Now Li Han naturally does not have the strength to take care of things outside the circle, and the secret art cultivation of the Aolai Kingdom has been cultivated so far, and the Southern Kingdom has broken the power of heaven and earth of the old demon emperor.

This also made Li Han have a further understanding, the strength of this world is not determined by the strength of simple demon power, what is really powerful is those powerful techniques.

The next goal is naturally to fill up the secret methods of the Ao Lai Country and the existing skills.

Now it was very different from before, and he had enough time to cultivate and add points.

"Sister, it's going to rain, do you have to wait?"

"Little sister, you go back first."

It was another year of spring in the city, the grass and trees were miserable, the drizzle was like silk, and the wisps condensed in the air.

Ferry port outside the city, dusty sand.

Two oil-paper umbrellas.

Dongfang Huaizhu took out a money bag from his arms, which contained some broken silver.

"I don't want it."

Dongfang Qin Lan shook his head and hurriedly dodged.

If it had been changed before, she would have accepted it without looking at it, but not now.

Recently, she went in and out of the mansion, and heard the rumors of those inferiors, about her sister, most of the silver in the mansion was used to help the members of the Heaven and Earth Alliance and some poor families in the city.

And she herself is very poor, has money and is reluctant to spend, and never goes to any jewelry stores.

"Sister, now that the spring solstice, you should also add two new clothes to yourself, where in the world is there a city lord lady like you, who picks at herself."

"As far as you say, what city lord's lady, she hasn't reached that step yet."

Dongfang Huaizhu smiled slightly, as if a little proud.

"Isn't it a matter of time? Dad has already held a fan in front of the hall more than once and chanted, 'Why hasn't that smelly boy come here to raise a kiss?' ''Could it be that Lao Tzu guarded him too tightly and didn't let him eat meat, and he was afraid?''

Dongfang Qin Lan imitated in an old-fashioned manner.

Dongfang Huaizhu: ......

Dongfang Qin Lan smiled, and then said with some guilt.

"Sister, I'm sorry, this is actually not about my father's business, the meat in our house has been eaten by me, you tell Li Han, the next time he comes, I will leave some for him, he finished eating, he is in a good mood, he will definitely come to the door to ask for a kiss, you can rest assured, I will definitely not delay your lifelong event!" Alas...... Speaking of which, Li Han is really stingy, isn't it just two pieces of meat? "

The people of Dongfang Huaizhu are stupid.

Immediately, his face turned red, and his expression was a little evasive.

"Little sister, don't talk nonsense, this... Irrelevant. "


This made Dongfang Qin Lan a little confused.

That's exactly what her dad said.

"What do you mean, sister, is there something else?"


"Don't ask."


Dongfang Huaizhu was anxious, a little wanted to cry without tears, but Dongfang Qin Lan looked at her with a grievance.

This...... What is this....

Suddenly, there was a shadow of a sailboat on the surface of the river.

Dongfang Qin Lan glanced at it, and his eyes immediately lit up.

"Oh... Come back! No, I'll have to ask him myself, and ask him well. "

Eh, little sister!"

Dongfang Huaizhu still has time to block it.

Dongfang Qin Lan crossed the river with a magic weapon and flew towards the big ship.

It was only after half an hour that the ship landed.

The members of the Heaven and Earth Alliance disembarked one after another, this trip back from the southern country, it is logical that there will be a reception banquet, when the time comes, there will be a special performance troupe in the city, the whole city will gather together, and there are parade and performance teams on the street, lively and unprecedented.

Therefore, everyone has a big smile on their face.

Life is tight, being able to live, everyone getting together to eat, drink and laugh is more important than anything else.

"Go ahead."

Li Han patted Dongfang Qin Lan's head.

"Gotta go, it's still brother-in-law, you're bright enough."

Dongfang Qin Lanfu blessed his body and made a salute.

Li Han, who was watching, smiled helplessly, and in the blink of an eye, the little girl jumped away and ran directly towards the city.

"You gave her money again?"

Dongfang Huaizhu stepped forward and frowned.

Li Han smiled and said, "Otherwise, the second young lady of our family is so easy to send." "

Since he became this alliance master, most of the silver he carried in his pocket was stuffed into it when Dongfang Huaizhu was ready to wrap it, and as a result, every time he went out, he had no place to spend, and the rest could not be piled up into any small treasury, but let Dongfang Qin Lan fish.

What is this called?

Even if you save money, you don't spend it, and one day someone else will spend it for you.

Dongfang Huaizhu held the oil-paper umbrella above his head and said with disgust: "You, you can't always get used to her, the little sister is still young, and you can't develop the bad habit of arrogance and indulgence like those children of the family."

"What do you think is that every young lady from a big family is like you, not only looks like a fairy, but also understands things, has no vulgar taste at all, and does not pay attention to these things outside the body, what is this called?" This is called an immortal immortal, hiss..." Li

Han's waist ached, and he saw Dongfang Huaizhu lowering his head, red to the root of his ears.

"You, you are not allowed to give me a slippery tongue anymore."

"That... I won't say anything about it in the future, let's do it. "

Nor can't do it!"


Li Han was also a little confused.

"It's still going to be said... Just give me someone to listen to secretly. "

The sound of Oriental Huaizhu is like a mosquito fly, muttering.

"Got it, my fairy-sama."


Li Han gently hugged her into his arms, and the corners of Dongfang Huaizhu's mouth raised slightly, a little smug.

This is a woman, regardless of appearance, origin, personal education, it is the same in this regard, there are those who say good things or not, it is all nonsense.

Strictly speaking, men, in fact, as long as the mouth is flexible enough... Don't think crookedly.

"I heard Qin Lan say, what does the Dongfang family's house seem to have something I haven't eaten, just now I was thinking about it on the boat, the people who think about it are hungry to death, I have been running and working outside every day, I haven't eaten a good meal, can our family's fairy master take care of me as a poor fellow?"


Dongfang Huaizhu grabbed his collar, feeling the heat coming from his ears, and his delicate body trembled slightly.

Her eyes kept dodging.

"What, I don't know."

Li Han narrowed his eyes and muttered softly.

"I don't know, it seems that your father didn't let me eat meat, I think too, no wonder I've always been so thin, how can I be vegetarian all the time, right?"

Dongfang Huaizhu's eyes condensed with mist, quite a bit of pear blossoms with rain and a sense of confusion, looking at Li Han with sorrow and disgust.

Then, she slowly buried her head in Li Han's chest.

"My dad is in the house, no, tonight... Second, you are waiting for me in the room.

Li Han's eyes lit up.

Oh yes... Isn't this fucking exciting?

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