"Sister, what's strange?"

Dongfang Qin Lan didn't know what to do.

Dongfang Huaizhu sighed.

"Little sister, listen, this old man said that he heard someone shouting 'the monster is coming', but after we people arrived in the backyard, there was no movement outside, isn't it strange?"

"It's late at night, and everyone is sleeping."

Dongfang Huaizhu shook his head and said: "The monsters on the southern side have always come to the border area only to rob the population, if it is to rob people, the movement will not be so small, like this killing but not robbing people is a minority, I always feel that there is something strange in this, so let's go and see it first, little sister, you have to remember, when you go out, you must not act recklessly."

"Got it, sister!"

Dongfang Qin Lan replied repeatedly, and then the two quickly left the inn.


At the other end of the street, a figure was running at a rapid pace, and he kept looking back along the way.

Suddenly, he sneaked into the dark alley on the side, covering his body with a dustpan thrown in the alleyway.


Several Truth Cultivator Imperial Swords flew through the sky.

"Catch the monsters!"

"The monster is in town!"

Similar sounds continued to sound, and the originally calm and peaceful town suddenly lit up large and small lights, quite a spread of ten and a hundred meaning, residents have held torches, follow those heroes along the street to find, all the way to the direction outside the town, footsteps crackling, more lively than firecrackers on New Year's holidays.

The slogans of catching demons and killing demons were even more deafening, endless, and resounded throughout the night.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly there were two different voices at the pass here.

Two handmaids carried the stretcher one after the other.

"Alas... The third man, this short-lived ghost, left so quickly.

"How to say that if you lack morality and do too much retribution, this guy often fornicates with the maid who our official likes the most, and I don't know what skills this guy has, he can trick that maid into handing over all the silver obtained from the official to him, and I heard that he also got one or two sword recipes over there."

"Cut, what else can you do, the face is tender and the bird is big, heh... According to what you say..."

"Eh, this kid is like this now, do you dare to touch it?" It's better to transport it to a deserted place outside town as soon as possible and throw it away. "

People die for money, what don't you dare!" You don't want to develop?

After a long silence, the two attendants looked at each other, and they could see the greed in each other's eyes.

They are not carrying a corpse, but a lot of silver taels and a Daomen sword book secret book, his little maid has been accompanying Ximen Blowing Sand for a long time to have these small rewards, and then look at these guards who watch over the nursing home, how much money can they have a month?

The master himself can't look at these things, but they can't help but pay attention to ah, maybe they will eat and drink in this life, and there will be no dead people here, isn't it worth the risk?

The two of them carried the stretcher down a dark alley next to it and lit a fire.

"Eh... Strange, how come the third man has nothing on him!

"Impossible, this kid is the most sophisticated, he likes to hide everything on himself, I turned over his bed and box a few times, there is nothing valuable, where can he hide if he doesn't hide his body?"

"He was killed by youkai... Is that thing..." A

gust of wind blew through the fire fold, the two looked at each other, suddenly their pupils dilated, and in an instant they fell to the ground in shock, both silent.

Li Han glanced left and right, hurriedly stepped forward, groped up and down again, and before ten seconds arrived, he took out all the money bags hidden on the two people, and weighed how many taels of silver there should be.

Counting the silver taels he found from that maid before, he should not have to worry about money in the short term.

Unexpectedly, this southern country's poisonous attack is so sharp that it can kill people invisibly, and when he repeatedly releases it, he can clearly see the purple silk thread, the wisps scattered, until it does not enter the other party's body, and the other party stands in place without noticing at all.

Maybe these people are not high in cultivation, anyway, it is quite easy to use, and they can also marry the monsters of the southern country by the way.

Seeing that these people were very crippled, Li Han frowned, and his heart was also unbearable, feeling that his morality as a human being was tortured, and he immediately gave a salute.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I'm also here to eat mixed food, but I don't think a few of you are a good thing, help you, be a person again, eighteen years later, you are still a good man, next year Qingming Festival I will give you a few incense."

After searching again, he made sure that there was nothing of value other than a money bag, and he grabbed his coat and hat and ran out of the other road at the end of the alley.

What he was thinking about now was that he had just listened to these two guys.

The maid he killed in the courtyard before fornicated with the maid... Ahhhh No, he seems to have some kind of sword book hidden on him, which Ximen Chuisha scooped up from the Yiqi Dao Alliance.

The guy who wants to come to Ximen Chuisha with such an identity has long been well-known in the rivers and lakes, and the things that can make him look at must not be ordinary products, but the sword spectrum is something he estimates does not have the qualifications to practice, and he should have collected an antique, so long that the henchman stole it without noticing it.

And why didn't these guys who followed Ximen Chuisha mention this ... For example, Fang Cai's two attendants, Li Han didn't know the reason, anyway, Li Han found something similar to female profanity from their bodies....

All in all, Li Han's main thing at the moment is to go back first, find a place where no one has to study the sword book well, although this southern poison is used to kill people invisible, but it is still too easy to expose afterwards, and it is hidden for a while, and it cannot be concealed for a lifetime.

He will have to mix outside in the future, in order to prevent being targeted by those big guys, the more hole cards in his hand, the more people can't figure out the details, the better.


"Sister, over here..." The

two sisters flew in the air, their clothes fluttering, fairy and domineering, just arrived at an alley, Dongfang Qin Lan's eyes were sharp, and reminded his sister.

After the two approached, they found that there was a dead body lying on the stretcher on the ground, and there were two dead bodies lying next to it, and the dim light of the fire fold on the ground had not yet disappeared, and it was only clear when they were blown, the three people died in the same state, all of them were as withered as bark, as if they had been sucked dry.

The fire fold has not been extinguished, indicating that the person has not gone far.

Dongfang Huaizhu looked at the end of the alley and made a quick decision.

"Little sister, chase!"


Dongfang Qin Lan looked solemn, and nodded immediately.

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