When autumn comes, the locust trees in the garden wither and the leaves fall.

It has been half a month since Li Han lived in this small courtyard.

In the past half a month, he has been living an ordinary life, his quality has improved, and he doesn't have to worry about eating and wearing, but the rhythm is tepid, and he has never taken a step towards the gate.

He was naturally anxious, but he couldn't show it.

After all, just after coming from the other side of the city wall, he must first pretend to be 'very well-behaved and obedient' and run around.

In this way, it will not arouse the vigilance of the Poison Emperor and others, and the devil knows how many eyes are staring at this courtyard now.

Now these three panda Li Han with brain problems can still cope with it, if the Poison Emperor sends people over again because of some of Li Han's misdeeds, then the problem will be big, they can't take Li Han's life, and restricting his personal freedom can still be easily done.

Li Han's toughness is also measured, just as he didn't force him to leave the Southern Kingdom, because this is the bottom line of the Poison Emperor, Li Han really wants to make such a mess, in the end, Huandu Luolan will not die, he does not know, anyway, he Li Han is definitely certain to die.

Even if it is an enemy, show a little fierceness to let people know that you are not a soft persimmon, and when the weak side goes to the bottomless fierce, it is not brave, it is brainless.

The relationship does not need to be so rigid, which is more convenient to know oneself and the other.

[Detection and absorption of aura, experience point +0.01

%...] [Labor exercise: experience point + 0.1%...]

In the past ten days, Li Han has no bricks to move, so he simply uses the stone table and stone chair in the courtyard to exercise, his current strength is enough to lift these things, so that exercise can also obtain corresponding experience points.

Absorb Reiki and work out... In other words, in any form, the experience points obtained by Li Han are the same, which are used on the experience bar, and the reading bar can be completed to achieve a bonus point.

It's just that it's fast and slow, absorbing Aura This kind of thing only rewards a little at first glance, but the actual reserve is very amazing, it is not like moving bricks or exercising, it takes an action to start to get the reward.

It completely depends on how the body absorbs, the speed is naturally faster, Li Han calculated a little, about five times as fast as moving bricks.

And...... Absorbing the Spiritual Qi can also operate on its own when resting, as natural as breathing, which is equivalent to Li Han having a skill that can be used to experience points all the time.

Of course, this is also due to the love obtained from Huandu Luolan.

Li Han never dreamed that raising a demon in his body was such a pleasant thing.

Intuition told Li Han that in the Poison Emperor Mountain, there must be something he needed... No, what the lover in its body needs.

The night is getting dark, and the room is brightly lit.

Li Han, who had been exercising for a long time, took a hot shower, then changed into a set of clothes, and when he came to the lobby to prepare for dinner, he suddenly smelled a strange fragrance on the tip of his nose, which made Li Han's eyes brighten.

He turned his head.

Outside the room, a panda wearing an apron walked in with a cup of steaming things.

"What is this thing."

"Stewed chicken."

Not right.

Although the rich aroma of the chicken soup made Li Han's index fingers move, there was obviously something else, just like the lover in his body longed for before.

Li Han glanced at the soup in the cup, shining under the dim light, a whole chicken was stuffed inside, and the fragrant smell soon filled the interior of the house.

Li Han's gaze shifted to the root whiskers and flakes next to the soup.

"What are these?"

The panda, known as the Immortal Shield, snorted and subconsciously looked out of the room.

Li Han followed his line of sight and could see the round hat flashing outside the gate.

He didn't ask again, but walked out.

"Eh..." On

the wall outside the courtyard, a girl in a round hat leaned against the corner, her delicate and cute little face pouted slightly, and kicked the weeds on the ground with her feet.

Since that day, when she returned to the palace, she subconsciously always compared those ragged humans with herself, thinking about what it would be like if she suffered such a life...

She didn't dare to think about it, it was too terrible, and she couldn't help but feel guilty in her heart.

Later, she told her father about this, and her father just told her that they were demons and different from humans, but she looked at her body, and then thought about those human beings, they still have thoughts and feelings, and she couldn't figure out what was different.

But the father was busy with government affairs and didn't have time to deal with her, and the guys under his hand touted one by one what 'princess, you have a golden body, how can you be compared with human mortals' and other words, anyway, she just can't understand, human beings are obvious, they are not livestock at all.

So, going around in circles, she still came here with a ghostly possession, and before coming, she specially went to the side of the Poison Emperor Mountain to pick some tonic herbs, so that the subordinates here could stew together with the chicken.

"What am I doing, like I owe him!" Hum! Ah...... No fun, go back!

Huandu Luolan was irritable, and when he turned around, he just bumped into Li Han who walked out of the house.

The original tattered clothes have long been changed, and after washing them, Li Han's hair has also been tied up, and his broad eyebrows are quite handsome.

Huandu Luolan was also stunned, but the shadow of fear in his heart had not yet disappeared, and he subconsciously took a few steps back.

"What are you doing... I warn you, don't come here, Princess Ben! Whew..." Li

Han didn't speak, picked up Huandu Luolan's clothes and pulled her into the house, An An Sheng put it on the seat in the lobby, and several pandas next to this scene swallowed their throats a few times.

After living for so long, I have never seen anyone who treats the princess like this in the southern country.

"The medicinal herbs in this were personally collected by the princess over there in the Poison Emperor Mountain."

The Immortal Shield opened its mouth inappropriately, but was scolded by Huandu Luolan with a shy and angry face.

"Shut up! When did Princess Ben do that kind of thing and blind your dog's eyes! "

Medicinal herbs?

Li Han pondered for a while, it seemed that he had coped with his own speculation before, but this was also good to think, just like cultivators need heavenly materials and earth treasures to replenish, the southern country here to raise moths, naturally need some rare medicinal materials.

And the medicinal materials needed for the demon in Li Han's body were on the Poison Emperor Mountain.

"Thank you."

Li Han served a bowl and handed it to Huandu Luolan.

The latter was stunned for a long time, and his little face instantly turned red.

"Princess Ben has said, Princess Ben is not..."

Finally, Huandu Luolan's head became lower and lower, and finally he took the medicine bowl with both hands, and his voice was like a mosquito fly.

"It's not for a guy like you."

Li Han smiled.

The kid gambled that he would not take it to heart, he and Huandu Luolan themselves had no grudges, but... Class and racial contradictions are not something that Huandulan alone can decide, he prefers to think about problems from a mature perspective and judge the pros and cons.

After that, after drinking a whole cup of chicken soup, Li Hanren was stupid.

[Experience points +5%, full, can be added.] 】

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