This Silver Moon Guardian Grand Commander of Tushan seemed to have misunderstood her goal before coming.

She just thought that in addition to the strength of cultivation, this person was the same as the ordinary ordinary people in the human world, greedy, and happy with a beautiful voice would definitely have results, even if he was rejected today, the person stayed, and after a long time, he was not afraid that his nature would not be exposed.

As it turned out, she did guess right, and this guy was indeed.

But what she didn't expect was.

This guy didn't even put it on, and he hit her head as the leader of the Silver Moon Guard.

Kongqing's forehead jumped.

Don't be angry, be calm.

She tried to keep a smile on her face and slowly turned her face away.

"Okay, I'll accompany the Zun Driver for a drink, after a drink, I'm okay?"

"No problem, I'm not an unreasonable person, in our human world, visiting the kiln is going to visit the kiln, even if the old bustard is beautiful, he can't pull people to prevent people from doing business, this has to bury people to do this kind of thing, don't you say?"

Li Han sighed.

Kong Qing only felt that a breath in his chest almost failed to slow down.

Kiln? Old bustard?


"I'm sorry, Sister Kongqing, I didn't mean it, I just made a not very appropriate analogy, I also feel very sorry for those women who have fallen into the dust, I can't see them suffering and laughing, so, I punish myself for a drink."

Li Han hurriedly apologized, and quickly summoned the fox demon maid on the side to pour the wine and drink it all.

Kong Qingjiao's body trembled slightly, and her eyes were full of cold killing intent.

She admonished herself not to be impulsive, not to be angry.

A feeling of humiliation lingered in her heart, and her body seemed to be burned, making her pace a little slow.

"Sit down, Sister Kongqing."

Li Han patted the place next to him.

"I'll just sit here."

Kong Qing pointed to the ground opposite Li Han.

"Eh! In our human world, the wine that symbolizes friendship is to sit side by side and drink together, only toasting with guests will be so rusty, I regard Tushan here as my home, you are my family, sister and brother sit closer Isn't it a common thing?

Li Han shook his head and insisted on refusing.

This made Kong Qing's heart chuckle for a while, looking at his seemingly absent eyes, under the humiliation and anger, an inexplicable acidity surged up the body,

I believe you are a ghost!

Seeing that Kong Qing did not respond.

Li Han snorted, and glanced at the fox demons around him with a cold face.

The fox demons present showed a timid look, the aura is difficult to describe in words, Li Han now gives people the feeling that he is clearly just a human being, but there is a feeling of putting a sword on your neck.

"Sister Kongqing, you don't want these people to be difficult."

Kong Qingtong blushed, forcibly endured humiliation, sat next to Li Han, and hurriedly took the wine glass.

"After drinking this cup, I'll just..." "

Eh, what are you doing in such a hurry?" Didn't you people come to serve me? You can always sing and dance, come! Played! Dance up!

Li Han smiled and held her hand holding the cup, and a crispy and numb feeling stimulated Kong Qing's body like electricity, and her eyes finally showed a look of fear.

This time... Could it be that he really sent sheep into the mouth of the tiger and wanted to put himself in it?

After saying it a few times, Kong Qing wanted to shake it off with a cold face.

"You don't want this! Put a little respect! "

Oh? Could it be that the Grand Commander came here for some other purpose?

Li Han grabbed it, looked directly at Kong Qing with a deep expression, and got closer and closer.

None of the fox demons present dared to step forward.

Because, in this area, everyone cannot use mana, this has been known in advance, and it is even more impossible to attack this human being, and the Silver Moon guard in charge of guarding can't even enter this area with weapons, so he can only stand outside and stare.

"You don't talk nonsense, there is no thing!"

Kong Qing moved his slender thighs and kept retreating, and the table was shaken.

"You are so guarded against me, and you have transferred so many people to serve me, it doesn't make sense, don't you say?"

Li Han approached slowly, still beside her face, as if every word turned into a wisp of breath stirring her face.

Kong Qing was numb, and the anxious pear blossoms brought rain, and she was humiliated not to overdo it.

"How the hell are you going to trust me! Give a quick word!

"What do you say? My good sister. "


Li Han murmured and blew lightly next to her ear.

The fox demon maids flew with long sleeves, like delicate flowers blooming in the spring mountains where the grass grew and the warblers flew.

At a certain moment, they stopped one after another, looking at the empty green leader who fell to the ground in amazement, red and sweaty, and his eyes were empty, like he had lost his vitality.

Li Han laughed drunkenly while holding the wine glass.

"Eh! What are you doing stunned! It's good, then play music and dance! "


The bright sun shines on the grassy warbler flying on the mountaintop, and the wine is fragrant.

In the distant mountainside jungle.

The bell tone is watering.


Tushan Yaya once again looked eager and chased out.

It is clear that those who cannot come to see will come again, and those who come will leave again.

What a fuss.

Tu Shan Hong's face was expressionless and hurried away.

Tushan Yaya followed behind and waved her small fist and hummed.

"Sister, I know you're angry watching that bastard doing so well, and I'm angry too, or let's go back and beat him up."

"Sister, you say a word, if you don't go, I'll go, that guy dares to make my sister so angry, I must teach him a good lesson, ouch..."

Tu Shan Honghong in front suddenly stopped for some reason, Tu Shan Yaya was caught off guard and was knocked to the ground.

Tu Shan turned his face red.

"I'm not angry."

"Sister... I'm sorry, I shouldn't... It shouldn't make you angry. Tushan

Yaya was so frightened that tears rolled in her eyes.

At this moment, her sister's eyes are very scary, she can feel it, very angry.

After Tu Shan Honghong reacted, he quickly helped Tu Shan Yaya up, squatted down and hugged her body.

"I'm sorry, Ya'er, sister is not angry with you."

Tushan Yaya cried out all of a sudden.

"That... That must be the bastard... It's all that bastard's fault!

"Sister... I didn't get angry with him either, and my sister wasn't angry.

Tu Shan Honghong sighed.

Tushan Yaya choked and cried, living like a child that no one wanted.

"Sister... Sister, you lie! You wouldn't have been so fierce to me before! "


Is she?

It turns out that she also lied?

The wind blew and her expression was unreadable under her face with golden orange hair, and she slowly stood up.

Tushan Yaya was stunned because she saw her sister...

Tu Shan Hong don't overdo it, his tone is flat.

"I'm sorry, Ya'er, sister won't lie to people in the future."

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