
Kong Qing shouted worriedly.

At this time, Fengqi Fang, who seemed to be in thought, reacted and looked straight at Kong Qing, who subconsciously took half a step back.

"What are you afraid of?"

The corners of Fengqi's mouth rose slightly, revealing a hint of weirdness.

Kong Qing sorted out his thoughts.

"Sister, I just think this matter is too difficult to accept, admittedly, Miss Honghong's opinion we have to take into account, but I, as the Grand Commander of the Silver Moon Guard, do not think that her personal arbitrariness can determine the direction of every major event in Tushan, the identity of that human being is not small, and I hope that my sister will consider it carefully."

For the whole Tushan.

Their ear-piercing people have never agreed to show favor with humans, but to reciprocate with a hostile attitude, which is completely correct from the experience of Tushan in recent years, and the Ichiki Dao Alliance has repeatedly extended its invading claws to Tushan's territory.

As for folding ears, the attitude is relatively ambiguous.

Because they advocate that the center of Tushan should be dominated by the bitter giant tree, and the will of the bitter giant tree is above all else.

However, until today, Kong Qing couldn't understand what the will of the bitter giant tree specifically meant, could it be the arbitrariness of Tu Shan Hong and their three sisters? Isn't this a bit of a joke, then simply the entire Tushan is decided by their three sisters, what do they want them to do with the Silver Moon Guard this organization?

"What you said makes sense, but don't forget that this matter was not decided by Hong Hong, and there was another guy's intervention."

Feng Qi reminded.

Kong Qing's expression changed when he heard this, and only after a long time did he sigh helplessly.

"Yes, sister, this is something beyond your and my expectations..."

Tu Shan and Aolai Country have not had any disputes in the past, and this time I don't know what the monkey is thinking, so I must send this person to Tu Shan.

If it is an ordinary human being, then it is good to say that the key is that Li Han's identity is very special.

The alliance master of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, the nemesis of the One Qi Dao Alliance.

Tu Shan's attitude towards Flying Dragon City has always been based on cooperation, and when it really comes to the moment of critical survival, how does Flying Dragon City care about Tu Shan? That human voice is good, what kind of rhetoric is cold, but in fact, when Flying Dragon City was under the control of the One Qi Dao Alliance before, Tu Shan didn't come over like this? The benefits that Tu Shan can obtain on the side of Flying Dragon City are very small, but Flying Dragon City has always been backed by Tu Shan, and it is really a good calculation to engage in cooperation, and it is really a good calculation to attack and retreat.

Friendly? The air defense is Li Han, a superficial friendly army.

Well, now people are already in Tushan.

Continue to let him and Tu Shan Honghong entangle, when the time comes, there will be a fight between the folded ear pulse and the vertical ear vein, which will really affect the pattern of the entire Tu Shan.

Feng Qi seemed to see what Kong Qing was thinking, and said with a slight smile: "I know what you are thinking?" Your concern is not unreasonable, but in my opinion, human beings are cunning and insatiable creatures, their lives are very short, and they are easily moved by temporary foreign objects, so let Hong Hong realize this. "

Sister, you mean..."

Kong Qing was stunned for a moment.

Feng Qi sighed: "Everyone has already arrived in Tushan, how to arrange it is not up to us?" During this time, you will treat him well, and you must let him enjoy unprecedented happiness, and when the time comes, I will persuade her to change her mind. Kong

Qing's face was overjoyed when she heard this, and she understood.

"Okay, sister, I'll do it."

Stay until the empty green is gone.

The petals of the bitter giant tree also dimmed a little, and a trace of black aura wandered on the edge.

"If this continues, Hong Hong will definitely change her mind."

Fengqi's slender jade fingers were raised slightly, a sickly flush appeared on his face, and the corners of his mouth raised.


"Miss Hong Hong!"

"Miss Honghong, you are the most promising leader of our Tushan in the future!"

Tu Shan Honghong walked across the bluestone road.

The streets were bustling, shops were crowded, and fox demons filled the streets as if they had seen stars.


Tu Shan Yaya accompanied Tu Shan Honghong, raised her little face, and was very proud.

However, Tu Shan Honghong was obviously not used to such a sought-after scene, so he took a step as soon as possible and left this place.

"Sister, don't you say hello before leaving? When you came back, everyone was excited.

Tushan Yaya looked puzzled.

She is also very envious of her sister, who can evolve into an adult posture in such a short time, which means that the demon power is not the same as in the past, such a sister, it is really well-deserved to say that she is the leader of Tushan.

"Rong Rong is still promoting cooperation over there in Flying Dragon City, and I don't have that mind for the time being."

Tu Shan Honghong sighed.

Tushan Yaya raised his head and said puzzled: "Sister, why do you all think about cooperating with humans?" Obviously humans are so cunning, let's just hold Tu Shan.

"You'll know when you grow up."

Tu Shan Honghong smiled slightly.

Immediately, I was surprised by the scene in front of me.


The direction of Tushan Palace walked out of a lineup, picking a lot of things back and forth, eating and wearing all of them, looking very luxurious, there were more than fifty fox demons in the team, led by Tushan's silver moon guards on both sides, and in the middle were some fox demon maids, one by one painted makeup, graceful posture, wrapped in white gauze skirts, if the shadow is beautiful.

And the direction that this team went to was not the periphery of Tu Mountain, but to the back mountain behind Tu Mountain, which was also the direction where Tu Shan came from.

"Miss Hong Hong."

Silver Moon Guard Grand Commander Kong Qing saw Tu Shan Honghonghong and saluted.

Tu Shanhong said indifferently, "What are you going to do?"

Kong Qing smiled and said, "The Heaven and Earth Alliance is our Tushan alliance, and now that the alliance owner is temporarily living here, we Tushan naturally have to fulfill the friendship of the landlord, which involves the issue of etiquette, Miss Hong Hong should not be surprised."

"What are they going to do?"

Tu Shan's red expression moved to the group of maids.

"This... I am afraid that the alliance master will not be able to live in Tushan and use it to take care of living and living.

"Life? To what extent do you want to take care of it?

Kong Qing paused, and then said: "If it is an ordinary person, naturally there is no need for such courtesy, those people in high positions in the human world are amorous, it is okay to do what they like, it doesn't matter if Lord Hong Hong has a good relationship with him, but when it comes to this matter, it is inevitable that there are some... Not quite right. There

was silence for a while.

"Yes, you're right."

Tu Shan Honghong turned around and left.

Behind him was Tushan Yaya, who trotted all the way.

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