The thin light of the morning pierced the reeds outside the city.

A flat boat slowly came, pushing away the quiet mist, and docked at the pier with dead grass and frost on both sides.

"Grand Commander, there is Flying Dragon City in front."

On both sides of the deck stood guards with sabers, with cloaks on their heads, which were invisible, and their bodies were covered in splendid clothes, and a circle of white fluff was wrapped around their waist.

"Got it."

There was a cold sound from the cabin, quite majestic.

Then, the door was pushed open.

A tall figure walked out from inside, wrapped in a silver-white robe, and his hair was silver and white coiled together, looking very graceful and noble.

Two furry ears stand out her identity.

Tushan fox demon.

Silver Moon Guard Grand Commander, Kong Qing.

"Lord Grand Commander, according to the direction guided by the Bitter Giant Tree, the two young ladies have never moved since they arrived in this Flying Dragon City."

"Well, you guys wait here for the time being, the outside world is no better than Tu Shan, be careful in everything."

Kong Qing nodded and looked in the direction of Flying Dragon City, his eyes narrowed slightly.


At this moment, the Flying Dragon City is bustling, the New Year is approaching, and every household is lit up.

In the past, this chaotic lawless land, gangs and Tianxian Courtyard coexisted, merchants and merchants came and went, and even the local residents regarded this as a black triangle.

However, with the arrival of the Dongfang Family of Shen Volcano Zhuang, Dongfang Lonely Moon is now the deputy alliance master of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and the entire city can be said to have completely fallen under the control of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and it is no longer the chaotic situation in the past, replaced by a new look.

Recently, the Heaven and Earth Alliance declared in the city.

From now on, all the residents of the city, whether human or demon, can live under the sun after registration, which is absolutely unprecedented for the existing situation of mutual hatred between the human territory and the major demon domains.

This means that those who have to secretly befriend people and monsters under the general trend have a place in this world.

Most of the residents in Flying Dragon City are a combination of humans and demons, which is not tolerated by the laws of the One Qi Dao Alliance, so they live here incognito, which means that the current measures of the Heaven and Earth Alliance are perfectly in line with the interests of the vast majority of the residents in the city.

As a result, the status of the Heaven and Earth Alliance in Flying Dragon City was further solidified, and it became a nascent official institution that banned the One Airway Alliance in everyone's mind.

And under this good situation, there is also a fatal hidden danger.

Outside the city.

The carriage returned from outside the city with a long line, empty, and the escort all had listless faces.

It's been a few days, but it's been like this.

Inside the city.

The headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Alliance was also full of people at this time, going down in two rows.

"Lord, in recent days, our dart bureau has suffered setbacks one after another, and several nearby cities have learned about the caravan in advance, and when our caravan arrived, they closed the city gate to us."

"This must be an order issued by the One Qi Dao Alliance, our deputy alliance master Dongfang old-timers used to kill demons and eliminate demons under the Dao Alliance, and made great achievements, they don't worry about the old feelings at all, they want to drive us to extinction, and now our Flying Dragon City has become an isolated city."

The faces of all the hall masters and helm masters were not very good-looking.

Especially the hall masters from the Divine Volcano Villa, when they were still disciples in the Divine Volcano Village in the past, they were troubled by the One Qi Dao Alliance, following the old practice of going to get rid of demons four times, and returning home with nine deaths, and as a result, the things in their hands were not covered with heat, and they were detained by the One Qi Dao Alliance when they passed the level, and the rest had to be used tightly for even three meals a day left for themselves.

Feilong City is vast and all walks of life are very developed, which is its advantage, but the local resources are not very rich, cutting off the trade route, it is equivalent to losing the job, and the future days can be imagined.

Dongfang Guyue frowned, and subconsciously cast her gaze on the figure sitting on the chairman.

Don't think about it, the situation faced by the Divine Volcano Village in the past is the situation that Flying Dragon City is about to face now, and being blocked by the One Air Dao Alliance is equivalent to being rejected by the entire human territory, an isolated city, how can it last long?

Li Han dressed in a broad and majestic black robe, and his eyes calmly scanned everyone in the audience.

Before he could speak, the helmsman below came out to petition.

"Alliance Lord, instead of sitting and waiting, it is better for me to wait to attack the city first, now with the help of the hall masters and disciples of the Divine Volcano Villa, I will work together to make a living by capturing only a few cities with abundant resources."

"Alliance master, I agree with this brother's will, Jinshen Volcano Village has nothing to do with the One Qi Dao Alliance, he is not benevolent, don't blame me for waiting for injustice, we brothers are willing to protect Flying Dragon City and the Heaven and Earth Alliance."

A hall master of the Genshin Volcano Villa appeared, and the other nine people were all of the same heart.

Dongfang Guyue's worried look turned to relief when he saw this scene, he was not afraid of difficulties, he was afraid that people's hearts would not be uneven, and these disciples he brought could integrate into Flying Dragon City so quickly thanks to Li Han who would bring people, and the treatment was very generous, the specifications of food and clothing were much higher than before, the interests were the same, and the people's hearts could be aligned.

However, if you want to storm the city... To be honest, with the current situation of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, it is not very suitable.

Nowadays, the number of disciples of the One Qi Dao Alliance is much higher than that of the disciples of the Divine Volcano Village in the city, as for the rest of the people, the combat power is not at the same level, it can only be said that the One Qi Dao Alliance has not made a move so far because they do not want to risk the risk of being greatly injured to eradicate this place, and a continuous blockade like this, after a long time, the resources in the city are scarce, and there will inevitably be a rebellion.

If they take the initiative to attack here, they will definitely suffer heavy damage, and in the end, even if they win the battle, I am afraid that no one will be able to hold it.

These simple things are predictable, and Dongfang Guyue does not believe that his son-in-law alliance master cannot see it.

If you fight for a long time, you will lose, and if you don't fight, you will die, this is a dead end, all in Li Han's thoughts.

"How long is left in the city?"

Li Han tapped the right handle of the chair and set his eyes on a hall master who managed the logistics.

"About two months or so, there will be no more merchants from inside and outside the city, they can only be self-sufficient, and then all walks of life will be unsustainable due to lack of supply and supply, which is still the new law recently promulgated by the alliance owner has played a role, many residents in the city are demons, they expressed their willingness to contribute family wealth to support the operation of the city."

"Okay, I know everyone's opinions, so let's step back for now, let me think about it again."

Li Han nodded, then got up and dismissed everyone.

Dongfang Guyue saw his gaze looking somewhere from afar.

There it seems to be... Direction of the ferry port of Flying Dragon City.

What is his son-in-law's idea doing?

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