Fortunately, the time when the masters of the One Qi Dao Alliance were defeated was only a few days ago, and the hidden dangers of Flying Dragon City were still slightly emerging, and the time left for Li Han was not particularly urgent.

"What the hell is your boy's idea? Do you want to talk to the old man?

Dongfang Lonely Moon walked over with a suspicious look.

Li Han shook his head and said, "It's hard to say, it's hard to say... If the senior is okay, let's go back to the house for the time being.

Dongfang Lonely Moon turned around, and suddenly two hairs protruded from Li Han's side.

"Is there really a way?"

Li Han got up and patted the head of Dongfang Qin Lan, who was sitting under the futon under the large table behind him to steal fruit.

"Your dad said he was going to take you to the street to buy roast chicken and soup dumplings."

The two hairs on Dongfang Qin Lan's forehead moved, as if a gust of wind blew through, and dragging the old father's hand was a wild rush.

The world suddenly became quiet.

Li Han shook his head helplessly, went downstairs alone, and embarked on the way home in the wind and snow.

The people of Shen Volcano Village were placed on the right side of the outskirts of Flying Dragon City, all of which were the residences of the gang leaders who had been cleaned up before Li Han joined the gang, and the place where Dongfang Lonely Moon lived was naturally of higher specification than the general place, and it belonged to the place where the right worship lived.

Then the Oriental sisters naturally moved in together... According to his husband's meaning, although sooner or later he will become a couple, but now is obviously not the time, let a woman from Dongfang Huaizhu live in his house like this, it is naturally unreasonable, in the future, it is necessary to marry into the door with eight palanquins, and all the gifts have been fulfilled to live together as husband and wife.

This point is naturally easy to understand for a person as sensible as Li Han, he is not so, but he can still endure it.

However, out of consideration for the safety of the mansion, he was afraid that a thief would go in and steal something, in order to test this, he still climbed over the wall the first night and went in, seeing that the Oriental Lonely Moon did not sleep at such a big winter night, sitting in front of his daughter's house with a stick like a thief...

Li Han was completely relieved, it seems that without him, this mansion can be very safe.

Bang bang!

Li Han glanced left and right, and then knocked on the back door.

After a long time, the door was opened, and Dongfang Huaizhu was still dressed in a green robe, and his pretty face was slightly puzzled.

"Finished with the morning meeting? Why not go through the front door?

"Oh, don't mention it, it's cold, let me go into the house."

Li Han covered his shoulders with his hands, his teeth trembling.

Seeing this, Dongfang Huaizhu was naturally very distressed and did not hesitate.

"Well, you hurry, hurry up and enter the house."

Saying that, she went to the house and took out the chicken feather duster, helped Li Han knock away the snowflakes on both sides of his shoulders, and then skillfully took off the robe he was wearing outside and handed him the hand-warming stove.

As soon as Li Han sat down, she entered the back room, and it didn't take long to hold a furry neck like a neck, which was not good-looking when worked, not as good as the clothes she picked out on the street before, and when she took it out, her face was also a little hesitant, and finally she was a little lost and wanted to take it back.


"How do you know I've wanted a wrap for a long time, alas... This robe is too wide, I am not fat, and my stomach is cold and swishy.

Li Han got up with a look of surprise and pulled the spacious sleeve robe.

Hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed her palm.

"I really didn't see it before, my Oriental woman is not only strong in martial arts, but also so dexterous, and she can get such a decent thing with a little learning from people, oh... So warm.

Dongfang Huaizhu was stunned for a moment, her eyes were full of gentleness, she covered her mouth and smiled, and lightly hit his chest.

"As far as you say, nine out of ten of your father's words are false, but I should be wary of you."

"Hmph! Slander, pure slander, have I told someone that I send the nickname Honest and trustworthy Xiaolangjun, spotless beautiful boy? Your father has not been in contact with me for a long time, and it is inevitable that he will be prejudiced against me, don't listen to his old man's one-sided words.

Li Han pulled up the robe, and Dongfang Huaizhu was amused by him, and finally had no choice but to give him a blank look, and then took the wrap and slowly surrounded it.

"I don't believe it, you are a person who is not a positive person all day long, and you will make people happy."

"Who said that my integrity is straighter than anyone else in the world."

Li Han whispered quietly in her reddened ear.

"Really? Where is it?

Dongfang Huaizhu's beautiful eyes seemed to condense mist, and she winked at him ignorantly.

Li Han was embarrassed: "This... It's not easy to show, do you really want to watch it?

Dongfang Huaizhu saw that he twisted his waist slightly, and the smile on his face became more and more unclear, she was also a well-informed woman, where could she not know.


Her face quickly turned red, like a frightened young elk.

"That... You bake a fire here, and I'll go and dry the robe outside for you.

But before she could get out, Li Han wrapped her arms around her waist, and the two were clinging to each other.

"Eh! There is not even a sun outside this big winter, what clothes to dry? Just let it dry in the house. "

Huh? There is a

sun, today..." Dongfang Huaizhu's face turned red, and his expression was a little surprised, and the sun was out outside today.

"Yes now, yes now, it will have to snow in a while, you believe me."

Li Han said seriously.

"How do you know?"

"I've read books on that subject, and I know a little bit about astronomy and geography."

"Huh? And this thing?

"You don't believe it? I'll go into the house and tell you about what I've seen over the years.

"Can't it be said here? I have to go into

the house..." "It's warm in the house, and my brain will spin a little faster in a warm place."

Dongfang Huaizhu struggled slightly, for some reason, she only felt that she couldn't exert a piece of strength in her body, and then looked at Li Han, her face was clear, and she looked so serious that she couldn't be more serious, and she subconsciously began to be confused.

"I... I can walk myself.

"You're tired of coming to help me open the door, I'll carry you in."

Picked up by Li Hanheng, Dongfang Huaizhu silently buried his head in his chest, and his brain only felt extremely hot and blank.

They...... What were you talking about? Are you talking about clothes?



Not long after, Dongfang Lonely Moon angrily pushed the door outside and came in.

At the same time, on the other side of the wall, a figure passed by.

The red face of Dongfang Huaizhu in the house was still hung with tears of pity, and I hurriedly sorted out my messy clothes, but found that how to tidy up was not presentable, so I had to go to the cupboard to change a new one, and my face was a little anxious looking out the door, muttering.

"Oops... Why is daddy here, what to do, it's all said, let him not touch it..."

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