"Brother Li Han, once the Demon Alliance is established, I think the core problem we are facing is still about the Ichiki Dao Alliance, anyway, the humans in their jurisdiction are the most, and most of the humans have a great prejudice against the Demon Alliance."

Tu Shanrong sighed.

The essential difference between humans and monsters is that the complexity of the human heart is difficult to measure with common sense, especially the saying that the human realm believes in is 'if it is not my race, its heart must be different', which is bound to be a huge project, which can not be completed in a day.

"Don't worry, things are not as complicated as you think, most people's concerns are not so advanced, but it is just three meals a day, when necessary, knock on the One Air Dao Alliance, open the mouth, and the follow-up things will be easy to handle."

Li Han knew how extensive the issues Tu Shan Rongrong was considering now involved.

If Flying Dragon City wanted to survive in the cracks, it was not advisable to rely on Li Han alone to threaten by force there all the time.

The idea of achieving true peace between humans and demons at the beginning was just based on the internal status quo of Flying Dragon City, but now it has become a policy in a strategic sense.

The current residents of the city are holding their breath, feeling that following his Li Han's ideas, they can live a really good life in the future, unconsciously, the original chaotic city, mixed social relations, now completely twisted into a rope, towards the same goal, and even many people regard this as their life goal... Ideal, what a magical two words, can make people willing to give everything for it when they don't have enough to eat and can't see the future.

"I heard Uncle Yun say that you have been busy lately and have no time to eat and rest, now is the time to stop and rest."

Li Han's expression was a little solemn.

There is still some distance from Tu Mountain, and the long-term practice away from the bitter giant tree is very difficult for Tu Shan Rongrong, she not only has to endure the loss of demon power, but also drags her tired body to carry out high-load work, day after day.

How can this be carried?

Tu Shan Rong Rong shook his head and said: "What is in Li Han's brother's heart is what Rong Rong thinks, when my sister asked Rong Rong why she didn't return to Tu Shan before, Rong Rong had already answered very clearly, what we have to do is something that the predecessors have not done for hundreds of years and thousands of years, how much hard work does it take?" How much effort does it take? Afraid of hardship and tiredness, what else does Rong Rong do? "

Face this fox demon girl who is lit up at every turn and sleeps at night.

Li Han pursed his lips, and in the end he didn't even say a word of comfort.

There is always something in this world that even death cannot trample on its nobility, it is like a flower of high mountains, so that those who see it flock to it and strive to move forward.

Tu Shan's face smiled and said, "In the future of the Demon Alliance, Brother Li Han will definitely be able to see Rong Rong, right?"

"Well, let's work together!"

Li Han nodded, stretched out his hand, and held it tightly with Tu Shanrongrong.

Both of their eyes were full of determination.


Li Han returned to the mansion where the Dongfang family was located, and met Huaizhu again, she had obviously cleared a lot.

The moment she saw Li Han, she only breathed a slight sigh of relief standing in the courtyard.

The two were separated for most of the month, and there was no joy of reuniting after a long absence, hugging each other and telling each other, on the contrary, it was very quiet, just like an ordinary couple.

Dongfang Huaizhu took out a finished robe, compared with the one woven before, this time the handwork is much more delicate, the whole body is made of white fabric, and some gold wire patterns are woven on the edge of the placket.

After Li Han put it on, his whole person was completely new, and he looked thinner, tall and straight.

"Well, you take it off first, I'll change the sleeves again."

Dongfang Huaizhu held his chin.

Li Han smiled and said, "No need, I think it fits perfectly."

"Oh, let you take it off, where do you get so many words."

Dongfang Huaizhu shook his head resolutely.

Her aesthetics have always been very strict, and every time she sees Li Han wearing wrinkled clothes to attend a meeting of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, she will stop him one step ahead, and she has to take a glance at the board before letting him go out.

Li Han's lack of attention in this regard made her chant many times.

"I don't want to talk to you about that cliché anymore, Li Gongzi, you are now the lord of the alliance, you should pay attention to your appearance when you go out, you represent the entire Flying Dragon City, understand?"

Dongfang Huaizhu straightened Li Han's clothes, and only after half a day did he nod in satisfaction.

Li Han said with a bitter face: "Isn't it at home now?"

"It's the same everywhere! If people see it, say that you are such a big alliance master, there is no woman behind you, I don't know, I will say that I am too lazy to cause your appearance problems, I can't stand it.

Dongfang Huaizhu crossed his waist, saying that he would not tolerate it.

As a more traditional woman, she is very afraid of gossip.

Especially Li Han's current identity, how many people are staring at him, the degree of fineness is naturally not the same as before.

"It's so serious."

Li Han spread his hands helplessly.

"Of course you have to pay attention! Later...... Later..."


Dongfang Huaizhuqiao's face turned red, and his voice was like a mosquito fly: "In the future, if you become a family, you will pay more attention to it, my eldest lady of Shen Volcano Village also wants face, you are my façade, do you understand?"

"What about your dad?"

Li Han's heart swayed by her coquettish look, and the thief glanced at him left and right.

"What for?"

Dongfang Huaizhu looked alert and took two steps back.

"How cold it is outside, let's talk about it when we go into the house, let's talk about it when we go inside."

Li Han took her hand and quickly led her to the house, and before a cup of tea, there was a violent knock on the door outside the courtyard.

A figure skillfully turned over the courtyard.

"Hmph! Stinky boy! Count you running fast! After

Dongfang Lonely Moon entered the courtyard, he threw the stick on the ground on the side.


After a long time, Dongfang Huaizhu came out of the room with a red face, and said with some complaints: "Can your old man not always break in like this." Dongfang

Guyue snorted coldly: "This kid is too anxious, without Ming Media being married, he thinks about sneaking like this every day, when I Dongfang Guyue doesn't want face, if I really want to come one step late to let him succeed?"

Dongfang Huaizhu sighed: "Your old man is always like this, what if he is suffocated?"


the Oriental Lonely Moon Man froze in place.

Are you still thinking that he will hold back?

Boy...... This is the legendary elbow bent?

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