After the two left, Li Han's expression gradually returned to clarity.

I have been here for more than half a month, in the final analysis, it is all due to insufficient strength.

Theoretically, as long as you cultivate to a certain extent in this world, it is inevitable to encounter the Ao Lai Country, after all, the monkey's doppelganger is all over the circle, as long as you show a little clue, it is only a matter of time before he notices.

Of course, it may be safer to run around, after all, it is definitely easier to manage yourself alone.

However, Li Han did not choose that path.

Instead, he mixed with the gang, became an alliance leader, obtained the sword spectrum by relying on the resources he had scavenged, added points to the system, and then defeated the invincible One Qi Dao Alliance, preserved the inheritance of the old man, and let their family at least live a life that was remembered everywhere in Flying Dragon City.

Today, not to mention how well it was done, at least there are roots there.

If he chose to wander at the beginning, he would not be able to deal with the affairs of the old man's family at all, and if he went to fight against the Dao Alliance alone, he would still be targeted by the third young master of the Aurai Kingdom, and in the end, the Shen Volcano Village might have to make a family and die.

There is all cause and effect there, anyway, as far as the current situation is concerned, Flying Dragon City relies on Tu Shan, and the vitality of the Qi Dao Alliance is greatly damaged, and everything is within the scope that Li Han can accept.

He now has a wife, a foundation, an identity, and a status, which is better than death.

Now he just has to worry about how to get rid of the monkey who likes to be a-stirring stick everywhere.

[Ruyi stick: can add points.] 】

【Ao Lai Country Secret Technique Fire Eye: Can add points】During

this time, Li Han just saved enough two points.

One plus a little.

【Ruyi stick: +1】

Li Han picked up two withered branches from the ground and slowly closed his eyes.

Mana gradually surged up from the body, and when it climbed to a certain level, there was a faint fluorescence around the body, and it was majestic.


Suddenly, as if touching a barrier, the thick internal force suddenly dissipated and disappeared.

"Still can't do it?"

If you want to change the wishful stick, you naturally need mana.

In this area, Li Han's mana did not disappear, but only existed in his own body, and could not be released to the outside world or foreign objects.

【Aurai Kingdom Secret Technique Fire Eye:+1】

After the Ruyi stick was fruitless, Li Han shifted his attention to another secret method taught to him by Liuer.

After adding a little, a burning breath quickly climbed near his eye sockets, and the feeling was like looking directly into a flame with his eyes, slightly sore.

However, this feeling only lasted for a few short seconds.

Immediately, the heavens and the earth were clear.

"This is..."

Li Han raised his head, his eyes flashing with a dim flame.

At this time, the environment around him was no longer ordinary flowers and trees as Fang Cai saw, and this space seemed to have golden silk threads flowing, looming, they were built into blocks similar to barriers, everywhere.

He tried to mobilize the mana in his body to the area of his eyes, and a faint tingling pain came.

However, at the same time, what he saw changed again, and in his line of sight, a certain golden barrier in the space gradually began to show its full appearance, like a golden piece of paper.

Not only that, Li Han felt that he could do more.

The mana of the whole body was mobilized again, and all of it gathered in the eye area, perhaps even he did not notice it, and at this moment two burning flames were reflected in his eyes.


The golden paper was torn off and disappeared in mid-air.

Li Han's mind turned, and he hurriedly put the branch he was holding in his right hand into the area where Fang Cai broke the paper.

Again, invoke mana.

"His grandmother's, finally has a way to get out of this place."

The corners of Li Han's mouth couldn't help but rise.

In his line of sight, the branch he held in his hand had turned into the shape of a stick, what was that not a wishful stick?

It's just that as long as his hand is slightly sideways out of that area, the transformation of the ruyi stick will disappear and return to its original branch shape.

The forbidden spell of this mountain peak is not simply wrapped around the periphery, but the entire area is everywhere, and Li Han can no longer advance when he is estimated to be a hundred meters away from the outermost periphery, and this hundred meters away is full of such golden paper-like barriers.

In other words, as long as you tear off all these golden papers with the Secret Fire Eye, you will be able to get out.

After saying a few times, Li Han jumped up, ripped off the king power sword and the endless wine jug on the tree, and practiced the sword while drinking, and the experience value rose sharply.

He wanted to raise the level of the Secret Fire Eye to the highest in the shortest possible time.

Going out is still secondary.

Mainly in order to be able to reach the level of the three young masters and six ears of the Aura Kingdom, the demon emperor and above are mainly competition techniques, not everyone can be like Tu Shan Honghong, so BUG relies on the claw of insulation to turn all the technique competition into a simple demon power competition.

The difference between Li Han and those two people was more technical than demon power.

As long as these two secret methods are really added to the extreme, not to mention that they have beaten those two people, at least they also have the capital to negotiate, and the current life similar to the life of a prisoner are two completely different concepts.

Moreover, I believe that those two guys could not have dreamed that Li Han did not have any talent at all, but he had the system, that is, he could master the two secret techniques of the Aolai Kingdom in such a short period of time, and cultivate them to the limit.

Add a little more!


Add to death!


Bitter Giant Tree.

"Sister, Miss Honghong has gone to the back mountain again, do you see..." Silver

Moon Guard Grand Commander Kong Qing looked embarrassed.

Nowadays, since Tu Shan returned to Tu Shan, Tu Shan has long been a pot of porridge.

The contradiction between the folded ear vein and the vertical ear vein over the years has been completely intensified by the growth of Tushan Honghong, and the folded ear vein believes that the three Tushan sisters bred by the bitter giant tree are undoubtedly the orthodox heirs of Tushan.

Other words...... Now the bottom is clamoring for Fengqi to abdicate.

"It's okay, that's her choice, no one can stop her."

Feng Qi was still looking up at the bitter giant tree, and a trace of black aura appeared in his eyes, which flashed away.

It was as if she had been here for many years.

"She represents the will of the bitter giant tree, even if she knows that going down the mountain is related to human beings, it is difficult to escape the suffering of fate, she is still so righteous, after so many years, I have not changed her, nor have I changed the bitter giant tree."


the empty green eyes were very puzzled.

The sister at this moment seems to be a little different from before.

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