"Come on! Drink! Kong

Qing wiped his mouth with his hand and slammed the wine glass viciously on the ground.

"This... Or forget it.

Li Han smiled slightly embarrassed, and the fox demons present all lowered their heads one after another, not daring to look at the current Grand Commander.

The robe on Kong Qing's body had already become a little chaotic, but she herself had not noticed it, Li Han only persuaded a few glasses of wine, and her own alcohol came up.

There were seven or eight empty wine jars scattered on the ground at this moment, and she hugged the wine jar for a while, all without Fangcai's twisting and pinching look, very bold.

"Come on, don't you always like to stare at me? Now why so timid, after drinking this jar, I will let you see it clearly.

Kong Qing put his arm around Li Han's shoulders, and Li Han's head bounced back again, and he was clamped a little unable to move.


so bad! Are you afraid? You dare to seduce with such a little guts... Burst...... The three young ladies who seduced us Tushan? Kong

Qing's face was flushed, and his mouth was filled with alcohol.

The shoe hooked into the robe, and he fell to the ground all of a sudden, his claws still stretching out towards Li Han.

"Grand Commander

..." "Grand Commander..." The

dance was frozen by this sudden scene, and the maids and foxes present stopped one after another, looking at this Great Commander who had already left his dignity behind with a concerned expression.

This wine is specially prepared, in order to prevent Li Han from getting drunk, it can be said that it is painstaking, using the special agar berry jade fruit in the Tushan area, after drinking the belly, even if there is mana, it cannot be retreated, which can be said to be clearly arranged.

But at this moment, Li Han's face was half drunk, but the Grand Commander had already not known the southeast, southwest, and northwest after a few glasses of wine.

"Get out of here!"

Kong Qing pounced like a wild cat madly, not caring at all about the spring light behind him, causing those fox demon maids to retreat one after another.

Li Han sat in place, he swore that as a serious person, he only glanced at Fang Cai inadvertently, just a glance.

"You kind of! The old lady thinks she can't beat you, but don't forget, our Tushan fox demon is not so easy to bully! Don't think that the old lady doesn't know what your purpose is!

Kong Qing climbed onto Li Han's chest step by step and pulled his neckline with his hand.

She looked drunk and hazy, but she couldn't say how fierce.

"Tell you the truth! The old lady came here this time to see through your conspiracy, and you humans are all in front of each other, one set in the back! Don't think that the old lady doesn't know what you're thinking, you must want to ravage my body and trample my soul!

Li Han spread his hands and looked helpless.

"Grand Commander, you can't be a rogue, I didn't do anything to you."

So that's what happened, what did this guy think of himself?

Could it be that the days of the three Tushan sisters in Flying Dragon City can be so imaginative?

This kind of thing is not fun to say if you don't pay.




Kong Qing gritted her teeth and said three adjectives in a row, her plump body in a drunken state was at a glance, and she grabbed Li Han's hand and pressed it on herself.

"Aren't you just thinking about these shameless things? Come! The old lady died with you today! Just let Miss Hong Hong see what kind of beast you are! "


The fox demon maids present covered their eyes with red faces.

In addition to shyness, more is moved and shocked.

Why do you say that?

They are all unattended, don't look at the mighty this time, basically all recruits, but after monotonous training, they were transferred to the battlefield of the back mountain.

Lack of practical experience, lack of sufficient theoretical knowledge, and most importantly, no one has had contact with humans before this.

But what do you guess the Grand Commander said?

What are these difficulties! You think of yourselves as rabbits, the target person as a big radish, our fox demon Tushan is not afraid of difficulties, and must bravely rush forward!

Right now.

The Great Commander was the forerunner and infected these people with the spirit of feeding tigers, and immediately they also joined the battlefield, suppressing Li Han's hands and feet from all angles.

"Pay attention to the image! Grand Commander! You have to pay attention to the image, in such broad daylight, don't you have any shame! Hey! Say what about you! Playing yin, greeting three ways down?

Li Han grinned.

He lost.

No one can defeat such a group.

"Little sister! The pants can't be moved!

"Hmph, you also have times when you are afraid? Do you feel intimidated? We're here to bring you down!"

A sneer appeared on the fox demon maid's beautiful face.

"Sisters, keep up the hard work, he's going to fall soon!"

Li Han's clothes flew everywhere, his hands and feet kept fluttering, desperately accusing this unfair treatment.

He and Tu Shan are a partnership! Only temporarily detained here.

These people have no right to do this to him! This is trampling on his human rights as a captive!

Just when Li Han Mansion is about to fall, it is an incomparably dangerous moment.

A gust of green wind swept into the protective shield, menacing, and actually blew up dozens of fox demons including Kong Qing, and immediately fell to the ground, all of them unconscious.

"Drunken and misdeed, you can force Tu Shan's Silver Moon Guard Grand Commander into this virtue, you can also be considered good enough."

On the tree sat a figure, turquoise clothes, wearing a snake-like hair ornament on his head, and a third eye on his forehead on his beautiful face.

Water Spirit Eye.

This is a unique symbol of the leech demon clan, just like the Yang Family Heavenly Eye of the One Qi Dao Alliance, except that this guy sitting on the tree has a faint demon qi that is turquoise.

The physician of Tu Shan, the patriarch of the leech demon clan, and the jade spirit known as the king of the leech demon.

Can't go wrong.

There is only such a leech demon in the entire Tu Mountain.

Li Han was also a little surprised.

He was surprised not to meet this person, but to be surprised by the trick she used.

It is clearly a demon power, but it can obviously be used in the forbidden place, which is different from others.

"Don't be so surprised, you came to Tushan and I made a deal with that monkey to ensure that you can be saved in time if something happens to you, so the forbidden technique here will not work for me."

Jade Ling jumped down from the tree, moved her gaze down, and smiled.

"Hehe, the cost is not small."

Li Han immediately pulled the robe on the ground and covered his body.

"With your ability, not to mention how easy it is, a few of them can't use mana in this circle, you can't deal with it?"

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