Four and a Half Years Old Prophet is Pampered by Ten Brothers

Chapter 781: The crow's mouth is ready to move

"Small, Lele wants to rejuvenate with his magic hand!"

[Divine Mathematical System: No problem. 】

With a trick to rejuvenate, the orchard owner's body was visibly thinner, and when the weight loss reached a certain level, it stopped.

At this time, Xiao Niwa chanted another spell, and everyone who heard the spell felt refreshed.

Qiu also walked out of the makeshift hut in the orchard, holding a glass of water in his hand, and handing it to the little milk baby.

The little milk girl blinked at him, and Qiu blinked at the same time, meaning that Shui had already handled it according to the old rules.

The small round face immediately crooked eyebrows and eyes.

The little nanny chanted a very long spell to the glass of water again, and then he uncovered the cloth tape.

"Well, this is the finished product after putting a lot of precious materials. After you drink it, your body will feel more comfortable."

Realizing that his weight has dropped a lot, the owner of the orchard drank it in one breath without any doubt.

After drinking, he smashed his mouth, "Sure enough, it's a good thing. It tastes sweet, but not greasy."

Zhuang Yan was silent.

He had just clearly smelled the smell of brown sugar water.

The little milk girl squinted and smiled, stretched out her hand, and Qiu also handed over a bottle of mineral water.

The mineral water bottle has been opened, but there is not much water in it.

"This is the potion you need to drink for the next three days. Drink a little with each meal. The dosage is up to you, but within three days, you must drink all of it. If you drink less, your weight will rebound."

The orchard owner immediately dispelled his previous thoughts, no longer thinking about saving a sum of treatment costs.

He got up from the recliner, wanted to jump a few times, thinking of his waist, and silently changed the way of celebration.

"I will call my family over immediately, and they will live in Zhuangzi not far away."

"Go go," the little milk baby said with a good temper, "Le Le Club has been waiting for you here~"

[The arithmetic system: After all, it's hard to find a fool. 】

When the owner of the orchard left, Zhuang Yan asked, "The water just now..."

"It's a potion! The best potion!" The little milk baby quickly emphasized.

Zhuang Yan was silent for a few seconds, "The curse you chanted..."

"It's a spell that can get rid of bad luck, grievances and other messy things, but it's hard to hard!"

Zhuang Yan can only believe it.

Although he thinks that treating such patients is easy for the little milk baby, she is the only one who can, and he is not easy to intervene.

"There are still a few patients in the scientific research society, as long as you explain clearly to them, they are willing to pay the fee and ask you to do it."

"Wait for Lele to take a look at their photos before deciding whether to have money."

Several team members looked at each other.

A team member said: "Could it be that the cost of these potions is not high? Are you just fooling that orchard owner?"


The players knew, "But why are you specifically targeting that person?"

The little milk baby groaned: "How can a kind and generous person like Lele target people casually? Don't slander Lele!"

Team members: "..."

Shi Yuanbai is proficient in the art of physiognomy.

He said indifferently: "Just now, that person has been in business for many years. Facing individual customers, he always lacks two pounds and is shoddy. Facing the purchasers, he has been making small moves constantly and has taken a lot of advantage over the years. The younger sister just let him Spit out the greedy money."

The team members suddenly realized that, looking at the eyes of the little milk baby, they were full of admiration.

"Little Taoist friends are really enthusiastic!"

"Little Taoist friends are very masterful! Disrespectful and disrespectful!"

The little milk baby raised her chin proudly, put her hands behind her back, and tried her best to assume the posture that a master should have. Unfortunately, in the eyes of others, children imitate adults, only cute, not majestic.

Seeing her triumphant, Shi Yuan said coldly, "All the money you collect has to be donated."

Little milk baby: The cat is lost.Jpg

"Okay, donate, donate, anyway, it doesn't belong to Lele."

Seeing that the dumb hair was slouched, Qiu Ye squinted at Master Yuan Bai, "Senior Brother Nine, it is better to talk less today, and be careful to catch your tongue."


Qiu Ye: "I just kindly suggest, brother don't need to take it to heart."

Shi Yuanbai wanted to scold someone, but was afraid of being spoken by the crow, so he could only shut up.

After the orchard owner's family is treated, the little milk baby gets a lot of money. At this time, ask the orchard owner where the fruits are going, and the other party is very cooperative.

Several hours have passed since I got the specific list.

Before leaving, Zhuang Yan said coldly, "Until the investigation results come out, don't sell fruit anymore."

The owner of the orchard rolled his eyes a few times, and said with a flattering smile, "Of course, we will definitely cooperate with your work!"

Zhuang Yan pursed his lips, he had already seen the duplicity of this man. I am afraid that if they turn their heads and leave, this person will continue to sell fruit.

Just when he hesitated, a little milk sound inserted, "Yes, Lele reminds you, your disease is easy to rebound. If you sell it to the outside world, you will become a fat pig~"

I don't know if the owner of the orchard believed it or not. After sending a few people away, he closed the gate directly.

A team member came over, "President, I will stay and supervise them."

Zhuang Yan: "Yes, remember to tell him that if the orchard loses money due to the investigation, he can apply and get compensation at that time."

Of course, this compensation must be lower than the market price of the fruit, but at least it will not make people lose money.

During this period, Zhuang Yan called several people in Gongnan and asked them to send someone to support.

When the arrangements were made, it was already sun and sunset, the afterglow of the setting sun dyed the Xiaogang River red, and the water was sparkling.

Several people stood by the river, frowning and thinking.

"Just one person, none of us can detect it," Shi Yuanbai said coldly, "I'm afraid the problem lies in the bottom of the river."

Dirt and river water are easy to detect. You must check the bottom of the river, either by diving into the river or emptied of the river.

Under the premise of unknown circumstances, diving into the river is too risky.

The little nanny covered her mouth and thought deeply.

"If Lele can't see it and can't smell it," the little milk girl gave a pertinent answer, "it should be related to the seal. Only in this way, it is difficult for all kinds of breaths to leak out."

She rubbed her nose, obviously dissatisfied that the strange breath could escape her nose.

"If it's a seal," Zhuang Yan answered, "then the whole river must be emptied to expose the riverbed, and I will report to the upper side."

After speaking, Zhuang Yan again proposed a dinner party.

"This matter will not be resolved for a while. The scientific research committee will send all hands to search for the symptomatic cases, and then restrict the sale of fruits. It should be controlled."

"No hurry, no hurry~"

The little milk baby thought of another thing Gongnan had asked for, waved her hand and motioned to Zhuang Yan to bend down.

Zhuang Yan did it subconsciously, and then, a small hand touched his eyelid.

The opponent moves gently, with little strength, and does not have any attack power. It was as if a gust of wind was blowing over those two symbols.

Qiu also took a breath, and the crow's mouth was about to move.

After touching a few times, the little milk girl said crisply, "Actually, there is another way to test it, Xiaozhuangzhuang, you can use the magic eye, wherever the magic eye goes, the magical magic is completely eliminated, which is better than our current methods. Easy to use!"

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