Li Han shook his head.

"My weapons are used against the enemy, not against my own brothers and sisters, and I still have that."

Saying that, he hurriedly put on his pants and other clothes, the robe had been torn off, and the underwear on his upper body was also miserable.

"Poof... You're such an interesting person, and I wonder if I'm disturbing your good deeds.

Jade Ling said with a smile.

"Absolutely nothing! Well done! The fall is small, the loss is big, and I can't be sorry for my wife who hasn't passed the door.

Li Han's gaze swept over the disheveled fox demons on the ground, quite contemptuously.

Beauty meter?

But that's it.

"However, judging by your appearance, it seems that you are not from Tu Shan, isn't it slightly inappropriate to rashly take care of our Tu Shan's affairs like this."

Li Han wanted to know why Jade Spirit appeared here.

There are loopholes in her words, and it is impossible for the third young master of Aolai Guo to be so intimate as to arrange a personal doctor for Li Han, which is very strange.

How could the monkey know that Li Han would definitely be able to encounter an accident in Tushan? Ten thousand steps back, if you really reach that step, I am afraid it will not be a problem of healing, but the attitude of the entire Tushan towards Li Han, if it really comes to that time, it will be a joke to seal him in the back mountain of Tushan.

Intuition told him that the woman was lying.

"You Tu Shan?"

Li Han didn't care about her mocking smile at all, but straightened his chest straight.


"My name is Jade Yuling, you will hear this name with people in the future, and I guess you haven't been born when I came to Tushan."

Jade Ling said with a serious negative chest.

Li Han showed a somewhat shocked look, which made her very satisfied.

"At present, I am in charge of the medical field of Tushan, if you really suffer any injuries, I can also help you treat it, do you want to know each other?"

Jade walked in front of Li Han with a deftful smile and blinked.

Li Han frowned.

"No, I smell the breath of conspiracy, I can't just believe you in such a vague way, you have to be honest with me."

"Kai, Makoto, Bu, Gong? Are you sure?

Jade Ling looked at Li Han with extremely seductive eyes.

I have to admit that this is a beauty, but as long as the body of the leech demon still contains water, it can change into various shapes, in other words, this is high-tech.

Li Han was a little impatient and sat on the ground with his butt.

"Oh, it's annoying, can you all be more serious, dignified, what do you think in your heads?" Is it interesting to run over one after another to lure me into such a person? Do you think my will is fragile? Or do you think I'm really?

Saying that, he rolled up a fragment of his torn clothes and covered it between his legs.

Jade Ling said with a smile like an old driver.

"It's useless, I forgot to tell you, I'm a leech demon, in the eyes of those of us, human beings are just a skin sac mixed with flesh and blood, our eyes can observe the flow of every blood vessel inside your body, and your heart is now rushing down..."

Li Han interrupted in time.

He was really speechless, first he was robbed by a group of female vagrants, and now he felt that the house leak coincided with the overnight rain, and he happened to meet a hooligan leader, who was still a doctor, and really went to an embarrassing place.

He almost lost his body, how terrible, these goblins!

Seeing that this person was full of nonsense, I am afraid that he could not make up a single truth in ten sentences, and it was not much point to continue to mess with him like this.

Immediately, the expression turned, it is not a shameful thing, just say it.

"Do you remember what happened in the Divine Volcano Village?"

"Which thing?"

Li Han knew that she came prepared, and it was all in vain to act at this time.

"I have a younger sister, she is also a famous doctor among our leech demon clan, and she has a naïve apprentice. But one day, a human companion with a few guys from our leech demon clan met her and brought her to the human realm, and my sister has been looking for her traces.

"Later, finally one day, the female apprentice went home, and when she asked her, she only said that she went to the Divine Volcano Village of the One Kido Alliance, where she met a person, and also gave away the secret treasure of our leech demon clan, just to save her sweetheart."

"But, as a result, her sweetheart died."

Jade Yuling slowly moved her steps away and aimed her back at Li Han.

A trace of fire appeared in Li Han's eyes, and his eyes gradually moved towards the king power sword on the tree.

This is the perfect time to sneak up on the back!

"You think I should hate you?"

Jade Ling turned her head in amazement.

Li Han withdrew his gaze ruefully.

"Get used to it, get used to it, don't mind."

Walking in the rivers and lakes is like this, the atmosphere of saber rattling suddenly rendered he can't help it, perhaps because of this kind of thinking one step ahead, Li Han has never overturned the car, and the people who died are the people opposite him.

"I am very grateful for everything you have done for Xiao Tan, if not, I am afraid that she will definitely be killed by an adulterer, according to what I investigated later, that big disciple of the Divine Volcano Villa, Jin Renfeng, is not a good person at all, he secretly has dealings with the demon forest, and even participated in some things that sell monsters."

Jade Spirit crossed her hands together.

At this moment, there was no longer Fang Cai's ridiculous look, but he respectfully bowed to Li Han.

"Hey, after a long day you came to repay the favor, I kind of understood, no need to thank you, eliminating violence and Anliang is the responsibility of us quacks."

"That, about the magic weapon that Kozumi gave you that day..."

What about that bracelet? Sorry sorry, I lost it, I followed Jin Renfeng into the coffin earlier, I can't dig people out again, the bracelet is nothing great, our hundred-year-old Fang killed Jin Renfeng at once, if you really want it, I will write two pairs of medicine for you now, and it is much more useful to keep it than that bracelet.

Jade Yuling pointed helplessly at Li Han's abdomen.

"I know, the bracelet is there, you can see it, don't worry, I didn't mean to ask you for a magic weapon, this treasure should belong to you when you saved Xiao Tan."

"Then you are..." Just

three walnuts and two dates, Li Han is by no means buttoning the door, but he is poor.

Hearing that Jade Spirit was actually so generous, then everything was easy to say.

He has a good temper, as long as he doesn't reach out to him, it's okay.

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