Chapter 70 Thunder VS Flash Saab into the Advancement City [9 more subscription]



The night was dark, and there was a constant roar in the area of Chambordi Island No. 07.

Those who shine with the dazzling lightning light cannot open their eyes.

The noble Draco who stood at the apex of the world was captured, and two at a time.

This is a first-level major incident that has not happened for many years, and it is impossible for the naval side not to pay attention to it.

In order to rescue the captured Rozwald father and son, the sailors of the Chambord Naval Base poured out.

However, with the cooperation of Anilu’s overwhelming thunder fruit ability and heart net, the navy side could not get half a point.

The area of Island Seven was devastated by their fierce battles.

The ground was scorched black under the terrifying lightning strike.

The huge No. 7 mangrove tree exploded under the power of lightning.

“Yehahahaha, you only have this level, this is the so-called most powerful navy in Qinghai? It’s really useless, so it’s not even a warm-up for me. In mid-air, Anilu stood proudly in the air, wantonly mocking.

Listening to Anilu’s taunts of them, the sailors who were still barely able to maintain their combat strength became angry.

If eyes could kill, then Anilu would have died hundreds of times.

“Damn, this thunderous bastard, isn’t it his own ability…”

“Hateful, such a powerful natural ability, why let this kid eat it with good luck, this should belong to our righteous navy.”

“What about the general? Hasn’t the general of the headquarters arrived yet? ”


At this moment, a bright golden light suddenly lit up in the dark night sky, and the speed was extremely fast.

From the distant edge of the sky to the battlefield of Chambord, it took less than a breath.

The smile on Anilu’s face gradually narrowed, and his eyes stared at the shining golden point of light not far ahead.

Countless photons converged from all directions, gradually condensing into a human figure from foot to head.

“General, it’s the Yellow Ape General of the headquarters!”

“The yellow ape general has finally arrived, and that bastard can finally no longer be arrogant.”

“That bastard is thunder, and the yellow ape general is a flash.”

After seeing the wretched old man with his own light special effects in mid-air, the navy sailors were boiling and shouted in surprise.

“Hey, hey, this is really tragic, if I come for a while, my subordinates will be destroyed by your lightning.” The general Yellow Ape pouted lewdly and spoke.

“You are the general they are expecting with the ability of the Natural System Flash Fruit?” Anilu asked rhetorically.

“You’re the arrogant thunder boy lately, but what about your rumored golden spaceship? Can you let me see that those two stupid Draco father and son are still on that ship, are they still alive? General Yellow Ape asked.

“Who knows? You’ll know when I grab you on the boat. Anilu spoke confidently.

“What a scary newcomer.” The yellow ape didn’t care about his shoulders.



In the sky, golden light and blue electric light flashed at the same time, staggering each other.

The sailors on the ground only felt that their eyes flickered, and they didn’t even have time to see that Anilu and the yellow ape in the sky had already switched positions.

“Look, that thunder bastard’s waist has been cut open.”

“How is it possible, a hole appeared in the chest of the yellow ape general.”

Looking at the two facing each other in the sky, some young sailors suddenly exclaimed.

“What’s the fuss, the Yellow Ape General is a natural fruit ability, that level of damage is not a harm at all, in the same way, that thunder bastard is the same.” A veteran naval soldier scolded.

Sure enough, in the next second, whether it was the huge opening in Anilu’s waist or the puncture on the yellow ape’s chest, it was healing as before, and there was no trace of the wound in sight.

“It’s really a terrible thunderbolt, it can keep up with my speed.” The yellow ape pretended to be terrified again.

“Yehahahaha, you flash man is not bad, it seems that it will take some effort to catch you.” Ani Road.

“Thirty million volts – Thunderbird”

Anilu drank loudly, took out the ‘golden hoop stick’ and knocked on the taiko drum on the left, and then quickly beat the taiko drum on the right.

“Thirty Million Volts – Thunder Beast”

As Anilu’s loud shouts fell, sharp birdsong and beast roars appeared in the sky at the same time.

A huge lightning bird emerges from the taiko drum on the left side of Ani Road and soars into the sky.

Similarly, from the taiko drum on the right, a ferocious beast composed entirely of thunder and lightning roared into the world.


With an order, the two fierce birds and beasts that emerged from the illusion swooped towards the yellow ape with devastating thunder light.

“The young people are really anxious lately.” The yellow ape muttered to himself carelessly, and there was not the slightest fear on his lewd face.


Thunder and flashes of light meet in the sky, blooming with endless light, illuminating the sky, making the entire Chambordi islands as bright as day.

Looking at the amazing battle in the sky, the supernova who remained on the island could not help but be shocked.

This duel between those with natural abilities, thunder vs flash, the battle of the two similar strongest abilities is destined to be protracted, and it is impossible to divide the victory and defeat in a short period of time.


The Chambord Land is in chaos, and the Deep Sea Great Prison Advance City, far away in the windless zone, is not calm at the moment, and something extraordinary is happening.

For example, there are many fewer surveillance phone worms all over the big prison for no reason;

The screen in the monitoring room went black for no reason;

In what should have been uninhabited, a vague ghostly shadow suddenly appeared.

All kinds of strange phenomena made Magellan, the director of the advancing city, arouse a high degree of vigilance, after all, it is a special period when the war with the Four Emperors Whitebeard Pirate Group is about to begin, and no matter how careful you are, you can’t be too hungry.

“Hannibal, haven’t you found it yet? Intruders. Magellan frowned and spoke in a deep voice.

“Yes, Director Magellan, there is no such thing as an intruder, or there is no such thing as an intruder at all, after all, this is the advance city, who has a well-fed brain to break the invasion of this doomed copper wall.” Advancing City Deputy Administrator Hannibal Road.

“Magellan, this bastard must be too tired to hallucinate, if he reports it, he will definitely take this opportunity to let him rest well, so that the position of director is not in my pocket.” Hannibal thought to himself, but he didn’t know that he accidentally said it.

Sensing Magellan’s resentful gaze and purple poisonous gas, Hannibal’s face suddenly changed.

“It’s not good, I accidentally said that I leaked my mouth, I hate Magellan, don’t attack with poison gas if you have the ability.”


At the same time, the Deep Sea Great Prison advanced into the five underground layers of the extremely cold hell.

Thousands of miles of snow.

This is a cold world, and I don’t know how to form such a natural weather in a prison.

On the white snowfield, a young man in a gentleman’s hat walked side by side with a man in a black feather coat.

“It should be coming soon, according to the information provided by Murray, the entrance to the secret place where Ivankov is located is near here.” Saab, chief of staff of the revolutionary army, spoke.

“Who are you? What’s the matter with looking for the queen? ”


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