April season.

The battle on the side of Flying Dragon City began, and in less than three days, the people of the Heaven and Earth Alliance occupied the three cities of Yong'an, and the garrison army in the city was vulnerable in front of the newborn Heaven and Earth Alliance army, they originally thought that they only needed to guard against the group of disciples of the Origin God Volcano Village, but the reality was very cruel, many monsters also participated in this battle, they used their own racial advantages to shine in the city defense battle.

Then, the entire army of the Ichikido Alliance was ready to retake the city.

In such a tense atmosphere.

Two strange figures secretly sneaked into the city where the Ichiki Dao Alliance was located.

In the noisy street where people come and go, there is an endless stream of vendors, and a figure wearing a bucket hat stands in front of the bun shop, so he grabbed two freshly baked hot buns, as if he didn't know how to be hot, and stuffed them directly into his mouth.

This scene made the boss on the side look stupid, and thought that this person's mouth was made of iron.

This guy finished eating like this, and when the person turned, he actually stretched out his hand towards a woman next to him who also carried a cloak.

The woman was quite eye-catching, giving people an indescribable feeling, wearing a pink robe on the outside, the placket was white, and the orange hair that fell behind the shoulders was tied with a red ribbon at the end of the bell, and the figure was naturally one by one, graceful.

When passing by, even the fool in the town who laughed when he saw people all year round was dumbfounded, looking at her back.

As soon as you walk, the bell is soft, giving people a very ethereal feeling, and if you can't see the face, you know that this pipe must be a peerless beauty, just one word, immortal.

"What are you doing stunned, give money."

Tu Shan Honghong tried to suppress the anger in his heart.

Along the way, passing through at least ten towns, eating and wearing all cost her money, admittedly, she can comfort herself that the old lady is not poor in money, just like a meat bun smashing the dog. However, dissatisfaction accumulates over and over again, and when she finally arrives in this town, she can't bear it.

Do you treat the old lady as a meal ticket?

"Do normal people go out without money?"

"Look at what you said, do you think I'm a normal person?"



Tu Shan Honghong still took out some broken silver from his sleeve and put it on.

"Boss, no need to look for it, I'll take four more and eat on the way."

The man smiled happily, not polite at all, and grabbed four more buns by the way.

The owner of the bun shop secretly gave a thumbs up to this brother, good guy, talent, you can eat soft rice so righteously.

Before the boss could slow down, he saw that the woman pressed another piece of broken silver, and looked at the guy's swaggering appearance, which seemed to be a little gnashing his teeth.

"Bring me two more."

"Oh... Good. The

boss broke out in a cold sweat.

This...... Eat a bun, why is this still anxious?

The two of them held the buns in their hands and walked on the street one after the other, looking very comfortable.

Flying around the sky were people dressed in Daoist robes, and they were fierce and imposing, and they flew to the east like a flock of crows.

"Honghong, this is your first time in the human city."

Li Han ate two bites of buns.

At this moment, I probably remembered that drinking water can't forget the well digger, so it doesn't seem to be good to just eat and do nothing.

"If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me, don't be shy."

"You've been here?"

"Hmm... Haven't come.

Li Han shook his head righteously.

Tu Shan Honghong took a deep breath to calm down his euphemistic complex emotions.

You can't be angry, you are deceived.

This city is still very similar to the Flying Dragon City, and in the eyes of many monsters, the only thing that human society can create is a powerful magic weapon, in fact, this is just prejudice.

Because being able to make magic weapons is just a manifestation of the creativity of the human race, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as the tip of the iceberg.

More important is actually something else, civilization.

It is essentially the same as the cruel concept of the jungle since ancient times, but there is still a difference in the degree of embodiment, and human society will not say that you are not strong enough, or that you cannot defeat others simply because of armed struggle, because you are weak in this aspect and cannot survive.

They have developed a lot of industries, compatibility is very large, which also makes the monsters in the barbaric era have followed suit, even if it is now southern Xinjiang and Tushan, its internal structure is actually no different from human society, not to mention the cultural aspect, the magic weapon alone is the special project of human beings, and those wild use methods and relative effects are the embodiment of culture.

In the case of several other major demon domains, the predecessor of Beishan is the Royal Demon Country, the human field, and now although the monsters have turned over to become the master, but the development of civilization is still according to human beings, the only relatively backward may be the desolate Western Regions, most of them are tribal civilizations.

Oh...... These are just Li Han's personal opinions.

Tu Shan Honghong would not consider this level of the problem, she stopped along the way, and even when she saw a candy house, she would nod thoughtfully and muttered softly.

"Hmm... It's a lot like a demon sai. She

had always thought that the places outside Tushan were full of war, especially in the human territory, and they were not peace-loving.

But to her surprise, in general, human towns are still very peaceful, many people are sunrise, sunset rest, near the evening cooking smoke, each family will call their children, the slanting sun dusk, revealing a quiet and peaceful scenery.

Therefore, this Lord of Tu Mountain, who can cross mountains and seas in one day, occasionally looks at those rather pyrotechnic pictures and thinks in private.

This world is quite big....

But a certain guy, just happened to encounter the vicious dog in the house barking at him, he poured well, and directly riveted with the dog... It's quite a stolen view.

Spring flowers fell, and after stepping on the wet bluestone road, the two walked to the door of a tavern at the bottom of the mountain.

From the foot of the mountain, there are all the lofty mountains, extremely rich vegetation, magnificent high-rise buildings showing corners, and occasionally you can see mountain villas standing on the mountainside.

Stop and go.

Finally arrived, the headquarters of the Ichikido Alliance.

"I still don't believe it, Honghong, is it really that coincidental? The object of the reincarnation of the Beishan Demon Emperor this time is on this mountain?

Li Han tentatively glanced at Tu Shanhong Hong.

"People and demons are different, reincarnation is not accurate, sometimes a lifetime is not continued, the information of continuation will also change, this mainly depends on each life reincarnated, she can be a lady of a large family, or a child of the mountains and villages, just in this life, born in this place, do you think there is any problem?"

"No problem, if you say it's okay, we'll be fine, after all, you're a professional."


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