At the moment when he heard the proposal, Zhuang Yan felt a sense of disgust.

This disgust is not aimed at the little milk baby, but his blood, his ability.

When he didn't know the truth, he instinctively loathed his abilities. After knowing it... he never used it again.

Zhuang Yan straightened up and said nonchalantly, "I will report to my superiors and apply for the entire river to be spared. By the way, people will be stationed nearby and ordinary people are forbidden to approach."

Ignoring the puffy face of the little milk baby, Zhuang Yan raised his foot and walked towards the parking direction.

The little milk baby didn't catch up, "It turns out that you are a liar. Before, you obviously said that you want to protect the people. Anyone who violates the purpose must get out of the scientific research club. But now, you are the first to violate."

Zhuang Yan stopped and didn't look back.

The little milk baby hugged her hand and provocatively said, "Do you think Lele is wrong? To be honest, if you don't use magic eyes, Lele can beat you down with just one finger. Just like that, where are you capable of protecting yourself? To protect the people?"

Several team members paled with fright. Their eyes were hesitating between Zhuang Yan and the little milk baby, for fear that Zhuang Yan would suddenly violently repair the little milk baby.

"Auntie, little ancestor, don't say a few words."

The little nanny gave them a squint, "It has nothing to do with you, you will wait for the carriage return!"

Several team members were tangled.

Zhuang Yan's cold voice came from ahead, "Enter in the car."

A few team members hurriedly left, for fear that one step later would be affected by the war.

One of them thought about it, and called Gong Nan to report the situation here.

Zhuang Yan turned his head and looked at the bulging little milk baby. His eyes were dark and his emotions were even more complicated. "You don't understand."

"Of course, Lele is not you, how can you understand your feelings towards Demon Eye and Bloodline?"

She was so frank, but Zhuang Yan had nothing to say.

The little milk baby started talking again, "Lele doesn't understand, Coke can detect your disgust. Why is it disgusting? It may be because it is the beginning of conspiracy and tragedy, but can your disgust change the facts?"

Zhuang Yan made a fist, his eyes getting more and more obscure.

"It can't be changed, so why not accept it?" The little milk baby tilted her head, with doubts on her face, "Lele is not you, but if Lele is you, she will definitely make good use of this ability to help more people. "

She raised a finger, "This is Zhuang Renfei, who has been the owner of the banker. They also have the ability of the magic eye. They help the bad guys, so the ability of the magic eye is super disgusting and super trash!"

Zhuang Yan's eyelids trembled slightly.

The little milk baby raised a finger of the other hand, "This is you, and it also has the ability of the magic eye. If you help everyone and rebuild the scientific research society, then the magic eye is super cute, super useful, and will be used by everyone. Sing praises."

When Xiao Naiwa talked about great principles, it was a set. She had been affected by Yun Laoguan's subjective ears for many years. The old master is Lao Huyou, she is Xiao Huyou.

"The point has never been the ability of the magic eye, but the person who uses it. The magic eye is dead, and people are alive. What if the source of the magic eye is not good? Just use a good person."

After speaking the last sentence, the little milk baby shut up and stood still staring at Zhuang Yan, only to find that the other party hadn't said anything, almost becoming a pufferfish.

Angrily, she walked to Qiu Ye's side and stretched out to hug.

Before Qiu was hugging, a few people heard Zhuang Yan's voice.

"I didn't like you very much before, and now I don't like you even more."

Little milk baby: "!"

The little milk baby jumped up, "Lele doesn't like you very much, too? Lele doesn't like you first! Lele first!"

Zhuang Yan chuckled: "I don't like you because you are obviously so young, but you are better than those of us who have worked hard for many years. You are obviously not old, but you are more transparent than us."

The little baby wrinkled her brows.

"Are you complimenting Lele or criticizing Lele?"

"It's a compliment," Zhuang Yan sighed, "Because of the transparency and the clearness of the Taoist heart, you can only go a long way when you are practicing. Before, it was my devil who was stunned."

He strode back, walked to the river, cut open his palms, put blood on his eyelids, and when the spell came out, the golden circle of light flew out, getting bigger and bigger, floating in the air and flying towards the river.

When Gongnan got out of the car, they saw this scene.

His eyes were almost red, and he twisted his thigh before he got out of his sour emotions.

When his gaze fell on the little man jumping by the river, he sighed, "It's worth the money."

Di Ying got off another car, passed by, and asked in confusion, "What's the money?"

Seeing the beautiful face of the young girl, Gong Nan twitched his lips, "My wife Ben."

Di Ying: "?"

A female team member also passed by and asked in surprise, "Leader Gong, do you have a wife? When did you get married? Didn't Zheng Jiaxi go to make trouble?"

Gong Nan: "..."

Di Ying rolled her eyes and strode forward.


Gong Nan ran a few steps quickly, stopped suddenly, turned his head and said to the female player, "I have nothing to do with Zheng Jiaxi, don't make such a joke."

After another pause, Gong Nan emphasized, "I haven't talked about a girlfriend."

Female player: "..." You look into my eyes, do I believe it? Isn't it you who say those things all day?

Gongnan: Tired.jpg

When the golden light circle approached the water surface, the river rolled violently, and finally formed a whirlpool. The waves became higher and higher, and the most central riverbed gradually became prominent.

The little milk baby jumped up anxiously.

Qiu also raised the person to look at it.

"There seems to be a picture, and a very weird formation, it is really a seal!"

She also wanted to look more closely, but the waves blocked her sight, and the vortex caused by the golden circle was not large.

It was only visible to the naked eye that many unlucky grievances dissipated when they touched the golden circle.

The little milk baby kicked her legs in a hurry, swaying in the air.

On the side, Shi Yuanbai threw out the talisman paper, and whispered the spell, a thunder struck the center of the whirlpool, slightly splitting some splashes, but the picture was still vague.

The little milk baby was also ready to take action, turned her head and saw that Zhuang Yan's forehead oozes thin sweat, her face is pale, and her breath is a little unstable.

"Forget it, let's make time for the river."

She threw a hemostatic curse directly over it.

The wound in Zhuang Yan's palm healed directly, the rune could not absorb blood, and the aperture was retracted.

The onlookers began to discuss.

"I just vaguely see the outline, look at the color of the paint, it feels like a few years."

"If it's in the past few years, it would be easy to investigate. The other party painted this painting when the Xiaogang River dries up. I remember a major drought four years ago, and most of the rivers in Chu City were dry."

Everyone talked a lot, and really found a way to investigate.

When Zhuang Yan is no longer dizzy, the person standing next to him has been replaced by Gong Nan.

"well enough?"

Gong Nan handed over a piece of chocolate.

Zhuang Yan took it and looked around.

"She...Where is Shimizukan?"

"Let's go," Gong Nan repeated Xiao Niwa's words amusedly, "The kid kept thinking about it before he left. It's awkward. If he gets home after passing the gate, he will be scolded again."

Zhuang Yan chuckled lightly and didn't ask any more.

He didn't know that before the little naughty baby trio left, the man with gloomy eyes whispered, "Huh, dare to touch the little sister, then you have to be careful next. You may choke when you drink water, choke when you eat, and walk. Wrestling, it will rain if you don’t bring an umbrella, driving skid, the draw must be "Thank you for your patronage"..."

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