The three young masters of Ao Lai Guo helplessly spread their hands.

Now he ran to Li Han to ask for something, it was purely a one-sided beating, and he didn't do this kind of stupid thing.

"I didn't expect him to master it so quickly, Third Brother, among the people you have cultivated in the human world over the years, your understanding is so good?"

"Second sister, you should be cutting leeks in the vegetable garden, any stubble can be so long, not to mention the fire eye, even the basic ruyi stick wants to find someone to teach out, it is very difficult, talent is on the one hand, understanding this thing, sometimes from birth is already doomed, which is why I only stare at the top of the top few major families in the human territory, generations of precious bloodlines accumulated, just like that, hundreds of years to produce a royal power without twilight, the result... Alas.

Aolai Guo San Shao shook his head.

When it comes to kingship, he is a fire in his belly.

"I also think that his comprehension and cultivation speed are some..."

Liu'er smiled awkwardly.

It's good to say that it's outrageous, it's not good, it's really God chasing behind the ass to feed, people still love to ask for it, pick it.

Against the sky, it is possible to hang like this.

"I'm afraid that kid doesn't belong to this world at all."

"Huh? Third brother, what do you mean..."

"Second sister, you know what I went through at the beginning, in order to unravel the secrets of this mountain, as well as the many mysteries left by the one before us, I went to the outer world."

The three young masters of the country looked at the intricate patterns on the stone wall.

Whether it is the Ruyi Stick Method or the Secret Fire Eye, there are inscriptions on the stone walls of this mountain, which can be said to be the place where they practice in the country of Ao.

Since he came out of the stone, he and his second sister have been practicing here.

This is something left by the boss many years ago.

Then, one day, the boss went to the outside world and never came back, but there was an extra mountain that resembled the palm of his hand.

"No, you suspect he's from that place?"

Six ears head up.

Blue sky, white clouds.

"Who knows? There is a saying in the mortal world that a mountain is higher than a mountain, in the past, I only felt that I was the highest mountain in this world, and then ... Can't do enough, now, haha... Sure enough, you still have to be humble, Zhang Yang will be beaten. Aolai

Guo San Shao laughed and couldn't laugh, and sighed helplessly.


His body also became ethereal, and the golden light gradually dimmed.

Seeing this, Liu'er's expression changed, and he said solemnly: "Third brother."

"There's no way, second sister, the last time I fought with that kid, the doppelganger was destroyed, I noticed that something was wrong, and I was vaguely unable to suppress it."

The Third Young Master of Ao Lai Guo spread out his palm, and wisps of black aura were spreading.

"It's time to look outside the circle."

"What kind of joke, third brother, if you go to that place now, won't you throw yourself into the net?"

Six ears were shocked.

The third young master of Aolai Guo sighed: "No way, second sister, it was I who separated the inside and outside of the circle with a stick, who would have thought that this action actually attracted prying eyes from outside the world, and that magic weapon was so dead that it completely suppressed my true body below, just like ... This mountain is the same. "

The so-called ten do not save one.

In fact, whether it is in the Aolai Country or all over the continent, it is actually the doppelganger of the three young people of the Aolai Country, and the real entity is left outside the circle forever by the original extraterrestrial magic weapon.

Since then, his divine consciousness has been eroded by creatures outside the circle day after day, and to this day, he has been trying to find a helper to help him regain his true body so that he can return to the top.

However, the creatures outside the circle are far more powerful than the creatures in the circle, and the peak demon emperor that monsters can reach, going outside the circle is tantamount to sending them to death.

Only the human race can make him see a glimmer of hope, after all, some magic weapon abilities are passed down from generation to generation, such as the royal power family of the sword of heaven and earth, how big the heart, how strong the will, how terrifying the strength is exerted.

Even if this hope is slim, it is better than nothing.

That's what he thought.

"No, this won't work."

Liu'er shook his head repeatedly, and his tone became more and more resolute.

"No way, second sister, I tuned out all my consciousness and soul at the beginning, and it was expedient for my body to stay in that place, those things have been gnawed around for so many years, and they have long been on the verge of collapse, even if that kid doesn't destroy my doppelganger, it will drag on for hundreds of years at most."

The Third Young Master of the Ao Lai Kingdom was very clear about the resentment of those creatures outside the circle.

It can be said that he can't wait to eat meat and skin, and he also gave him the nickname of a shepherd, saying that he drove the sheep into the sheepfold in the first place, so that the wolves outside could not enter the slightest.

The current situation is that the original Outer Heaven Flying Treasure has become fragile after a long period of erosion, even with the true body of the three young masters of the Ao Lai Kingdom who is pressed below, the creatures outside the circle erode his body day after day, they are very smart and go hand in hand.

Until the day when the Outer Heavenly Magic Weapon is completely shattered, the true body of the Third Young Master of the Aolai Kingdom will also turn into something else along with it, and now, his strength is no longer enough to slow down the corrosion of the body.

"Second sister, this matter is not negotiable, how can I let those dirty things touch my body?"

"Third brother, are you sure you will take it back? In case there is no return.

Liu'er raised his head, his eyes worried.

The three young masters of Aolai Guo shone with gold, the flames rose in his eyes, and a wishful stick appeared in his hand, and the majestic hairpin appeared, covered with armor.

Took to the skies.

"If there is no return, then there is no return, and at that time, even if the real body is destroyed, you must not let those guys get involved!"


muttered Six Ears, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Third brother!"


"Lord, the princess is tired of crying, she just ate something and is already sleeping peacefully."


The hall master saw Li Han standing at the bow of the boat, looking at the east from a distance, as if he was thinking, but after all, he couldn't help but speak.


Li Han nodded.

Since returning from the city wall, he hadn't gone to see Huandu Luolan again, for fear of arousing her emotions again.

The matter of peaceful settlement on the southern side should wait until she wakes up, it is always not good to be shocked like this.

"How long until you get to Flying Dragon City?"

"Let's go with the wind, about an hour or so."

The hall master said with a smile.

"Lord, you've been looking to the east... Are you worried about the Ichikido Alliance?

Li Han shook his head.

"It's not good to say."

It's not good to say... He had a sense of foreboding.

Since Fang Cai, the Secret Fire Eye has been faintly showing a trend of launch.

Is it the monkey, what did it do?

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