Li Han, who had never succeeded in stealing incense and jade, had to return in vain.

He doesn't have much loss, sometimes what can't eat his mouth is more charming than what he can eat his mouth, every time he can appreciate Miss Dongfang's shyness and desire to refuse to welcome back from various angles, the stimulation of this is simply not enough for outsiders, can only understand everything, do not know how to say is useless.

This trip back, there is no need for Li Han to worry about anything inside Flying Dragon City.

To be honest, this trip back from Tushan, he really wanted to stay and rest for a while, but when he thought of the hard work of Tushan Rong these days, these thoughts disappeared in an instant.

Coveting pleasure is human nature.

Admittedly, no one asked him to do something like that, and responding to other people's expectations was equally tiring, and there were too many reasons to refuse... But, to say a thousand words and ten thousand, first of all he is a man.

Responsibility, cannot be avoided.

"No matter how long I think about it, I'm still surprised how you got to where you are today."

"It's sort of... A lot has happened. "

The Panda Elder of the Southern Kingdom was placed under house arrest at the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, there were many demon charms pasted inside and outside the door, and her magic weapon was also taken away, only one person stayed alone in the room, but looking at her appearance, she did not have the slightest consciousness as a prisoner, on the contrary, she was very calm.

Li Han waved his hand, and the next person quickly brought her a cup of hot tea.

"That... These things must be extraordinary for you. Elder

Panda sighed sincerely.

From an unknown slave who built a city wall in the south in the past to the current lord of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, he knocked a demon king to the ground with a single move, but it was only a few months, what kind of cultivation, what kind of magic weapon can support such achievements.

"Princess, are you okay?"

Li Han frowned.

"Well, after you left, the princess changed her temperament, occasionally going to the city wall to take a look, and would instruct the commanders who guarded the city wall to treat those humans well, but you also know the situation on our southern side, this kind of thing can not always be perfect, there are more dead, the poisonous master will think of going to the border area to arrest people again, otherwise, the city wall is in disrepair and loses its dignity, and the Ichiki Dao Alliance will come to invade, which is also a matter of no way."

Elder Panda only went round as much as possible.

What was promised to Li Han at the beginning was really implemented with little effect.

Especially after the Ichiki Dao Alliance suffered a defeat on the side of Flying Dragon City, in order to show that its organizational ability is still there, the harassment of the major demon domains is frequent, and if the Southern Side does not go to the human territory to capture slaves, it is equivalent to showing weakness.

It is true that this move of the Ichikido Alliance has angered the Southern Kingdom, but at the same time, the results achieved by doing so are obvious, at least those monsters who usually wander around the human border do not dare to easily attack the villages on the edge of the Demon Realm at this juncture.

The arrest of people on the southern side is to play a deterrent effect, and the one qi Dao Alliance harasses the major demon domains in order to prove that its dominance is still there, and they are all playing clear cards, depending on whether the breath that was stretched before is still there.

"Do you think you can put an end to such a retribution?"

Li Han shook his head and said, "I'm not sure, at least, let's try it first, there is not much point in continuing to do it like this." "

During the conversation between the two, large boxes covered with silk and satin had been prepared outside the door, and they were carried onto the ships one by one, preparing to go down the waterway to the southern country, which contained many handmade items from the Flying Dragon City side, as well as some magic weapons...

There is no shortage of money in the southern country, and it can even be said that it is the richest place among the several demon domains, and these things are naturally symbolic preparations.

Elder Panda naturally didn't pay too much attention to these things, what she noticed was.

The sword that Li Han was equipped with stood on the cabin, dressed in a white robe, but still majestic.

The Lord of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, the Lord of a City.

He, really wants to go.

"I don't know how the Poison Emperor will feel when he sees this young man again?"



Poison Emperor Mountain.

A fresh breeze blew across the girl's face, and she squatted on the grass, sweat oozing from her hair, frowning tightly.

Wisps of purple mist surrounded her, constantly swimming.

"The princess's Ten Thousand Poison Body looks like her cultivation is about to be completed."

"Yes, in the past few months, the princess has worked harder and harder day by day, which is also a matter of course."

The poisonous boy couldn't help but hide his face and cry, took out a towel from his sleeve and wiped his face.

"Good is good, but in my heart, I always feel a little empty..." The

poisonous lady was speechless.

"What are you empty?"

"Can't you see that? The princess has grown up! The gentle, petite one has disappeared with the passage of time, I still remember how the princess looked when she was a child, how cute..." The

poisonous boy's face was tearful.

How nice the little princess is, such a petite one.

Now it has slowly grown and developed, revealing a girlish breath... This seems to be good, but I always feel that something is missing!


I don't know when, Huandu Luolan was already standing behind the poisonous boy, his burgundy hair was flying under the round hat, and his expressionless kick directly hit the head of this kick on the tree.

"Time to go back."

"Princess, how did you go today?"

The poisonous lady also ignored the poisonous boy who fell to the ground unconscious, but was very concerned about the progress of Huandu Luolan's practice now.

The princess wants to cultivate the body of ten thousand poisons in the Poisonous Emperor Mountain, which is the top priority on the southern side now, don't look at the only three of them in this forest, in fact, the outer circle is all guarded by the monsters of the southern country, for fear of a slight mistake.

"Not bad, more or less a threshold of understanding."

Huandu Luolan stared at the palm of his hand.

At this moment, the body wrapped under the red Miao Jiang costume has long been not as petite as it was at the beginning, but has grown a little, standing with a very tall monster like the poisonous lady, it is only two heads or so short, and even the chest is slightly raised, showing the demeanor of a girl.

"What about the elders? I want to meet her and ask about cultivation again.

At this time, Huandu Luolan remembered the Panda Elder who had been taking care of her before, she was now fully engaged in cultivation, and when this body really grew to adulthood, that is, when her body of ten thousand poisons was completed.

"This... She was ordered out. The

poisonous lady thought for a moment, and then replied.

The matter over there in Flying Dragon City is only known to people above the Five Poisons Taibo in the southern country, and for the princess, it needs to be absolutely confidential.

Because, someone, has a great influence on the princess.

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