manipulates the finger and the ballpoint pen. On the contrary, he became awkward. The more he wanted to control, the more he couldn’t control it. In the end, he slammed and the ballpoint pen finally fell to the ground.

And his right hand five fingertips, also polished red, such as acupuncture pain.

Li Yao stared at the pen that fell on the ground, like staring at a poisonous snake in hibernation.

Why, his hand suddenly became so sensitive. Several students in Li Yao’s class especially liked to turn the pen. Li Yao also watched some videos of so-called “turning master” through them. It’s not that he boasted, and he just Compared to the fancy, the hands of those who turn the pen are no different from the chicken paws, or the ones that are cooked.

Li Yao did not come to think of a word, or a description of the method.

The vocabulary and description techniques of the author of "The True Man of the 40th Anniversary" are quite poor. Every time you describe the speed of repairing the magic weapon, you can use "hands for two." Road fog" to describe.

Although Li Yao also spit out many times while reading the book, but recalling the action he had just turned, he had to admit that his hand was indeed made a fog. If the speed is faster, it might burst in the fog. A glimpse of the arc!

I want to come. When I draw those scene maps, structure drawings and topographic maps earlier, his speed is so fast. Otherwise, in just one or two hours, it is impossible to draw half of the notebook.

"Humping the ghost!"

Li Yao was restless and pacing back and forth. He only felt that the small dormitory was full of smoldering winds, and the ghosts were so stunned that he had hit a few cockroaches and got a goose bump.

But I still want to break my head and I don’t understand what it is. I have never heard of ghosts hitting the wall, ghost presses, and I have never heard of ghosts teaching people to play with pens!

His hand, his hand...

A feeling of arduous heat spread from the heart to the whole body, and from the whole body to the fingertips, he suddenly felt that the ten fingers were itchy, not the itch of the mosquito bites in the general sense, but the itch that was more difficult than that, he thought Shouting, he wants to bite, he wants to put ten fingers on the roughest masonry to rub, he even wants to use fire to burn his fingertips, but what he wants to do is to... unpack things.

Yes, he suddenly knew what he was going to do.

He wants to disassemble all the detachable things into the most basic components.

This feeling is like a deadly lightning, unable to resist.

Before the brain had not reacted, he had already breathed a sinful hand to his desk, almost blindfolded, and even he did not see the gesture clearly. All the pens and ballpoint pens on the desk turned into the most shredded Parts, divided into categories, are neatly arranged.

He was not addicted, trembled and opened the desk, which had a broken calculator and a radio for the English test.

Although these two electronic products are not too complicated, they are composed of hundreds of parts, and they are very tightly bitten, and they are eaten with very small screws.

Li Yao didn't have a screwdriver, but he only used a ballpoint pen. Within three minutes, the calculator and the radio were dismantled and cleaned, and each part returned to its original state.

Li Yao stared at the two piles of parts for a long time, and put the ballpoint pen in his mouth and bit it.


He suddenly gave himself two slaps, so he was awake, then closed his eyes, mixed the two piles of parts, and smashed and smashed with the ramie, ensuring that all parts of the calculator and the radio were completely confused.

"Impossible, unreasonable, the whole thing can't explain at all, how can my hand become like this, and the structure, weight, material, size, etc. of each part are in my mind. My hand, wait, what is my hand doing!"

Li Yao opened his eyes and saw that he was loading a few button batteries and a seventh battery into a new calculator and radio.

Yes, he is very sure, the time has passed at most half a minute, the wall clock on the opposite wall has not yet completed a lap, but has just been scattered into a pile, even a lot of parts that the manufacturer may not be able to separate, has been clean and neat Restore.

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