Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3189: can not explain

At this moment, it was the darkest time before dawn. There was a faint ambiguity between the heavens and the earth. The whole world seemed to be swallowed by monsters and fell into the rancid stomach. Only a lone lamp at the nightingale stalls confronted the strong darkness.

The dream traveler should be sleeping, and Li Yao is not allowed to call someone so early, whether it will be unpleasant.

However, if you think about it carefully, from the emotional analysis that emerged from the lines of the dream traveler, he should be very lonely, and he is very eager to communicate with friends who have similar experiences.

Li Yao really can't wait, just turn his heart and call directly.

A melancholy and low-pitched ring tones reverberated for half a minute. No one answered. Maybe the other person adjusted the phone to silent mode before going to sleep.

Li Yao waited for ten minutes. When he wanted to call the past again, the lights hanging on the nightingale stalls were gone.

The sky in the east is faintly smeared with a few **** colors, and the stars in the western sky are flickering. At the foot of Li Yao, the earth begins to tremble, as if from a hard solid to a sloppy semi-fluid, there is a certain A mysterious and terrifying force is going to break through.

The bosses and couples of the nightingale stalls and the diners around Li Yao are shaking.


Li Yao and the boss and the diners face each other and did not react for a while.

Jiangnan City is located in the eastern coastal area and is not in the tectonic belt. Historically, there have been few serious earthquakes. In the last thirty or fifty years, even the shadow of the earthquake has not been seen.

Therefore, until the shaking of the earth became more and more serious, the pots and pans of the nightingale stalls all slammed together, and the "clam dangling" was screaming, and the talents suddenly came across.

The boss and the couple yelled and hurriedly pushed the nightingale stalls to the middle of the road, avoiding the tall buildings on both sides. Besides, they seemed to have nothing to do, one by one, shrinking their heads and opening their mouths. Looking at the hundreds of windows at the same time, the "哗, 哗啦" vibrations.

In a short time, almost all the windows of the high-rise buildings were lit up with lights, and there were bursts of sounds like chickens and dogs jumping. Some people even looked at their clothes and looked at them from the window with sleepless eyes. Fortunately, the intensity of the earthquake was not too high. High, people’s minds are still awake, no one has done stupid things that jumped directly from the three or five floors, but many people ran down from the corridor and gathered in the middle of the road and on the square, some confused Looking at the sky that is gradually clear.

The earthquake subsided and lasted for three or five minutes.

No, more accurately, it is not an earthquake, but a "seismic sense". The epicenter should be far from Jiangnan City. Such a shock can not cause any substantial loss.

Now that the dawn has been ushered in, the people who are horrified at the scene are not willing to go back to sleep. They gather together to discuss, guessing where the earthquake has occurred, and some young people who are just smug, staring at those rushing throws. Come out, the girls who didn’t even wear the shoes, there was no tension at all.

Li Yao did not feel a cold fear.

The predictions of the dream traveler are being fulfilled in one piece, first of all the death of the imaginary world creators, followed by various natural disasters such as the earthquake.

Li Yao stared at the newsletter page of the mobile phone and refreshed it again and again. Sure enough, after ten minutes, I brushed out the latest news:

"In the early hours of the morning, an earthquake measuring 9.2 on the Richter scale in the western Pacific Ocean, the epicenter was very close to Edo Bay, which caused serious disturbance in the eastern part of the island. According to the tsunami warning issued by the Fuso Meteorological Agency, there was a tsunami at least 15 meters high. The islands have been attacked one after another. Sources pointed out that the earthquake may become the biggest crisis that Fuso has suffered since the Second World War. It is not even ruled out. This is only a precursor to a series of strong earthquakes!"

Because it is a news that has just happened, the news is very simple.

But Li Yao knows that the shorter the news, the bigger the truth.

Things are clear - Fusang Islands is a series of islands in the Pacific Ocean, while Jiangnan City stands on a solid continental shelf. The earthquake in the eastern part of the island has even a sense of earthquake in Jiangnan City thousands of miles away. Is it really only 9.2?

The news website has its own workflow, and the response to the earthquake is unlikely to be so fast, but the social media has already sent a lot of short videos from Fusang, which can be seen through the shaking picture. One of the best super metropolises is immersed in a flame and smoke. The shrill alarm sounds a wave higher than a wave. It really seems to be back in the bombing of World War II, and there are all kinds of true and false trails. Flying, saying that at least half of the dozen or so nuclear power plants in the eastern part of the island had serious nuclear accidents, and the radiation index even exceeded that of Chernobyl that year. The situation has completely lost control.

Li Yao secretly sighed, there is a kind of calmness, and the feeling of storming his head and brain.

"not good!"

Suddenly he shuddered deeply and went to the community where Zhang Daniu lived.

"If, if the dream traveler is saying that it is true, then the big calf is not very dangerous?"

Li Yao can't hide his body shape, like a string of arrows between the streets, "Although the earthquake in the Pacific Ocean could not cause any damage to Jiangnan City, but 'some kind of power' with the help of the earthquake Yu Wei, killing one or two people, is more than enough!"

Li Yao ran into the old neighborhood just now.

At this time, many people have gathered on the roads of the community. The elderly have a shallow sleep. Once they are awakened, it is difficult to fall asleep again. They simply gather to discuss the things just now and prepare for exercise.

Under the eyes of the public, Li Yao naturally could no longer display the skills of the gecko climbing the wall. He could only walk honestly on the fifth floor of the corridor. The time was tight and the door was locked. Li Yao simply snorted, "砰", a kick Opened the door of the big cattle home.


Zhang Daniu is still slamming the keyboard and making a series of dense crashes. The earthquake just did not have a slight impact on him. His eyes changed from deep depression to violent, completely stained with blood.


On the left hand side of a row of bookshelves, which are covered with thick and heavy hardcover books and encyclopedic lexicons, have been shaken by the earthquake, accompanied by the author's strength to eat milk, exaggerated tapping carriage return action, The angle of inclination is becoming more and more obvious, like a crumbling cliff, which will collapse to him at any time.

Many of these hardcover books and encyclopedias are printed on coated paper. They are sharp and angular, and they are solid to the extreme. They are no different from bricks. If you get on the head of your head, you may be able to find out what is long and short.

"Cattle brother!"

Li Yao screamed and rushed over.

Just as he rushed past, "哗啦", the bookshelf together with the above-mentioned encyclopedia dictionary and hardcover book really collapsed, sharp book edges and book corners went straight to the author's temple.


Zhang Da Niu suddenly provoked a spirit, was awakened by Li Yao’s violent drink, and turned back a little.

"Go away!"

Li Yao did not have time to resist or cuddle. He simply jumped up and kicked a kick. He directly took the author to the corner and replaced the author with the consequences of the collapse of the bookshelf.


Li Yao and Zhang Daniu also screamed at the same time.

When Li Yao was easy to climb out of the chaotic book pile, the first thing was not to check his own injuries, but to see Zhang Danniu in the corner.

Fortunately, he took power in time, in addition to kicking the author a black-eyed green and bumping his nose and face, it should, as if, did not hurt the brain.

Zhang Daniu was finally awake.

But he was more confused than when he was sleepwalking. He stared at Li Yao for a long time, his expression gradually changed from confusion to pain, and he slammed his hands, his head and his ass.

"This, what is the situation?"

Zhang Da Niu holds his head and grins his teeth. "My head hurts. I remember, it seems to be drunk..."


Li Yao climbed out of the pile of books and leaned in front of the author. He nodded. "Niu Ge, you are drunk, and it is normal after a hangover."

"So how is my hand so painful?"

Zhang Da Niu looked at his ten fingers that were swollen into carrots and found that his nails were cracked. It was difficult to set the channel. "I, what am I doing?"

"You may not believe it when you say it."

Li Yaodao, "You have been writing in sleepwalking."

"Yes, I am sleepwalking again?"

It seems that this is not the first time that Zhang Daniu has done "dream writing". He didn't doubt this, but he touched his ass. "Oh, it hurts all over the body, sore and sore, especially Ass, buttocks are also very painful, not right, drinking on the head, but also up to the ass!"


Li Yao thought for a moment, "Niu Ge, you started to sleepwalking writing at 11:00 in the middle of the night. For five or six hours, you stuck to the chair and didn't move. The blood circulation was not smooth, and there was a bit of back pain. Hip discomfort is very normal and very reasonable."

"is it?"

Zhang Da Niu grabbed two butts again, and approved this statement, but he stared at Li Yao for a while, and suddenly remembered one thing.

"You are... Oh, you are Li Yao, the brother of the little rabbit in Xinghai. We had a drink together last night, but hey, but I remember you were not gone last night? I think I thought, you sent me home, you left, and I closed the door very hard. I have the impression that you must have gone!"

Zhang Daniu reached out and touched the phone. "What time are you doing here?"

"Now it's five and a half in the morning, Niu Ge, you don't know, something big - earthquake!"

Li Yaodao, "The West Pacific has just had a 9.2-magnitude earthquake. We have a sense of earthquake in Jiangnan City. I am worried that you will have an accident. Come and see it. This is not, just catch up!"


Zhang Da Niu’s eyes widened and the whole person was suddenly awake. “Because of the earthquake in the Pacific Ocean, you rushed to the school from me at 5:00 in the morning to remind me to be careful... you, you How come in?"

"This one--"

Li Yao did not know how to answer.

The two face each other, big eyes and small eyes, suddenly, the muscles of Zhang Da Niu's body are tightened, and his face suddenly becomes pale.

"Wait, you really went back to school last night, even if you didn't go back to school, anyway, you sent me home, are you leaving?"

Zhang Da Niu asked for a trembling voice.


How can Li Yao answer?

"Then, since you sent me home, you left -"

Zhang Da Niu asked, "How do you know that I am still dreaming to write a novel in the middle of the night?"

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