"Master! Outside..."


The remaining Qi Dao Alliance disciples outside the council hall gathered around one after another, presenting a noisy scene.

However, none of them dared to step forward with a magic weapon.

From the steps of the council chamber, the square was littered with corpses, and the blood on the ground was cold and silent, spreading all the way below the stone slabs.

Li Han raised his eyebrows.

Turned a sword flower and turned sideways.


The children who gathered in a circle looked shocked, retreated one after another, collided back and forth, and many of them even fell to the ground in embarrassment.

The tiger and wolf are silent, but they have the air to rush to the sky.

"Generally in this case, don't you have to have one or two young heroes stand up? Why, not on?

Li Han smiled very kindly.

These words fell like a hammer on the hearts of the lords in the council hall, and this time these old guys decided to resist the invasion of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and sent all the few remaining fires in the family to the three cities of Yong'an, as well as the newly promoted masters among the younger generation.

All in all...... This is the moment of life and death, and basically all those who can constitute combat effectiveness have gone there, except for one person who has not gone, that is, the hegemony of royal power.

When it comes to him, Butler Fei often can't hide the sadness in his eyes.

Here, where else do they come from to dare to stand out as young heroes.

"Junior! You're resting rampantly! Don't think that with the sword skills stolen from the royal family, killing many of the masters of our One Qi Dao Alliance can be ignored, even if the old man is fighting to the death today, he will teach you what it means to respect the master! "

Unworthy Son of Man! What a son of man!

They actually appeared in the headquarters of their One Air Dao Alliance so dignified, showing a relaxed attitude in front of these old guys, if they don't work hard today, how will the face of One Air Dao Alliance survive!

Xiao Wancheng was furious.

The round bell unfolded in one breath, and suddenly it shone with golden light, and soon enveloped the entire hall.

With a pop, more than ten sword gourds flew out in unison, and the dense flying sword fish surged side by side, and there was almost no gap between them.

With a wave of his big hand, the ropes tied to the top beam of the council hall fell one after another, and the upper row was tied with yellow charms, and as soon as they shook, the wind chimes tied to it vibrated one after another, and under the blessing of the spell, the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth appeared out, and the corresponding attribute light bloomed above each lifeline.

The defense of the hall can be said to have reached the extreme at this moment, indestructible, this is not limited to this, whether it is the five-element formation or these flying swords, they are the top magic weapons of the One Qi Dao Alliance, which is extremely offensive.


The booming sound was deafening, and Qi Qi pressed towards the direction where Li Han was, and the disciples of the Qi Dao Alliance outside the door had already been frightened and fled in panic.

Is this not an escape?

Xiao Wancheng, the inspector general of the Obsidian Supervision Department, has always been ruthless, and in the past, the Dao Alliance fought for power and profit, how many children covered by big families would have been innocently damaged in his hands? This guy doesn't take other people's lives for granted.


A sound.

The whole hall seemed to be crumbling.

"Old Xiao!"

"It's okay, we have a round clock!"

"Do you want to destroy this hall?"

Xiao Wancheng looked at the talking master in disbelief, and said viciously: "Destroy the hall? What kind of guy do you think we are facing now, if you can, don't say this hall, Lao Tzu is willing to take this life to accompany him to the funeral! "

Crazy, all crazy.

When Tarzan was pressed to the top, these masters were no longer as relaxed as before, and their faces were full of fear.

However, in the face of such an offensive.

Butler Fei's narrowed eyes slowly enlarged, as if he saw the most incredible scene.

Not only did the guy not retreat, but he also did not draw his sword to resist or highlight the encirclement.

Instead, he simply stood in place, with an interested look on his face.

Immediately afterwards, a golden color actually appeared in his body, which was very dazzling, and this light grew stronger and stronger over time, until the entire space was covered.

By the time everyone came back to their senses, what flying swords, formations, and various spells had long since disappeared.

The entire hall was also reduced to ruins.


"This can't be..."

muttered Xiao Wancheng, the madness in his eyes seemed to disappear in an instant, leaving only dimness.

The figure still stood in place, as if it had never moved, with a flat smile on its face.

"That technique..."

Steward Fei took a deep breath.

He was very reluctant to associate with it.

Because, it's terrible!

Take the sword technique of the royal family as an example, even if the sword technique is spread outside, ordinary people cannot learn it.

This has little to do with whether they have talent, because ordinary people have no way to compare with the talents of the children of the world, before they were born, their parents were very powerful cultivators, the combination of the two, the children born were extremely talented at the beginning, so they were able to reach that height, and even over time, the more they went on, this height would be infinitely raised, which was accumulated from generation to generation.

He didn't know what method Li Han used, but with the power of a mortal, he broke this reasonable system of following the way of heaven, and truly mastered the sword method of royal power, and integrated it, even far beyond these people of the royal power family.

But if you think about it from another angle, this guy's talent is not limited to this? The so-called King Power Sword Art is just a very inconspicuous thing for him, and he still has a back hand, and he can even master more things.

For example, now....

"Golden light... Golden light...... It won't be..." Steward

Fei slumped on the ground.

This...... There is no way to resist anymore.

"It's over? Well, it's my turn.

Li Han smiled.

A sword stabbed, and a family master of the One Qi Dao Alliance didn't even have time to react, his eyes widened, his throat was submerged by half an inch, and with a slight point, a wisp of blood slipped down his neck.

"Withdraw! Where are the children of the Dao Alliance! Protect us from retreating!

"Stop yelling, everyone has been scared away by that one."

Li Han was a little helpless.

Good fellow, at the critical moment, it depends on the enemy, if it weren't for Xiao Wancheng's peerless work, which scared all the people away, I don't know how many people will die in this place?

Now... That's all that's left.

After stabbing several more swords, they all disappeared into the bodies of these old guys.

In a few breaths, only Xiao Wancheng, who was in a wheelchair, and Steward Fei who collapsed on the ground on the side were left.

The bell has all disintegrated, even if it does not... It is also useless for this monster.

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