Li Han went around the backyard of the hotel, climbed over the wall, and went straight up to the second floor.

Fang just closed the door, and a red light lit up outside the door and window, floating like a firefly, and shouting the slogan of killing demons and killing demons, it seems that the residents of the town were led by those people in the rivers and lakes to this place.

Anyway, sometimes there are many people who are really strong, just now when Li Han was hiding in the dustpan, he saw someone holding a kitchen knife in his hand, and someone holding a rolling pin, going to fight those monsters to the death.

When he came up, the lights next to the inn were also on, and the old treasurer, who copied the knife he usually used to collect medicine, and joined the parade with a bang with those who stayed in the hotel.

It wasn't until these people were all far away, and there was silence inside and outside the room, that Li Hanfang returned from the window and lit the candle in the room.

By the light, he roughly checked his wallet, which contained gold and silver, better than when he was in the southern country before, and after working for so long, it was only when the poisonous master paid him so much salary, all copper plates, and he ran out after walking through several towns.

It seems that there is no need to worry about eating and drinking now.

Then there were several yellow sheets of paper with spells drawn, and Li Han guessed what kind of spell it should be, but he still couldn't figure out the purpose and put it aside for the time being.

Finally, the most important thing is the secret book that was retrieved from the maid.

"If it is a sword score or a book, there should be a record after looking at the system, and you only need to add points to gradually master and become stronger."

On this side of the human realm, the Truth Cultivator Alliance, the toughest magic weapon cheats are naturally all collected by the One Qi Dao Alliance.

When it comes to swords, it is headed by a royal family.

Even if there was no Ximen Chuisha at the table, Li Han knew it as a traverser.

The problem is that distant water cannot save a near fire.

It is impossible for Li Han to give up what he has already obtained and not add more because he covets higher collection secrets, which is like eating.

You look at people's delicious eyes on the mountains and sea, but you can't afford to eat at the moment, does this mean that you don't eat?

Not to mention what kind of sword spectrum it is, even if it is an ordinary mortal martial arts, now in front of Li Han, he also has to add points depending on the situation, just as the so-called skills are not pressing, not to mention that he has a system, and he will never forget it after learning.

"Ximen Grand Official Guest House Fengshan Spring Map? Selling for a couple of dollars? What is this? "

Li Hanfang borrowed the fire and got it under the lamp, and there was actually a mark underneath!

Open it again.

What kind of stuff is this... Can you still play like this? Groove, fly? Is this okay?

"Alas... It's unbelievable, it's really unbelievable.

Li Han's brows furrowed deeply.

My heart was also helpless.

If only Simon Chuisha knew... Oh forget it, there is still a price at the bottom, it is estimated that he himself has long known, maybe he is proud of it, those who call themselves literati and ink tourists are good at this mouthful, so as to be a teacher, well... Three hundred and sixty lines, but whoever can preach and teach is a good teacher.

After Li Han roughly finished sweeping, he fiercely spurned Ximen Chuisha, a well-dressed beast, and did this kind of thing because he had money and reputation, it was simply ridiculous, and the man who was addicted to wine was the most unproductive!

It was really in vain that after he finished eating, he shouted Ximen Daxia with great admiration.


"Eh..." Li

Han flipped through and suddenly something was wrong, and when a book jumped to a certain page, the picture inside was no longer those unsightly things.

Taoyuan Li family indefinite flying knife spectrum!

These words appeared in front of Li Han's eyes, and it was even a long introduction.

This Taoyuan Li family is not small, it is a well-known family in the Yiqi Dao Alliance, and it is famous for smelting magic weapons.

Throughout the ages, people and monsters fight, don't look at the fact that the Terrans occupy a vast territory today, in fact, at the beginning, human beings just succumbed to the obscenity of monsters and lived a life that was difficult to protect themselves.

After the rise of the royal family, the human wisdom and practice treasure have the power to compete with the monsters.

Among them, the first is the magic weapon of the royal power family, the sword of kingly power, which makes the demons fear three points.

The role played by the Taoyuan Li family is the role of the royal family holding the sword and servant in the family, and its family is a skilled craftsman, and there are countless talented people.

To this day, Li Quxun, the second son of the Li family, who does not know, who does not know, all the high-level magic weapons used by people in the One Qi Dao Alliance are from this person's hands, or have been transformed by this person.

Li Zizi, the eldest son of the Li family, has a natural spiritual treasure purple gold gourd to nourish the qi of chaos, and there is an indefinite flying knife in the qi, claiming that he can take the first rank thousands of miles away.

These are all well-known figures among the young generation of the One Air Dao Alliance, and they can be regarded as the top group of people in the combat effectiveness of the Terran race.

And the sword book held in Li Han's hand was created by Li Quxun, the eldest son of the Li family.

The name Wuding Flying Sword Spectrum is actually the Royal Sword Spectrum or the Royal Sword Spectrum, if it is properly cultivated, it can mobilize weapons with true qi and hurt people's lives.

If it is an ordinary imperial sword art, this book is not unusual.

The problem is, this word amorphous is the essence!

When the imperial sword is used, the knife in the hand is confused, and the enemy is separated without seeing the shadow of the sword, which is called uncertain, this is a knife that cannot be seen with the naked eye!

Of course, this weapon is a magic weapon, then it is very good, it can greatly enhance the lethality, if it is not a magic weapon, it depends on the individual's cultivation.

The eldest son of the Li family only recorded the tricks of the imperial sword in the book, but did not specify how to make magic weapons and other things... But think about it, this kind of sword move may be very valuable to Li Gongzi himself, but in Taoyuan Li family does not touch the core, Ximen Blowing Sand has always made good connections, maybe there was also a meeting with this Li Gongzi, Li Gongzi sent this score to Ximen Blowing Sand, and Ximen Blowing Sand naturally did not pay attention to it when he saw that it was not a magic weapon but what kind of sword spectrum it was.

After several tosses and turns, I didn't expect that this sword spectrum actually fell into Li Han's hands.

"Next time, let's try this indefinite flying knife a little, now in the human realm, at least a few skills must be used, the poison skill is too conspicuous to use, you can let it go for the time being."

Li Han instantly finalized his mind.

At this moment, a sound suddenly came from outside the window.

"Sister, why are you here?"

"Qin Lan, the people in the town have already gone far away, if they see the monsters, those people with imperial swords in the distance will cast spells, but now it seems that it is not, I see that there are lights here, it is better to ask if the people who remain in this inn have heard any movement."

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