"Brother Simon, these two..."

The little fire god Chi Huo on the side reminded him, and Ximen Chuisha nodded.

Looking around, the two women in the seat.

The young one was neatly draped, and her round little face was not delicate, seeing that she ate so shapelessly, in fact, a pair of eyes seemed to float here without meaning, quite proud.

The older one was dressed in a green robe, his face was beautiful, everyone was beautiful, sitting there coldly, and he had a dusty temperament that refused to be thousands of miles away.

What they have in common is a little flame sign between their eyebrows.

"I heard that the old owner of that Divine Volcano Village only has two daughters under his knees, and his daughter was born with a birthmark of the Demon Destroying God Fire... Could it be..." Ximen

Chuisha was also shocked in his heart at the moment, and vaguely guessed something.

Looking at the little fire god Chi Huo on the side, his expression was also a little shocked.

This person belongs to the young son of the Chi family of the Qi Dao Alliance, and his family is also famous for fire, but its flame grade is far lower than the demon exterminating divine fire of Shen Volcano Zhuang, pure Yang Yan these four words are not for fun, why is it called the little fire god, this real fire god name was picked up by the chief disciple of the foreign family of the God Volcano Zhuang, Jin Renfeng, and now the owner Dongfang Lonely Moon is old, with the golden phoenix, the God Volcano Village is still not to be underestimated.

"Official, that seat."

The servant looked at Simon Blowing Sand in embarrassment.

Good fellow, the table has not been open for a long time, there is not half a bowl left on the table, and everyone at the table is watching the little girl eat there.

Ximen Chuisha laughed loudly: "Today, everyone is here to discuss the strategy of exterminating demons, and then open another table!" "


On the table again, Dongfang Qin Lan was very polite this time, and first smiled and asked the others to invite first.

That pearl jade in front, Li Han's side he will not be polite, left and right looked forward, smiled and nodded, and then looked fierce, reached out and directly grabbed a whole chicken in the plate and hugged it back.

Everyone in the table did not know where the situation was, and after glancing at each other, everyone simply stopped talking about courtesy, and coaxed into a ball, and the atmosphere of this table was naturally different from others.

Ximen Chuisha on the stage is still there talking about the deeds of slaying demons and exterminating demons over the years.

The bottom has already made a mess, because the little girl has already set her eyes on other tables, most of the people present are reckless, not some family children, the surface is polite, who wants to really come to eat a table and go back hungry, there is a tiger sitting next to it, can you not worry? I hurriedly grabbed it, as if I hadn't eaten in my life.

"If you want me to say, eat when you eat, what do you say so much?"

"Well, the girl said very much."

Li Han ate a mouth full of oil, and without raising his head, he directly grabbed the plate and brought it up to make it.

He really committed sins along the way, after leaving the southern country.

The road was deserted, and most of the food he ate was wild hunting food, mostly caught wild rabbits, and he thought he could make that kind of roasted oil nourishment, and when he took a bite, his mouth was full of fragrant mouth.

As a result, it was black when roasted, it was saltless, dry, and there was not a few taels of meat to gnaw, and I drank a few sips of mountain spring water that looked relatively clean, and I also hurt my stomach for a few nights, pulling people out.

Today I finally entered the town, but I found that I had no money.

It just so happened that this Ximen hero set up a banquet here to entertain the heroes and discuss what strategies to exterminate demons.

I didn't enter this door before.

Li Han still thought about it.

When he punched the Five Poisons Taibao on the Southern Province side, kicked the Southern City Wall, and inside and outside the Megatron Palace, wouldn't he be more worthy of being a hero than these people who had never even been to the Southern City Gate Building?

What is hospitality? Isn't this Ximen Chuisha naming and crying and begging him to eat? How can he brush people's face.

When he said this, he even glared, and a big ear scraped the attendant guarding the door.

"Blind your dog's eyes! Don't you recognize Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu enters your door to eat this banquet to give your master face! Still need a gift? "

It's probably the heroism of that body, which scares the attendants guarding the door a lot.

Seeing this young and handsome master, as soon as he opened his mouth, a reckless aura came to his face, and this big ear scraped on his face was hot and painful.

Who is this master, while he was still thinking about it.

Unexpectedly, people had already gone in in one step ahead of others, and found an inconspicuous corner to sit down, and the hat was pulled down, looking for the kind that could not be found.

"Here, pay yours back."

Dongfang Qin Lan Yu Wanjun handed out a chicken leg from it.

"You're welcome, how embarrassing is that."

Li Han took the chicken leg, and suddenly there was only a bare bone rack, and he could see that this little girl wanted to compare with him in terms of food consumption.

Every time he took a bite, the little girl also took a bite, and if he picked up the plate, there was also a learning over there.

Li Han this person does not have any competitive heart, he is relatively low-key, generally wait for the little girl to finish eating in front of everyone, only then dare to take advantage of the brother next to him is not paying attention, borrow the plate in his hand to eat a bite, late everyone you compete for me, then there is no food.

This time came and went, the banquet was eaten quickly, and under the leadership of Li Han and Dongfang Qin Lan, everyone opened their stomachs and ate, and they were not polite.

It can be seen that Ximen Daxia is very happy, and the smile on his face has never stopped, and he has been instructing his subordinates to add food to the kitchen.

"Ximen is heroic and righteous!"

After Li Han finished eating, he took the lead in clasping his hands into fists, and his face was sincere.

The people who were scrambling next to them also stopped and said in unison.

"Ximen is heroic and righteous!"

It is worthy of the jade-faced wind monarch Ximen blowing sand, look at the pattern of people, count, what should have been on six seats, hard to plate thirty seats, how much money does this cost, even if it is a family of a qi Dao alliance to invite people to eat pomp and circumstance, not to mention that people are still people in the rivers and lakes, they didn't even blink their eyes.

Treat money like dung! Saving people from danger! This is the real hero!

Ximen Chuisha looked at the mountains of plates on the table, his face twitched, and his smile did not diminish.

"What is this! All of you have come here to slay demons, and only when you have enough food and drink will you have strength.

"Eh, what about the big brother?"

Since Dongfang Qin Lan came out of the mountain, it was the first time that Yomo had met her opponent on this battlefield, and when she looked up, she caught a glimpse of Fang Cai's opponent who wanted to compete with her but disappeared.

She this... The warm-up has just ended.

Outside the inn at this time, Li Han was walking on a dark street, wrapped in a hooded robe, and the two fat chickens he casually carried in his pocket were still warm.

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