I expected that supplementing these supplements might be useful, but I didn't expect to add so many experience points.

Li Han's heart is also shocked at this moment, the senior sincerely does not deceive me, it seems that internal and external cultivation is the kingly way.

There is no doubt that the southern side is a natural treasure trove, as long as he uses it properly, he can obtain more experience points.

After saying it a few times, when Li Han turned around, his eyes looking at Huandu Luolan also softened a lot.

"What for..."

Huan Du Luolan who was sitting in the chair couldn't help but raise her feet, and the expression on her little face was a little unnatural, as if she sensed something.

When I looked at this guy before, the deepest impression was that he had been fierce to himself, extremely vicious and terrifying, but now it is a little difficult to accept for a while when it is so soft.

Li Han's eyes showed a little sadness.

"I'm sorry, princess, the previous thing was that I did something wrong, I only thought about myself, but I never thought that the princess is such a kind-hearted person, you have lived in the inner courtyard of the palace since you were a child, naturally you have never had contact with us humans who have been taken captive, our encounters have nothing to do with you at all, you are clearly just an innocent child, I was impulsive that day and accidentally injured you, but today you did not care about the previous suspicions, specially picked herbs for me, I really feel guilty in my heart..."

Hmm..." The

three pandas swallowed their throats, their eyes widened, and they saw that the man put his hands together, saluted in shame and apologized, and did not react for a while, this is really the Li Han they know?

However, the sincerity here is undoubted, and his words are so heavy and sad.

Huandu Luolan saw that he was so sincere, and she was also a little moved, put down the porcelain bowl, she frowned, poked her hands together, and said with some entanglement: "You... You don't have to do this, in the end, it was also my father and the emperor who did something wrong there, and I also learned later, I originally invited you to come and build the city wall, every day is still so dangerous, we can't eat enough, we in the southern country can't afford to support you..." She also

came this time because she learned from the mouth of the poisonous prince that the poisonous master, one of the five poisonous taipo before, had been capturing humans near the border area of the southern country and came to the southern side to build fortifications to prevent the attack of the Ichikido Alliance.

The monsters in the demon world only hated those human cultivators who could pose a threat to them, how innocent were low-level civilians like Li Han? After Huandu Luolan learned about this matter, she thought, since she was caught, don't be too abusive, it would be better to be kind to them, anyway, there is no shortage of this thing on the southern side, and she has no hatred for this kind of ordinary people who have no hatred with the southern country.

In this way, it was probably also a matter of emotion, and she had some sympathy for Li Han, so she sent God here.

Li Han raised his hand and shook his head, his eyes slightly red.

"Princess, don't say anything, you understand these truths at a young age, which really makes me feel ashamed of myself."

"Hey, hey... Where where... I'm not as good as you say..."

Huandu Luolan was a little ashamed of the praise, and hurriedly got up from the chair, a snicker appeared on his small face.

"The princess is too modest, before I met the princess I admitted that I was prejudiced against youkai, but now I think that youkai are just like us humans, they have sentient beings, if I can... Princess, can you deign to be friends with someone like me?

Li Han's face was longing, like a great drought looking forward to Ganlin.

That sincere look made Huandu Luolan a little distracted.

Friend? No one has ever said this to her, on weekdays everyone says that she is the noble princess of the southern country, all groveling to her, always saying that what she does is right, she actually knows very well in her heart, this is perfunctory, but no one tells her, how can she know where she is wrong?

Now, but willing to be friends with her?

"Huandu Luolan."


Huandu Luolan snorted, and then said in a distraught manner: "Since... Since you are friends with me, then don't take a bite of a princess, it sounds strange, I allow you to call my name. Li

Han was greatly moved after hearing this, and while the iron was hot, he hurriedly called three pandas, found yellow paper and beheaded a chicken head, and set up an altar in the house.

"Luo Lan, since you and I have fellowship as friends, it is better to go one step further, marry Jinlan, worship as brothers and sisters with different surnames, and after worshipping the gods in heaven, from now on, the two of us will not distinguish between you and me, life and death."

"Further, worship as a brother and sister..."

Huandu Luolan didn't understand, but he was also shocked to see Li Han's serious face.

The night is approaching, in a dark room, a little candlelight, yellow paper burning, chicken head chopping, the smell of incense candles is pervasive, and people can't help but sigh at the solemnity and heaviness of this earthly ceremony.

The atmosphere was set here, and the three pandas were also made to boil their blood by this sudden situation, and the three people who were originally brothers couldn't wait to use Li Han's platform to also become brothers with different surnames!

After that, Li Han temporarily carved a sign to swear, Huandu Luolan also asked who Second Master Guan was, Li Han only told her that Second Master Guan is a god who specializes in worshipping this piece, after worshiping Second Master Guan, the two of them are brothers and sisters, in the future, if Huan Du Luolan has anything, he must not say anything about being a big brother.

This made Huandu Luolan's young heart set off a wave of turbulence, I don't know how, worship as a brother and sister with a different surname, life and death do not back! Righteousness goes with it? I'm a little excited....

Huandu Luolan was also moved in his heart, the eldest brother is really angry!

After everything was done, Li Han was also happy, and Huandu Luolan told many stories of the human world, all about brothers intersecting, talking about what kind of mountains and flowing water, uncle Qi and the like, ancient confused boy and the like, taking into account the factors of the times, anyway, these stories are the little princess who is in the palace and a blank piece of paper said that the blood is boiling.

She didn't know what it meant to worship before, but now she knows, it's like the lives of the two tied together, your business is my business, if you are sad, I will never let go of the person who made you sad.

This made many guards, but the little princess who felt lonely in her heart felt that Li Han was the only person who could talk to her heart, but those around her who had been guarding her for a long time had become outsiders.

"Luo Lan, don't do this kind of thing in the future, today the eldest brother also felt it, those medicinal herbs you got seem to nourish my body, but those people around you don't like me very much, in case people find out... Alas, big brother, I can't let you risk it for me, don't do such things in the future.

Li Han waved his hand.

Huandu Luolan shook his head and said, "Big brother, don't say anything!" You live here and can't go out, I can't help if the father and the emperor don't let go, but it's still no problem to take some medicinal herbs to let you nourish your body, you can wait for me, I'm also a princess of the southern country, I want to see, which of them dares to stop me!" "

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