Feng Qi sighed, and Fang Cai's hysteria seemed to judge the two.

It has returned to the posture of the Lord of Tushan who is not alarmed.

"Miss Honghong, everything I did was for us Tushan, but now you are uniting with outsiders to deal with me?"

Tu Shan Hong pursed his lips.

By meditating under the giant tree of bitterness, she has seen fragments of the past, when Fengqi knelt in front of the tree holding a person, wailing in despair, tears raining down, lonely and helpless... It is all these grief encounters that have made her who she is today.

But there is no doubt about it.

Wrong is wrong.

Feng Qi turned his head and smiled, but two lines of tears slipped down.

"Miss Honghong, since you have chosen to bear the pain caused by the joy and sorrow, at this moment, at this moment when I am about to usher in the end of my fate, you must accept it with a peaceful mind, not in your heart, it is best."

"Fengqi, it's not so serious, I don't want to hurt you, as long as you change your mind..."

Tu Shan Hong lost his voice.

She began to subconsciously let go of the hand on Fengqi's shoulder, and at this moment, Fengqi's eyes were also staring at this scene tightly, and a black aura gradually emerged from behind her.

Just one step away.


At this critical moment.

Snapping, a hand pressed on the back of Tu Shanhong's hand, and restrained Fengqi to death.

She looked at the guy who suddenly appeared next to Tu Shan Honghong.

"If you have anything to say, let's go back and say it, isn't she your elder? Take her hand at this time.

Li Han sighed.

I'll take your head! You're a bulb, aren't you? The east is not bright and the west is bright, and you are everywhere?

Fengqi's face gradually became gloomy, especially when she saw the smile that seemed to be absent from the corner of Li Han's eyes, her lungs were almost about to explode.

"Fengqi, come back with me."

Tu Shanhong's eyes were a little hopeful.

It's like a child looking at his elders.

Feng Qi frowned.

"It's impossible, you don't understand anything, your will doesn't even belong to you, haven't you realized it yet? He is just a puppet manipulated by the bitter giant tree! "


Tu Shan Hong looked gloomy.

"Alright! What to say back and say! Hong Hong is not as stupid as you say, she is still more self-aware, knows how to eat when she is hungry, knows to find a place to hide when it rains, and is a very sound child.

Li Han hurriedly urged, and Tu Shan Honghong, who was originally in a very low mood, turned cold when he heard this, and directly bit down on his arm.

"Shhh..." At

this moment, the golden light in the sky rolled, and a sound came from the clouds.

"Nice job, get out of the way!"

Then a thick stick with a shimmering golden light fell.

Aolai fog, flowers and fruits, Dinghai a stick of ten thousand demon dynasty.

He is the god of this world, and whoever he wants to die, he must die.

The magnificent golden light symbolized the law of justice between heaven and earth, and it smashed towards Fengqi so impartially, at that moment, she just smiled coldly in that direction, and then pushed Tu Shan Hong away with both hands.

"Go your own way, no matter how painful..."


At that moment, the Lord of Tu Mountain, who had absorbed all the black foxes, Fengqi, dissipated in the golden light, and his body and soul were all shattered.

Her ideas, her dreams, all faded away like the petals of a giant tree of bitterness, leaving no trace in the long river of time.

Li Han frowned and dragged Tu Shanhong back abruptly and landed on the ground.

The little golden man reappeared in the clouds and seemed to be happy.

"Thanks to you, I didn't clean up these things at the beginning, left on this land, I don't know how many people will be harmed in the future, this trip seems to be the right place for you in Tushan..."

Tu Shan Hong gritted his teeth, silent tears could not stop slipping, and his body was trembling slightly.

She couldn't listen to the high-sounding words about the monkey that came to her ears.

What is the safety of this land, for more innocent people, who those people are, she does not know a single one!

She only knew that an elder who had raised her for so many years had just disappeared in front of her alive, and her breath had completely disappeared! I will never see her again on this Tu Mountain! I can't hear her voice anymore!


Kong Qing crawled on the ground, tears streaming down.

The third young master of Ao Lai Guo sat upright in the sky, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "All in all, I did a very good job this time."

Suddenly, a voice interrupted him, making him look sideways.

"Hey, can you stop a little bit in moderation."

Li Han raised his head with a smile on his face.

Six ears on the side of the clouds.

"Third brother, from just now, his secret fire eye has come one step closer to becoming bigger, and there is no doubt that this kid is the kind of genius that has not appeared since the birth of the Terran race."

Aolai Guo San Shao smiled and said, "Yes, I decided, second sister, I will choose him." "


The huge mana swept around, rising even more.

Li Han took up the endless wine jug, and a king power sword qi swept across the clouds, swept the universe, and swung down at the little golden man in the sky.


The explosion made the entire Tushan mountain tremble.

"Didn't you hear? Lao Tzu said, be quiet. Li

Han's eyes burned with golden fire, exactly the same as in the eyes of the six ears at this moment.

He could clearly see that the golden light gas flowing on these two guys was rich and solemn, exactly the same as those forbidden spells he saw in the back mountain that day.

Good guys, these two guys are two walking heaven and earth power, no wonder the strong is so outrageous.

The six ears in the sky and the three young masters of the Aolai Kingdom were a little confused by Li Han's sudden difficulty, what did this bastard plan to do?

"Eh, I know that you are angry in your heart for locking you up on Tushan's side, but there is no way around it."

The three young masters of the Aolai Kingdom helplessly spread out their hands, and in an instant, the sword qi of the king power disappeared like smoke.

"Do you know what Fengqi, the Lord of Tu Mountain, has been contaminated with over the years? Fortunately, it didn't make a big mistake this time... Feed...... Still coming?

He finally stopped his composure, because the guy below began to drink from the endless wine jug again.

Mana rushes.

This time, even Liu'er was a little scared.

Because at this moment, Li Han was obviously only one step away from the Secret Fire Eye Dacheng, and if he continued to pour mana like this, it was impossible to say what kind of world-destroying fire could emerge from those eyes at that time.

"Don't talk to me so much, I understand, but can you change it a little." This stinky problem of not moving for the sake of the world, killing this and killing that.

Li Han wiped the corners of his mouth viciously.

"Lao Tzu listened very harshly!"

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