Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3188: Earth BUG

"This guy said... there is some truth!"

Li Yao also thought about it when he was said by the "dream traveler". He has done a lot of strange dreams from childhood to age - not only the tyrannosaurus with lipstick, but also the yin and yang who shines a silver gun. Pregnancy gave birth to two computers. In other dreams, he seems to be a middle school student. He is sitting in the classroom to conduct a test. The test topic is very simple. He writes the full name of the words "British, European" and so on, but every time he They all answered the mistakes because the full name of "British, European" is different every time.

“Is there really a past life, has there been seven or eight or countless different versions of the Earth?”

Li Yao muttered to himself, "But why is the life of the "dream traveler" in different life, upper life and upper life is different occupations, and I am always a middle school student in my dreams?"

Li Yao is patient and continues to look at it.

This answer originally ended here, but after two days, the dream traveler revised the answer and added a few. It looks like his response to the comments of netizens.

"You all say that this phenomenon is not surprising. There is a reasonable explanation in science, called 'simultaneity perception', which is a small defect produced by the human brain during evolution, which occurs when short-term memory is transcribed into long-term memory. Interference and confusion - good, very good explanation.

"Including this question - 'What kind of spiritual events have you experienced?' Below, all the answers, you have given a plausible explanation, either coincidence, or illusion, or long-term memory confusion Even large-scale mass snoring. In short, you just don't want to believe, or can't believe the existence of a spiritual event. You will only hunch your head in the grave of science, deceiving yourself and swindling.

"But have you ever thought that the truth of 'the sense of sight' is not the same? In case of 'previous life', 'parallel world' or 'revolutionary space' really exists? In case there is some kind of cosmic scale Science, can we completely cover our planet-scale science?

"Humans are so fond of deceiving creatures.

"Even if there are countless people in this post who have made it clear that they have indeed encountered a spiritual event, you readers will not be at all in your heart. You will only blindly believe in the so-called 'science'. 'All smiled.


"Whether you wake up or not wake up, whether you open your eyes or not, whether you can find the most authentic answer, destruction, it is hard to avoid."

The dream traveler wrote here, and the anger of his pen was overwhelming.

Li Yao is more and more serious, and he thinks of a series of strange things happening to him. He is more and more suspicious of the true and false of this world.

Next, it seems that other readers have also expressed serious doubts about the words of the dream traveler. They asked him "If we really live in the 'revolution space', is it all true, including ourselves? ?"

"Cogito ergo sum."

The dream traveler replied, "We are the human beings of the spirit of all things, not the pigs driven by instinct. 'Thinking' is the only sign that we define ourselves and distinguish ourselves from the heavens and the earth, even if we really live in one In the illusory castle of the sky, the earth at our feet is a beach that will be swallowed up by the tide at any time, and our civilization is a tower built of gravel on the beach, constantly falling into the cycle of collapse and remodeling, but our thoughts are real. If there is, then our life is also real.

"The tower can collapse, but even the tens of thousands of meters of turbulent waves can not erase the fact that it once existed.

"Inversely, even if I am a madman, everything I say is mad, there is no reincarnation space and a looping earth. The earth under our feet, the air of breath, and the sun, moon and stars in the sky are all Really, the cells that make up ours are also true, but if we give up thinking and dreams, the blind lambs, the silent bricks and the ignorant piglets become a cold part of the social machine, just satisfied with The stimulation of physiological instinct - is this kind of us, is it really 'live'?

"Alive or die, real or illusory, always a problem."

This answer ends here.

But the Dream Traveler also left a few links, pointing to several of the same types of questions, including "Talk about your most bizarre dreams", "What things have you experienced that make you suspect that the world is fake / have "BUG", "Have you ever encountered any example of 'lifting your head and having a god?'", "What was the feeling of yin and yang?", "What is the feeling of depression or schizophrenia?" and many more.

Li Yao has a question, and the answer is turned down.

“Knowing it” is really the biggest bragging and loading website in the country. Most of the answers are thrilling, twists and turns, imagination is so rich, and a little modification is a very wonderful short story. Relish, you can’t stop.

Under the question "What kind of spiritual events have you encountered?", many respondents have encountered electrocardiograms with their deceased relatives, and even directly saw the deceased relatives.

Others swear to the sky that there are people in their hometown that can be psychic, such as Daxian, Gaochun, and masters.

And under the question "What things have you experienced that make you suspect that the world is fake/BUG?", the answer becomes more varied and even more bizarre, and it is astounding.

Li Yao was very impressed with one of the answers.

The respondent said that he is a member of a chain of beverage stores, and he likes to drink a drink called “Lemon Chile Ice”. The ingredients of this mixed drink include salty lemon and another mint lemon flavor. The carbonated soda, a cup on a hot summer day, bubble splashes, the thrill of carbonation, is very exciting, he has at least dozens of cups in this store in two or three years.

But on this day, when he was sweating in the sun and went to the store to buy "Lemon Keller Ice", he found that there was no bubble or carbonic acid stimulation. Like the cold herbal water, it was difficult to drink the extreme. .

The key point came - when the respondent expressed doubts to the clerk, the clerk told him that the chain's "Lemon Keller Ice" was always blended with salty lemon, pure water and special herbal bags. Adding any carbonated or soda water, there is no irritating effect, it is the main concept of natural and healthy.

At first, the respondent thought that the clerk was new, or the store adjusted the production process of the beverage, but when he did not believe in the problem, he knew his senior clerk from the store, and the agents and trainers behind the chain. After all the questions have been asked, the answer is still the same. Since the establishment of this chain store, in every store across the country, all the “Lemon Keller Ice” is the same production process, absolutely no added carbonated drinks and soda.

It was hot in the sun and the temperature was nearly forty degrees.

But the respondent seemed to fall into the ice cave, and the chill of the bones emerged from behind the brain.

“I am the old customer of this chain. I have visited here forty or fifty times in the past two years. In three times, I have two points ‘Lemon Chile Ice’.”

The respondent said with some sorrow, "I am very clear about the picture of carbon dioxide bubbles jumping on the lemon slices. I can feel the burning of their throats, and the kind of '嘶嘶嘶嘶' sound, this refreshing feeling, It is the biggest enjoyment in the summer afternoon. Can I even make a mistake?

"But the clerk can't lie to me. The trainers at the chain store headquarters are even less likely to lie to me. They are indeed true. They have never provided the kind of 'Lemon Keller Ice' in my memory!

"Is this really a BUG in my memory, or is there a BUG in the whole world? Until today, I still haven't figured out what is going on."

This answer, let Li Yao also stunned for a long time, took a deep breath, and then continued to turn down the comments on the answer.

Then he saw the commentary of "Dream Traveler".

"Maybe, you remember correctly, and the clerk did not lie to you?"

The dream traveler said to the respondent, "It is not that your memory is too bad, but that your memory is too good, for some unknown reason, or is - the world has a BUG, ​​so that some of your memory cells are restored. Go to the state of 'Last World' or 'Previous Version'.

“When you were in the last generation, 'Lemon Keller Ice' is indeed a carbonated soda or soda. You probably like this drink very much, it has left a deep mark on your memory cells. It has continued to the 'this world'. However, the earth of this world has undergone subtle changes in many details. For you, it is a 'lemon Qile ice'.

"There is no need to panic. Our planet is often BUG. You have already gathered about 170,000 people to watch this issue. There are 30,000 answers in total, even though 90% of them are swearing, only 10% are real. That also means that we have observed 3,000 BUGs of the Earth, aren't they?

"My name is ‘dream traveler’. This is my personal homepage and contact information. I often encounter similar things and have accumulated some small experiences. I have the opportunity to communicate more!”

This is a new clue.

Li Yao entered the personal homepage of the Dream Traveler, but the content was similar to what he left on the Q&A website, but it was more detailed.

However, in the lower right corner of the personal homepage, he still left his private phone, and welcomed the same confusion all over the country, or found a friend of the "Earth BUG" to call.

Li Yao stared at the phone number for a long time, and some hesitated to call the past.


"What things have you experienced that make you suspect that the world is fake/BUG?" is true in the country's largest question-and-answer forums, and the respondent who confuses the taste of lemon drinks is also Really exist, there is no way to release the link here, but everyone is interested, you can see it by yourself. As of now, there are already 30,000 answers, that is, 30,000 cases of "Earth BUG" have been discovered.

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