Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

: Fish girl eleven empty earthquake

The last moment is finally here.

All the people and important facilities in the fleet were carried to the starship. Almost all the starships also retreated to a safe distance, and all the psionic shields were opened to ensure that the explosion would not cause any damage to them.

Because they are exploring a new and dangerous unknown star field, such protection measures are justified. Shannua is not suspicious, still obeying human orders, rushing to patrol the Xinghai, sweeping in the gravel star belt, The human starship opens up a vast waterway and uses its strong body to trigger and resist all suspected threats and help humans "sweep".

It sends a message to the human fleet again and again through brain waves: "Everything is normal, it is safe, you can move forward, everything is normal, you can confirm safety, you can move forward!"

And a few fully automated unmanned starships floated toward it and prepared to act as a signal relay node to activate the "popping hormone" embedded in it.

Everyone in the fleet passed through the three-dimensional light curtain, gazing at the scene, staring at the empty hunter who accompanied them for hundreds of years and walked to the end of their lives.

Human expressions are complex.

Some people are embarrassed, some people lament, some people are tangled, and some people are filled with the enthusiasm of "the spirit of all things", and believe that the complete obliteration of the existence of the emptiness hunter is the starting point for human beings to truly rise in the sea of ​​stars.

Those old people who have been dying for a long time may have remembered the days when they used to jump in the folds and gullies of Shannua, playing and playing. The middle-aged people will also think of the four-dimensional space with the empty hunters. The scene is magnificent and thrilling. The scene; only a teenager who was born in a starship has no feelings for Shannua. Human beings are not a kind of intelligent life with good memory. Even if the brain is strong, the space left for memory cells is always Limited, a lot of things, not to be forgotten for decades.

Now, they only remember that they have a strong fleet, have a sacred mission, and have the glory of being the Spirit of all things. They take it for granted. They have never experienced the human beings under the shelter of the Nether Hunter. The days of trembling, and scorning such days, are regarded as shameful shame.

Now, the shame is about to pass, and the teenagers cheer up one after another.

Pepe also watched the "explosive" live broadcast in his cabin.

She knew she shouldn't watch. She knew she couldn't stand such a cruel scene, but she couldn't help but want to see Shanuya more, even if it was the last one.

However, when the light curtain was activated, she regretted it - Shannua knew nothing about the cruel fate, still waving his tentacle very hard, swept the whole piece of gravel star, and stirred the magnetic field of life, releasing a The ripples that are invisible to the naked eye, scan the unknown space for deadly high-energy radiation.

Even for a empty hunter, such a wide range of scanning and cleaning work is quite difficult, Pepe found that Shanuya's gray-white body surface gradually appeared a piece of magnificent erythema, the girl knows that it is the emptiness of the hunter Signs, and Dad, they will launch "death" when Shannua is completely exhausted!


Pepe finally couldn't help but weep and reached out to touch the emptiness of the emptiness hunter in the light curtain. "My prince, I beg you, beg you -"

The girl does not know for herself, who should pray for and ask for something.

However, her voice did not fall, and the picture suddenly distorted.

In the depths of the unknown star field in front, as if the ink was condensed into the abyss, suddenly a strange colorful flash came.

The action of all the tentacles of Shannua ceased instantly, and the instinct of the Nether Hunter made it predict some kind of extremely dangerous sign. All its tentacles were high and turned red.

The human fleet hiding in the distance is also like a whips, and many starships have been “lightly” swayed.

Then, I haven't waited for people to figure out what is going on, the depths of the unknown star field, and suddenly shot the faint golden light!


Wan Dao Jin Mang, if the sky is raining, it will come to the human fleet.

Shannuya didn't want to, didn't want to open all the tentacles immediately, resisting the front of the human fleet, using its original and strong flesh and blood as the first line of defense.

Jin Mang Rui was unavoidable, and suddenly there were countless tentacles that were shot and riddled with holes. Even dozens of tentacles were shot by Qi Gen and slowly floated.

Through the limbs of Shannua, Jin Mang continued to advance toward the human fleet, but it became sparse and many, and they smashed the ripples on the spiritual shield of the human fleet, and made people see their full picture. This is a kind of living body between energy and matter. At first glance, it is like a crystal clear deep-sea octopus. Of course, it is a huge number of times larger than the real octopus. It is often between three and five kilometers in length. Line fish."

Xinghai is vast and interracial. Among many strange and strange aliens, golden croaker is the most speculative one. Even some scientists suspect that they are not life at all, just a special form of radiation ripple.

Generally speaking, the "character" of the golden thread is not fierce. It is not the natural enemy of the human fleet. They like to hide between the gravel star and the star storm, and occasionally perceive the existence of the human fleet, they will not hesitate to escape. Today, this group of golden thread fish gather together, impacting the human fleet, and even the sacred shields of the human fleet and the annihilation are not hesitating scenes, never seen before.

No, a closer look reveals that the golden thread is not coming to the human fleet – not so much that their purpose is to attack the human fleet, but rather they are panicked and completely fainted and cannot escape. What is on the road, just run, run, run!

What kind of threats can make the golden thread fish so flustered? It should be known that this kind of special life between matter and energy has always liked the complex and ever-changing environment and the raging Xinghai storm. The worse the environment, the stronger the radiation, the more active they are.

Now, even the golden thread fish can't stand it, fleeing in groups, what a terrible threat?

At this time, the flash from the depths of the unknown star field is more and more frequent and more and more intense. It can be clearly seen that the alternating light of red and blue, such as the raging flames, rolling in the anger, sweeping everything.

"Air shock!"

Seeing this situation, many experienced old people have changed their looks and screamed.

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