“Captain Gibek, my informant has received news that someone has captured two stupid Draco, and Admiral Yellow Ape of the Navy Headquarters is now on his way to Chambord.” Xia Qi put down the phone worm in his hand and spoke.

“The admiral came so soon, it seems that the fishing operation has to end early.” Locke sighed.

“Sure enough, it’s Captain, your person, the natural thunder fruit ability, and the golden spaceship.” Xia Qi said with a smile.

“I’ll go first today, Xia Qi, Renly, we’ll see you soon.” Locke grinned.

With that, he left the bar with Robin.

“Old Ray, you don’t have to worry too much, I can feel that the current Captain Rox is very different from before, and I don’t feel the anger in him that wants to destroy the world.”

After watching Locke go away, Xia Qi said with a serious exhortation.

“I hope so.” Renly smiled wryly.

“And even if he really wants to do something again, this time, even if Roger regenerates and joins forces with Karp again, I am afraid that he will not be able to stop him.”


About a quarter of an hour later.

Locke takes Robin back to the Golden Ark.

Robin returns to the history of the three-story cabin, while Locke goes down to the prison at the bottom of the cabin.

In the temporary addition of prison, there are six pirates, all of them are covered in smoke, which is caused by the lightning strike of Anilu.

In the torture room separated from the prison wall, the screams of the Draco echoed one after another.

Anilu was originally a cruel person, and only appeared restrained in front of Locke.

After six years of brutal rule over the empty island, Anilu accumulated a lot of experience in torture and torture.

At this time, it was just right to use it on the arrogant world aristocratic Draco.

“What a descendant of the bullshit creator, but just a bunch of scum and bedbugs that are inferior to mortals.” Anilu smiled grimly.

“You remember to me, provoke us Draco, the admiral will arrive soon, and by then it will be too late for you to ask for mercy.”

Rozwald, who had always been domineering, still viciously opened his mouth to threaten.

“Yehahahaha, it seems that the lesson I gave you is not enough, but let’s let the master personally ‘teach’ you.” Ani Road.

“Shock boy, raise the ark to a height of five thousand meters, and the admirals they say are also temporarily handed over to you.” Locke Road.

“Understood.” Anilu nodded.

“By the way, let me remind you first, this time your opponent is also a natural ability, a shining fruit of the natural department.” Locke Road.

“Nature is a shining fruit, this is not to be missed, flash and thunder, who is stronger and weaker? We’ll see you today. Anilu spoke expectantly.

Looking at Anilu’s confident appearance, Locke only slightly did not hit him as usual.

The natural thunder fruit and the shining fruit are indeed between Bozhong.

It’s just that compared to the Admiral Ape, Anilu is finally a little younger.

“You you… Who are you again? What is the owner of this ship? I tell you that we are extremely noble Draco, and now that I release us, I can spare your life.” ”

Draco Rozwald looked at Locke and spoke incoherently.


All that responded to him was a big foot that landed on his face and stomped on it crookedly.

If it weren’t for the fact that these wastes were still useful, Locke would have already crushed the corpses of these obstructive fools into pieces.

Soon, there was the sound of footsteps on the floor with high heels outside.

Pirate Emperor Boyahan Cook looked confused, wondering what Locke wanted to do when he called her to this place?

Is it possible to finally reveal your nature?

The female emperor Boyahan Cook knocked on the door of the torture room with both nervousness and some expectation.

The door opens.

The first thing that caught Boyahan Cook’s sight was the Draco who fell to the ground like two piles of mud.

For Boyahan Cook, who spent four years of hell in Mary Joa, the bubble hood, the clothes, and the ugly face that had woken her up from nightmares countless times were so familiar.

After many years, she once again saw Draco, who left her infinite fear and shadow.

At this moment, Boyahan Cook’s pretty face turned pale, and painful memories from the past emerged like a tide, overwhelming her almost breathlessly.


The pirate female emperor, who has always been invincible and arrogant in front of others, could hardly stand on her feet at this time, and her steps stumbled.

Locke grabbed the stumbling Boyahan Cook and brought his entire body into his arms.

“Calm down, Boyahan Cook, aren’t you a pirate emperor? Now you’re just facing two wastes, and you’re so scared that you can’t even stand on your feet, which is really ugly. Locke scolded.

“No, you don’t know, you don’t know what exactly I went through in the past, take me away quickly, don’t let me see these people again.” Boyahan Cook lay in Locke’s arms and shouted almost uncontrollably.

“I know, whether it’s the mark on your back or your past, I know it.” Locke Road.

“You know it all.” When the biggest secret in his heart was revealed, Boyahan Cook suddenly became cold, his head became more and more low, and he did not dare to look at Locke again.

Locke lifted his hand to hold Boyahan Cook’s smooth chin and forced her to look at himself.

“You… You didn’t look down on me? Boyahan Cook murmured with hazy eyes, and she couldn’t see the slightest hint of ridicule or disdain in Locke’s eyes.

He hasn’t changed because of her former slave status.

“The past is gone, are you really willing to let these scum become your nightmare forever? In front of you now, they are just a bunch of useless waste, now kill them and make them feel a thousand times more pain from you. ”

Locke cut to the chase, using his own overlord-colored domineering to pull the domineering king in Boyahan Cook’s body.


Under the torture of Anilu, one of the thighs of the unconscious Draco Charros turned into a puddle of meat sauce at Locke’s feet.

“Look, it’s just a very simple thing.” Locke smiled and encouraged.

Boyahan Cook closed his beautiful eyes and took a deep breath.

When her beautiful eyes reopened, the fear of the past in the depths of her eyes had dissipated by half, that is, the overlord-colored power contained in her body was recovering, making her return to her original position as a proud female emperor.


“Don’t, spare me!”

“No, no, don’t kill me, I’m a dragon… Aaaaaah! ”

In the small torture room, blood was splattered and the screams continued.

This is revenge from the Pirate Emperor.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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