Before I knew it, it was already afternoon.

Li Han converged the breath on his body, the golden light gradually dimmed, and his body gradually returned to its original appearance.


The disciples of the One Qi Dao Alliance flying in the sky were already showing three or three twos, which was very sparse.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he grabbed the sword of royal power and pushed open the door.

In the corridor, there was a figure, it was Tu Shan Honghong, and she also happened to be facing the window at the end.

"Where are you going?"

"You don't need to look so tight, it's all here, relax."

Li Han smiled helplessly.

However, Tu Shan Honghong doesn't seem to buy it.

"When you came, you asked Rong Rong to prepare the ultimatums of the major cities of the One Air Dao Alliance in advance, and also placed the household registration identity, did so much, is it really to avoid conflicts, sneak into the hinterland of the One Air Road Alliance, and peacefully complete the reincarnation renewal?"


As soon as Li Han was about to speak, he was interrupted by Tu Shan Honghong.

"Don't lie to me, you are the alliance master of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and you are not someone from my Tushan, you don't have to do things for Tushan's concept that Tushan has always been invincible, do you?"

Her turquoise eyes were as cold as ever, but she could clearly feel a hint of disappointment.

"It can... Don't go?

Li Han did not speak, wearing a sword on his waist, passing by her.

This is what he wants to do, no matter who persuades him, he can't pull it down.

What does he want to do?

Everyone in Flying Dragon City knew that their alliance master cultivated to the heavens, and they had already reached the point of entering a no-man's land, and if they were really cruel by nature, one person could slaughter the human territory.

As soon as those magical powers were unfolded, the earthquake trembled, not to mention those enemies of the One Qi Dao Alliance in front of them, even everything around them would probably be wiped out, countless deaths and injuries, and the lives were ruined.

But he didn't choose to do that.

So, how to resolve the dispute between the Heaven and Earth Alliance and the One Airway Alliance?

The method is actually very simple, kill the old generation and disobedient guys, and educate the new generation, so that over time, there will be people everywhere who praise the merits of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and naturally no one will mention the crimes committed by his Li Alliance Lord.

"You're as domineering as ever..."

The top of the mountain spreads all the way up to the conference hall of Ichikido Alliance.

The people led by Steward Fei sat on the top of the hall, Xiao Wancheng, the former inspector general of the Obsidian Supervision Department, was not as unlucky as the head of the Li family, and finally saved a life after many days of recuperation, but now his limbs were broken, his body was full of bandages, and he had to rely on the servants to push in and out.

The original head of the family, now there are only a few people left, how to say... It does seem to be empty enough.

"The war reports received yesterday and the day before yesterday seem to have no intention of resisting at all on the side of the Heaven and Earth Alliance."

One of the owners was a little puzzled, and before his words fell, he was interrupted by someone on the side.

"Eh... This is bad, we learned the lesson from last time this time, most of the children in the family have taken those forging pills, and the pastoral family as guidance, on the combat strength alone, it is not only by virtue of magic weapons, in my opinion, the strength in the Heaven and Earth Alliance is actually just that, relying on an alliance master to support, as long as we drag, he will definitely not be able to achieve any climate.

As soon as this remark came out, most people echoed it.

"Guys, the question now is... That Li Meng Lord didn't come forward. Steward

Fei took the war report and sighed with a frown.

The hall fell silent instantly.

The head of the family who spoke also swallowed his throat twice.

yes, not him.

Where is he?

"I heard that the battle of the hegemonic prince in Flying Dragon City was quite strange, and it seems that someone came behind it, is there such a thing?"

At this time, Xiao Wancheng, who was in a wheelchair, spoke, and his eyes exposed on the bandage were bloodshot, looking very terrifying.

"Or, old Fei, at this juncture, you still want to hide it from us guys?"

Butler Fei put down the war report, his expression was a little complicated, and he hammered his waist after getting up.

"Well, because this matter is really too shocking, so I haven't said it since I got the report, it's about the secret scroll that our Ichiki Dao Alliance hidden, I hope everyone is prepared in their hearts."

Dense rolls?

All the heads of the family were shocked.

There is only one secret scroll hidden in the highest institution of the Ichikido Alliance, and the things recorded on it are by no means some secret book, but information about an existence.

There are rumors.

At the beginning, this continent was actually very vast, whether it was the place where humans or monsters lived today, compared with the vastness of the past, it was actually very small.

This also involves the wall guarded by the old man of Tianmen, what is outside, no one knows, only knows that it is a very dangerous thing, once it crosses that wall, there is no life.

In the beginning, it was one person who separated the inside and outside of the circle with a stick, so that they and the monsters could stay away from those dangerous things.

The so-called secret scroll records this matter.

At this moment, the matter of Steward Fei moving out the secret scroll could not be...

"When he was in Flying Dragon City that day, he may have encountered that existence, when our people fled from Yong'an, and just saw the sky shaking there, and when the hegemonic young master lost the duel with that person, he inexplicably had an extra doppelganger, and the ability of that doppelganger seems to be far beyond the hegemonic young master, I guess this is just the strength of the existence of a drop in the bucket, what is the follow-up, arranged for spies to enter the flying dragon city, there is no way to know."

Xiao Wancheng was shocked.

"That man... Did it really alarm that being?

The fear in the eyes of all the family masters could no longer be hidden, and they all gasped.

Are you kidding!

The kind of guy who only existed in the secret scroll of legends was actually made out by the alliance master of the Heaven and Earth Alliance?

In comparison, you can imagine how perverted that guy is?

Victory over the hegemony of kingship? His strength is probably more than that, it has long exceeded the scope of human understanding.

"I'm afraid yes, the Hegemonic Young Master told me that he saw a golden light behind Fei, and the record of that existence is also the same on the secret scroll, golden light, I am afraid that there is no second person in this world who can use the kingly power sword intent of my royal power family so easily, and it is far better than the hegemonic young master holding the royal power sword."

Steward Fei sighed.

The reason why the hegemony of the king power was frustrated was not only because of the defeat to Li Han, but also the doppelganger who appeared inexplicably, a person who has been accustomed to being the proud son of heaven for a long time, how can he accept such blows again and again?

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