"Oh, this child has been raised, it's good to be out of breath, why are you stunned? Pay for it.

Li Han walked into the hotel unceremoniously at all, and asked for an upper room, really did not treat himself as an outsider.

Tu Shan Honghong was already a little numb.

Why, God has to arrange to meet this guy himself, he can always arouse your anger at certain times ... No, not at certain times, but from moment to moment.

However, since he has entered the city, the most important thing is to focus on the task, which is why Tu Shan Honghong did not get angry along the way.

This guy, but he came with the sword of royal power, and when he moves, he doesn't care how well your city is built, and how many innocent people live in it.

The purpose of the Heavenly Alliance, everything serves strategic goals, including those things that buy people's hearts and minds to protect the interests of the masses, really fighting, the immortals can not guarantee the life and death of every civilian, war, is cruel, not a child.

"I want another upper room."

Tu Shan Honghong followed by not to be left behind, the money spent by the old lady, why should you be a grandfather, I want to live like a maid, there is no such reason.

Shop Xiaoer looked at the two and said tentatively.

"Guest officer, there is only one room in the upper room, or are the two crowded?"


Tu Shan Honghong turned around, and without looking at the face under the cloak, he knew how stiff the atmosphere was at the moment.

"That... Hehe, this couple quarreled, the end of the bed quarreled over the end of the bed, there is no need to stump on it, the two..." The

shop Xiaoer raised his hands in front of his chest, with an embarrassed smile on his face.

"Who and she (he) are husband and wife!"

Almost in unison.

The atmosphere became awkward for a moment.


the shop Xiaoer still smiled.

"Go up and give it to him or her."

Tu Shan Honghong couldn't bear it anymore, stepped forward and snatched the sign in Li Han's hand, ending this meaningless dispute as soon as possible.

"Your kid still runs an inn at a loss, and he doesn't have any eyesight, this is the baby raised by Lao Tzu, don't talk nonsense."

Li Han stepped forward and took another sign of an ordinary guest room.

"Hmph, guest officer, just blow it, you can tell by listening to the voice that you are not old, can you have such a big daughter?"

The shop Xiaoer smiled, with a look that had already seen through everything.

At this time, a cold voice came from upstairs, which seemed to be very displeased.

"The old lady is his mother!"

The shop Xiao Er spread his hands, that means... Brother, what are you still looking at me? This is not to coax?

Li Han was also helpless for a while, and shook his head.?

Let's talk about it from the bottom of my heart.

It's not how noble he is, just the emotional foundation laid at the beginning, in his opinion, it is like this, before it was two and a half old children, even if he likes loli, he likes the kind of legal loli with a figure, you don't care about the age, it's really two children, there is really no idea of that aspect at all.

Later, under his hands, it suddenly grew so big... How to describe it, this feeling is like being raised by yourself, not to mention the father, at least a role such as a brother, so normal.

Li Han is a normal person, it is impossible to treat all women in the whole world as wives, and when he sees beautiful women, he will go up, then to be honest, it is too perverted, all this is natural, he really just regards himself as a brother and the like now.

Before Tu Shan Honghong upstairs entered the house, his hand was clutched on the door frame on the side, clicking, leaving two deep marks.

"Sister, you lied!"

"Rong Rong doesn't want to deceive himself."

What the hell is she... When did you develop this bad habit?


System points.

(King Kong is not bad +4)

That's right, during this time, his King Kong is not bad has added two more points, counting today's point, it is already the third point, and the body of ten thousand poisons has been completed.

As for the others, such as the Demon Exterminating God Fire and the Secret Fire Eye, they are placed in the back... After all, these two things do not save their lives at critical times, and in this world where techniques are endless, it is the right way to find a hard turtle shell first.

Inside the house, Li Han leaned the Wang Quan Sword against the edge of the bed, and then entered the extra point state.

A wisp of golden light floated around him, like a ribbon, and then, his body became more and more golden in this package, and even the appearance and other things were covered in the back, and the whole body was in a state of golden light.

If there was a mirror placed in front of Li Han now, he would find that his current self was exactly the same as the three young masters of Aolai Guo.

The body is basically covered with golden light, and it is completely impossible to see the original skin color and bloodline, in this case, even the facial features and other things are all covered, leaving only a pair of eyes.

"Oh... I said how it felt a little strange when I used the King Power Sword to cut it..."

Li Han also recalled the battle in Flying Dragon City at this moment.

He defeated the doppelganger of the three young masters of the Aolai Kingdom at that time, in fact, in a strict sense, it was not relying on the sharpness of the king power sword, or the subtlety of the technique, it was simple, that is, the endless wine jug with the carrier of the king power sword, the mana that could be cut out at one time was too huge.

It was the one who shattered the doppelganger, that is, his attack at that time did not even reach the level of breaking armor.

Now, a moist feeling slowly climbed up Li Han's body, and wherever his mind touched, everything could become extremely hard... This is like really turning the flesh into the most terrifying steel, even far more than this, with Li Han's feeling, he packed the ticket, now he, even if he uses ten times the strength to cut on this body, at least... On the surface, he didn't have anything at all, not even a sword mark.

"This may be the true sense of physical sanctification, it seems that the original six ears still have a hand, if that guy plays real, using this thing, it is estimated that I will lose."

After all...... With this special secret technique, it is completely invincible in the innate sense.

The difference between adding one to adding four is actually not significant, but it is indeed incremental.

Why do you say that?

Let's use an inappropriate analogy.

For example, exercising muscles, you can't see how it becomes hard, you will only feel that it is amazing from a small piece to a large piece, but through the exercise of the equipment, touch and friction, you can feel that your body seems to be slowly expanding, and when you react, it will stand up and feel hard.

Can you say that it doesn't need one and two in this process?

"Five o'clock, it's still a little close, not bad."

Li Han exhaled.

At this moment, his defense system had changed qualitatively.

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