The inn on the side is red and smells of wine wafting from time to time, but it is very cool outside, and it feels a little refreshing to breathe.

Li Han followed the road he came from, bypassing the edge wall of the inn, until he reached the backyard, where a path led directly to the inn where he was staying.

Suddenly, a loud sound was heard.

"Ouch, you can do well, our family is a small business, how can it withstand such a toss, if it is a table and two tables, the little old man's side should be given to Ximen Daxia, but there are so many tables..."

Is it a question of money? Couldn't our family Ximen official pay for your drink? It's just that you look at which quack warrior still needs a lot of silver in his pocket when he goes out, our officials are here to get rid of demons, and they are not for fun, and these heroes and good men outside, which one you see is not a little family? Help you kill the demon and eliminate the harm here, what's wrong with you treating? It is your blessing to pick your family.

"This, this, this... This is not my family's business, to be honest, as soon as I heard that Ximen Daxia was going to banquet all kinds of heroes, I had already contacted the nearby pavilion, and these materials were all credited from everyone's hands, just waiting for Ximen Daxia to settle the bill.

"Shut up! You clearly didn't put my family's Ximen official in your eyes, and you said so many good things, how come you untouchables just can't understand, you have to force my uncle to do it!


The maid serving Ximen Blowing Sand looked furious, and in a blink of an eye, he pulled out the sword on his waist, kicked towards the elderly shopkeeper, and smashed the abandoned wooden cabinet on the ground with a click.

"Old thing, if you are again crooked and entangled, don't blame me for this sword that does not have eyes!"

"Uncle, count me begging you, my family's small business, it is not easy to survive on the edge of this demon realm, if you don't settle the account today, the little old man really can't live."

The old treasurer trembled and climbed forward, hugged the thigh of the maid, and the old tears ran rampant.

"You old thing!"

The maid has followed Ximen to blow sand for many years, walking in rivers and lakes, what pickled things have never been seen, some things are not on the surface, no one sees it, what is done is done, now this backyard and the front gate are closed, the store is very lively, how can anyone notice what is happening in the backyard?

After saying it a few times, he immediately gritted his teeth, evil grew from the side of the guts, and he didn't stop doing anything, and he drew his sword with both hands and was about to stab the little old man in the back.

Suddenly, a purple wind blew through, and the maid's nose moved, and the whole person's eyes widened.


The sword fell to the ground with a crisp and plopping sound, and he fell to the ground in response, staring at the moon hanging in the sky with his eyes wide open.

The old shopkeeper opened his mouth, and the people were stupid ... Seeing that the maid's body shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, the originally round and full skin and blood veins quickly withered and aged, like the bark of a tree!


The yokai is coming! At

this moment, a strange cry came from outside the wall, which frightened the old man who was already about to shout, and hurriedly ran towards the front hall.

With a swoosh, a figure jumped into the courtyard.

Quickly fumbled on the body of the dead maid.

Tied to his waist was a thick and unusual money bag, and the hard one seemed to contain a lot of silver.

There were several pieces of paper hidden in his chest.

In the crotch... It's not very professional, there is nothing here.

There is a book hidden in his leg, and he can't see clearly when it's dark....

The compartment of the sole can be felt, and there are a few pieces of paper hidden, which must be silver tickets.

By the way, the hat on the head! The hairpin with the hair is quite round to the touch, and it is not clear what kind of jade it is made of.

"Where are the yokai!"

"Bold demon!"

The back door of the inn was kicked open, and many people in the rivers and lakes broke in, one by one with swords in their hands to patrol the surroundings, they lined up, crowded, and looked very vigilant.

"Get out of the way."

After a long time, Ximen Chuisha Fang, who was shaking a feather fan, walked out from the crowd indifferently, and when he caught a glimpse of the long-withered corpse on the ground, his eyes changed abruptly.

"Brother Simon."

"Isn't this Brother Simon's handmaid?"

"What the hell is going on!"

At this moment, the entire backyard was noisy, there was only one corpse on the ground, and everyone who was called by the old treasurer was very confused.

And Ximen Chuisha as the owner of this maid, naturally his face was also extremely ugly, but in front of everyone, he did not say anything insulting, but asked the old treasurer in a low voice.

"What happened to Fangcai?"

The old treasurer's words had to be said truthfully.

He originally wanted to settle the account of this wine banquet with the waiter, because there were indeed a lot, and the materials at the other end of the kitchen were all credited, but he didn't expect that the waiter actually insisted on refusing and kicked him to the ground.

Speaking of this, Ximen Chuisha's face could be imagined, and he quickly motioned to another servant next to him, took out the money bag and gave it to the old man.

"I don't know about this, I gave him money to settle the bill earlier."

After the old man took the money bag, he also exhaled a long breath, and then explained, only to see that the maid suddenly fell to the ground for some reason, and then he heard someone shouting outside that the monster was coming.

"It's poison!"

Someone's sharp eyes immediately recognized it.

"Youkai of the Southern Country!"

The Southern Monster is good at raising cheats and making poison, this is recognized, needless to say.

Then take the fire to look at this maid, the skin is as wrinkled as bark, it has long been out of shape, the other limbs are severely shrunk like a dry corpse, and there is a strange purple color all over the body, which makes people's scalp numb.

"It definitely can't be wrong, it must be poisoned by the monsters over there in the southern country."

Chi Huo was puzzled: "So, now the Southern Country monster has entered the town?"

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say, monsters have always acted unpredictably."

Ximen Chuisha frowned, waved his hand, no one dared to step forward, and finally a few attendants moved people out under his stern eyes, wrapped in heavy cloth on their hands.

"Guys, since the monster has harmed people in the town, presumably it has not gone far at this moment, since you are here, it is better to go to the town to look for it now, if we find the monster, we can also eliminate the harm for the people!"

"Ximen Daxia is reasonable!"

"Just listen to Ximen Daxia!"

Everyone withdrew one after another, looking hot.

Dongfang Qin Lan was also very excited and pulled her sister's sleeve on the side.

"Sister sister! Let's get rid of the demon too!

Dongfang Huaizhu did not speak, but walked in front of the shopkeeper.

"Treasurer, did you just say that you heard someone shout that the monster is coming?"

The old treasurer nodded.

"What Xiao Laoer heard with his own ears is true."

Dongfang Huaizhu turned slightly sideways, the green robe was lightly raised, and the willow-leaf-like eyebrows were slightly raised.

"This pours... Something strange. "

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