With the defeat of the forces of the Ao Lai Kingdom, everything seems to return to calm.

The vision of heaven and earth caused by the previous Fengqi was gradually cleansed and clear due to the fall of the original owner, and it was still the scenery of the wind and sunshine and the four seasons of Changchun, but the Tushan Street reflected was devastated, as if it had just experienced a big war.

The funeral of Fengqi, the former lord of Tu Mountain, had not yet had time to take place.

As the Grand Commander of the Silver Moon's guard, Kong Qing returned to the town first, directing the order of the scene with an expressionless face, so that Tu Shan could resume operation in the shortest possible time.

Because it is not certain whether there will be a foreign invasion in this case, the more you go through the crisis, the more you can't take it lightly, this is the instruction left by Feng Qi when he was still there, many times those human ships are going and returning, taking advantage of this distraction to not know how many fox demons have been captured, these are bloody lessons.

"It seems that a long time ago, the bitter giant tree fell ill."

"How long?"

"Who knows? I don't remember the specific time, but women who count the days are prone to wrinkles.

Li Han sat on the top of the mountain and smiled, not paying attention to Jade Yuling's words.

This woman is an alternative version of the old oil, under the surface full of charm, it is the precipitation of the years, and I don't know how many years have I come to Tushan here.

Her words, just listen to them, can't take them to heart.

"The previous Fengqi was not like this, although she has always been hostile to humans, and she is not concerned about the reincarnation of the bitter giant tree, but she does not have a blatant negative attitude, after all, she is also the lord of Tushan no matter what."

Jade Ling turned around with some emotion.

No matter how many generations Tushan has changed, that tree stands between heaven and earth like a guardian spirit, reflecting a magnificent shadow, solemn and solemn.

It is the soul of Tu Shan, and its will is like an unbreakable religion, deeply imprinted in the soul of fox demons the moment they are born.

"She actually can't disobey the will of the bitter giant tree, perhaps... The fault is not that Fengqi is wrong, but that the bitter giant tree originally has two sides, on the one hand, it has compassion for the world, hoping that those infatuated people and monsters can continue the frontier, and on the other hand, it is also thinking about ending such a bad fate and denying the ethics and morality that sustains the world, which happens to be shown through Fengqi. "

Jade Yuling is naturally very particular about speaking, as an outsider, he does not say anything right or wrong, good and evil, but about the question of choice.

"I don't think there should be any need to discuss this issue."

Li Han shook his head.

Under the tree stood a figure, red and white robes, the wind blew through, splashing bells.

The petals of the sky are like strings, and her orange hair rises, stirring the melancholy of parting.

Jade Ling's expression was complicated, and he nodded after a long time.

"yes, it's gone."

A long life is long, there can be a lot of thoughts, some people are gone, people die like lights out, those thoughts can only be said to themselves....

Whether the bitter giant tree really exists that kind of thing, which has become the soil that nourishes the black fox, or whether something has happened to Fengqi itself, everything in all this is meaningless, the so-called fox death is like a lamp extinguished, and there is not even slag left after a stick to bombard.

Tushan has one less leader, one more new generation of lords, the will of the bitter giant tree can also be passed on, this area can be restored to its original state in a short time if it is injured, and no one in this world will be hurt.

Yes, it's just a little girl who lost one of her once respected elders....

Tu Shan now wants to enter a new era under the leadership of Tu Shan Honghong, which is the end and subsequent development.

A figure crept forward quietly, and at one moment jumped out of the grass.

"Haha... Bastard, the old lady has finally caught you! Tushan

Yaya sat on Li Han's head, opened her mouth and bit down on his neck.


The smug smile on that little face instantly froze, replaced by tears that quickly filled his eyes.

What is this thing... Why is it so hard?

"Ah! Hurt!

Li Han snorted and smiled, and grabbed the little fox demon on his neck.

【King Kong is not bad: +1】

【Strengthen all parts of the body in all directions, strong as King Kong, not moving like a rock. This

was a technique that Liuer left him before disappearing, and naturally it was still the same as before, directly transmitted into his mind through the golden light of consciousness.

It seems that there is a soft compromise, anyway, now Li Han is no longer the two of them can exist at will.

The secret fire eye brought him not an improvement in demon power, but a technique, which could be described as excellent.

To use an inappropriate analogy.

This is like drilling a loach hole, no matter how big you are, you can't find the hole for half a day, that's blind work.

But with the secret fire eye is different, you can find the enemy's loopholes at once, although it is short and sharp, but it can defeat the enemy with one blow, this is the magic point.

Even if Liu'er exists, it is not flawless all over the body, Li Han can find loopholes and destroy her doppelganger, which is enough to show that Li Han's existence can pose a certain threat to her, and the unequal interaction in the past will naturally come to an end.

The other thing is... Aolai Kingdom may really need Li Han to achieve something, so in this case, it is still necessary to continue to teach Li Han the secret art, but what the specific thing is, it is not clear now, I can only say take a step at a time.

"Going back?"

Jade Spirit said in surprise.

"How else?"

Li Han sighed, he carried Tushan Yaya to the tree, and pressed her body on the endless wine jug.

Tushan Yaya held her wine jug with both hands and refused to let go.

It's not easy!

After being taken by that bastard for so long, it is finally returned to its original owner.

"Now, it's yours, be happy."

"It would have been mine, you bandit."

Tushan Yaya's eyes widened, and her small body hung on the huge gourd, spinning like a carousel.

Li Han tugged at her little face, and the latter was grinning again, like a fried cat.

"What a melon baby..." Taking

advantage of the fact that Tushan Yaya had not yet put on a desperate posture to fight with him, Li Han quickly packed up the sword of Wang Power and slipped away.

This time up the mountain.

In addition to cultivating a lot of things, the most interesting thing is probably to fight wits and courage with Tushan Yaya there, and Miss Yaya, who does not admit defeat, is still very cute.

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