Tu Shan Honghong, who was immersed in grief, silently raised her head.

The man just threw the jug and rubbed her head with a smile.

As soon as he raised his sword, he rushed towards the two golden figures in the sky.

"Third brother back off! I got it! Six

Ears looked grim.

She casually pulled out her hand next to her ear, and the golden long stick appeared in her hand, and in a moment someone waited for such a long time.

The stick stepped forward and fought with Li Han.

The two of them were like dragon lightning, and they met more than ten times in an instant, and the secret technique Fire Eye was originally a superior secret technique used by the Aolai Kingdom to gain insight into the enemy's aura and attack direction.

At the moment, it is very embarrassing.

The same master taught, completely unable to break the trick.

Li Han stabbed with a sword, very vicious, and the armor that happened to be attached to Liu'er's chest slipped over, and a burst of fire flickered, turning sharply to her neck.

The six-eared eyebrow takes advantage of the long and short characteristics of the ruyi stick, and also uses the color to sharply elongate the contraction of its chest and abdomen.

After this trick, both of them were overjoyed.


It's all empty, it's just an afterimage.

The real bodies of the two had already retreated ten meters away.

"It's worthy of you, you actually tempered the Secret Fire Eye to such a point in such a short time."

Six Ears sneered.

"Second Miss, you are not bad."

Li Han nodded.

Then, the two collided and converged together, stirring up countless fires, and the surrounding space seemed to ripple with it, and the huge demon power isolated everything around, and even the three young masters of the Ao Lai Kingdom were swept away by more than ten zhang.

That battlefield had formed an invisible barrier, cutting everything around, and no one could get involved in the struggle between these two people anymore.

Liu'er's anger was finally beaten out, and a hint of anger appeared between his eyebrows.


However, only Li Han's sword responded to her.

This guy plays really, every sword is not reserved.

This has far exceeded Liu'er's expectations, in her impression, Li Han belongs to the kind of person who knows the current affairs very well, and is willing to bow his head when he knows that he can't beat it, and his sealing in Tushan is the best proof.

But now it's different... This guy seems to be a little deadly.

The six ears were full of golden light, and they collided with Li Han's king power sword around the Ruyi Stick.

Li Han's chest heaved for a while, and the corners of his mouth also overflowed with blood.

In the case of almost identical techniques, there is a difference between heaven and earth between the two.

Liu'er looked anxious: "Stop! If it goes on like this, you will be wasted! "




Li Han was still like a brute, even if blood spilled from his mouth and nose, he was tirelessly attacking.


In the end, the sword of royal power was ejected.

The pupils of the six ears suddenly dilated, and the wishful stick in his hand almost escaped.

"Are you really dead?"

Li Han in his sight had already suffered different degrees of damage to his internal organs, and he was shaky and even difficult to guarantee basic flight.


Liu'er lowered his head in amazement.

I saw a cut between my waist and abdomen, and a golden light appeared.

This doppelganger.

Actually on the verge of death at this critical juncture?

"When the hell is it..."

The golden light exploded, and the six-eared people were stupid.

"It seems that you are not invincible."

The corners of Li Han's mouth raised slightly, his body continued to fall like a kite with a broken thread, and he held a turquoise bracelet in his hand, constantly glowing with fluorescence.

If it weren't for the support of this thing just now, I'm afraid he would have been directly stunned under the powerful mana of the six ears, but... Rao is so, still a little embarrassed, this is the first time that the speed of healing cannot keep up with the speed of injury.

"I lean! Second sister. The

Third Young Master of Aolai Guo couldn't help but exclaim.

After him, the second sister's doppelganger was actually shattered?

At the same time, an even greater demon power swept up behind him, and the power that burst out at this moment had vaguely stepped into the level of the demon emperor.

Tu Shan went down with a claw, where there is still the shadow of the three young masters of the Aolai country, and he has long run without a trace.

At this time, she noticed that Li Han's body was still falling, and the whole person seemed to have lost its vitality.

"Don't die... You are not allowed to die..."

she muttered, flying towards Li Han like a madman, hugging him, and both fell into the grass on the ground.

"Wake up! You wake me up..." The

call gradually became weaker, Tu Shan's red body trembled, tears could not stop slipping, and she rested Li Han's head on her legs.

She should have known that there were not so many coincidences in this world, why it was the moment he was injured, and he transitioned to adulthood.

It's just that she has been deceiving herself.

Determined to bring Tushan on the right track, she deeply admires a human being, admires his tireless work, and admires him for bringing those humans and monsters a home where they can rest in peace.

This is completely different from Fengqi's concept of taking charge of Tushan, but it gives her a new hope, she does not really want to see humans as her enemies, she also knows that most of the ordinary people who have no power at all, and they are also deeply afraid of monsters.

How wonderful would it be if such a world could really be created where everyone could live together in peace?

"Before, I gambled all the future of myself and my sister on you, you didn't let me down, this time, did you just fall down? You liar!

Tears fell on Li Han's pale face one by one.

Just at this time.

A burst of turquoise demon power rolled by.

When Tu Shan Honghong saw the person coming, he immediately said with joy: "Ling'er."

Jade Yuling nodded, and suddenly noticed the bracelet of the Leech Demon clan held by Li Han's right hand, and his expression immediately became strange.

"Ling'er, come and show him."

"Got it, my eldest miss."

Jade Yuling smiled helplessly, then squatted down, slightly close to Li Han's ear, and muttered softly.

"Lord Li Meng, how is the knee pillow? You won't really fall asleep, and if you don't wake up, I'll tell the truth to Honghong." "


A moment later, Li Han frowned and opened his eyes with difficulty.

He could clearly see the tear marks on Tu Shan's red face, and the queen who was like an iceberg on weekdays was messy like a little girl at the moment.

"Ahem... I'm okay, I can't die. "

Alas... The knee pillow is the exclusive right of the hero.

It's just that there are two or five zai, then there is no way.

"Oh, my eldest miss, I have saved your sweetheart, what are you going to take to thank me."

Jade Ling smiled slyly.

When Tu Shan Honghong heard this, he immediately stopped overdoing it, and quickly covered Li Han's face with his hands.

"Poof... Eldest sister...... Breathe...... I need to breathe..."

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