Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

: Fish girl twelve natural disasters

Air-shock is the most serious disaster that humans have encountered in the Stars.

Today, astronomers and psionicists have not figured out what the so-called "empty earthquake" is, and can only vaguely give a definition - it is like destroying the whole city, dumping the mountains The earthquake that caused the tsunami is just the "earthquake in space."

When the airborne earthquake strikes, the original three-dimensional space will become riddled, extremely fragile, and will expand, twist or collapse at any time.

The space that swept across the army was more like a deadly harvest wave, spreading in all directions.

Any life or man-made object encounters such a space-distorting wave, only completely annihilating an end.

It would be like the splendid palace of the four-dimensional space suddenly collapsed, and the torrents of debris and wreckage turned into destruction, and poured into the three-dimensional universe, which is extremely difficult to escape.

The nature of the airborne earthquake is somewhat similar to the four-dimensional storm.

However, 4D storms usually only wreak havoc in 4D space. As long as you are vigilant when you are jumping in the Xinghai Sea, you will have a great chance to survive.

There is no sign of the impact of the air-shock, and even the most stable space is likely to become an extremely distorted Shura **** in the blink of an eye.

If you have to say, if there is any signal, the alternating red and blue light may be the only sign of an airborne attack.

From the radiance of red and blue ray, to the real earthquake, often only interval - a few seconds!

No wonder the golden thread fish is so flustered, the empty earthquake is indeed the death of all harvesting, regardless of life, non-life, material or energy, all can not escape its clutches.

Through the three-dimensional light curtain, Pepe can clearly see that behind the large group of goldfish, the red and blue rays have been twisted into a huge vortex, which seems to produce a strong gravitational force, which will bring tens of thousands of golden croakers. I swallowed it in.

No matter how fast the golden squid flies, it is impossible to compete with the power of the red and blue vortex, because the vortex is directly devour the space, tearing up the whole space where the golden squid is located, and even bringing these golden squid It also turned into a little bit of firefly, and it was extinguished in an instant.

The remaining golden line fish became more and more fearful, and the escape speed suddenly increased by one level.

But the faster the speed, the distance between them and the red and blue vortex is constantly shortening, giving people a very contradictory, very strange feeling.

In a short while, the large golden thread fish were swallowed up by the red and blue whirlpools.

The red and blue whirlpools also released horrible tentacles in all directions, sweeping the large and small objects in the entire star field.

The gravel star belt was cut off by the red and blue vortex, and quickly turned into a spiral torrent. The meteorite continually accelerated, rubbed and collided in the space distortion, and smashed the shining light, which was like a burning fire. Hovering river.

The beautiful nebula also falls into the **** mouth of the empty earthquake, constantly showing the creepy pattern and ripples, as if a giant with life is trapped in the mud, struggling in vain, and finally, it is torn into a Fragments and fragments fall into the void between three and four dimensions.

Next, it is the turn of the human starship.

"Full speed retreat!"

The commander made a screaming shout on the flagship.

Before he exclaimed, many starships had turned their directions and turned their horsepower to stir up a dazzling tail flame.

Those experienced crew members even arbitrarily revoked the Psionic Shield and Force Field Interference System - because once it is captured by the air-shock, even if 1000% of the Psionic Shield is dead, it is better to revoke the shield. Put all the psionic power into the engine, run, run, and run wild!

Even so, they still can't escape the invasion of space.

The entire unknown star field has turned into boiling hot oil, and their starship is like peanuts in hot oil. At any time, it may be wrapped in a sudden bubble, and it will be blown away.

In some places, the space has expanded dramatically, and the human starship is like being torn by an invisible big handkerchief, stretching and stretching into a bunch of strange metal noodles.

In other places, the space suddenly shrinks, and the starship is either hitting an invisible wall, being smashed into a scrapped copper, or directly contracting. The original hull of hundreds of meters or even a kilometer long will be squeezed. Compressed into a metal 疙瘩 with a diameter of several tens of meters, naturally, trapped in the end of the passengers inside, can be imagined.

In some places, there are invisible gaps in the space, like the extremely thin and extremely strong metal wire, which cuts the passing starships into pieces, followed by the fireballs exploding, and the passengers are equally difficult. The number of escapes.

In just ten minutes, the fleet has lost one-tenth of the starship and population.

The remaining starships and the passengers inside are like the dead leaves in the stormy waves and the ants on the dead leaves. In front of the great power of the universe, they are dumbfounded and soulless. There is no pride in the "spirit of all things."


Pepe only felt that his medical ship was tumbling like a runaway, the artificial gravity field was completely scrapped, and everything around it floated.

Immediately afterwards, the door that had been closed was automatically opened, and the dangerous ramp was flashing everywhere on the outside ramp. It was "an emergency, abandon the ship immediately".

“Squeaky, squeaky!”

I don't know where the low-pitched metal twists came from, as if a rusty claw gently scratched Pepe's skull, scaring the girl's scalp numb, fearful.

The medical ship may be disintegrated at any time, and she must find the escape capsule before the starship is completely scrapped.

There were explosions everywhere on the ramp. There were fire everywhere. There were scorching smog everywhere. Pepe couldn’t go out like this. The girl returned to the room and pulled a first aid kit from under the bed and opened it. There is a set of silver flashing protective clothing.

Wearing a protective suit and adjusting the power spout, I was about to leave, and Pepe’s eyes suddenly settled.

The three-dimensional light curtain in the room miraculously kept up and running, showing her around the medical ship.

Pepe saw a very familiar, red-red tentacle.

It is Shannua.

Shanuya struggled to swim, open his tentacles, and resisted between the space frenzy and the human fleet!

This Nether Hunter still doesn't know that humans are deliberately coming here, they are going to put it to death.

It faithfully carries out its own birth, human beings instilled its mission, to the greatest extent possible to resist the various dangers in the universe and to protect the safety of human life and property.


After tomorrow, my son took the son to the water park to play, it is not convenient to bring a computer, please take two days off, everyone understands Ha!

In addition, the new book already has a look, everyone can add a group of books, study together, if successful, is expected to be issued in mid-September!

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