"Old Xiao, it seems that our two old things have also come to an end."

Steward Fei sighed.

Xiao Wancheng trembled his body, unable to speak for a long time.

On the other side of the ruins, a person and a sword were slowly walking towards them, so calm, as if stepping into the family yard to cut grass.

"Lord Li Meng, a bad thought has made this situation today, can you allow me to die?"

Steward Fei stumbled to get up, his eyes sad.

Li Han raised his eyebrows, but finally nodded.

"Yes, you are a person who understands."

"If it's just for the affairs of the Dongfang family, with your strength, you wouldn't have to make a big move, and you just broke into the One Qi Dao Alliance and killed us old guys like today, why bother to lead us over, we old guys are not sorry to die, how many of the One Qi Dao Alliance disciples died in your hands now?" You are clearly human, why do you hate your fellow citizens so much? "

Steward Fei is naturally emotional.

It's brutal.

From the birth of the Heaven and Earth Alliance to now, how many people have died? Why do you have to go so far? Why bother?

"Senior Fei, I said that you are an understanding person, but why can't you figure it out?"

Li Han smiled meaningfully, and turned his eyes to Xiao Wancheng on the side.

"I know best how the structure of your Dao Alliance is, even if you want to be a peacemaker, how do you violate the rules that the Dao Alliance has established for thousands of years, you understand, does he understand?"

Xiao Wancheng's eyes were fierce, like a knife, and he couldn't wait to cut out all of Li Han's heart and liver.

"Why do you have to merge the frontiers, after all these years, we people and demons seem to be incompatible, but in fact, they do not invade each other, there is no big dispute, this world is still peaceful."


Li Leng smiled.

How did Laozi Taiping get caught in the southern country in the first place?

"Lord Li Meng, I don't know what unfairness you saw, but it is definitely a small probability event, and the general trend is like this."

Butler Fei's mood became more and more excited.

Under this whole world, where there are not one or two injustices, if everyone really shouts for rebellion because of this, then how can society be maintained?

"Needless to say, I'm not here today to be reasonable, and you don't have to make anything with me to be emotionally reasonable, it's useless."

Li Han frowned.

His broken things are not important at all, this is the founding policy of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, if he can't do this, his city full of people and monsters will have to follow him to a point of no return, status, responsibility, obligation These things are all rising between each other, if he is still a flat-headed people, then he can't do this at all.

The alliance owner is not in vain, he has to do things.

Seeing that Li Han's tone was resolute, Steward Fei roughly understood what he wanted to do, and it was useless to say more, leaving only a deep sigh.

Alas...... If you know this, why bother in the first place?

A spring breeze, but very bleak.

The huge Yiqi Dao Alliance Council Hall, how magnificent and majestic, has now turned into ruins.

At the other end of the steps, Wang Quan Hegemony's hair was messy, and he came up with a sword like a wild man, and behind him were the children of the Wang Quan family.


They came late.

A sword was inserted into Butler Fei's throat, and Xiao Wancheng sat in a wheelchair with his head down, and seemed to have lost his voice for a long time.

And the one who carried the sword.

It is the heart demon of the hegemony of kingship.

"Uncle Fei!"

Wang Power Hegemony fell directly to the ground.

The voice of pathos resounded through the heavens and earth, obviously to the point of being incomparable.

His father was seriously ill when he was very young, and he usually lay on the collapse of the house on weekdays, obviously as a family, under the same roof, but he could not see each other several times on weekdays.

In comparison, Steward Fei is different.

Whether it is his royal power hegemony or his sister Wang Quan drunk, it was all pulled by this old man, not a biological father but better than a biological father.

"Hegemonic Son..."

Blood spilled from Steward Fei's mouth, he smiled kindly in the direction of Wang Power Hegemony, and then fell silently to the ground.

Li Han looked indifferent, and drew his sword and pointed at the hegemony of the king.

"If you want revenge, take advantage of now, I am in a hurry."

This side of heaven and earth seemed to be silent, and the children of the Wang Power family behind Wang Power Hegemony retreated one after another, and some of them were frightened and even rolled directly down the steps, breaking their heads and bleeding.

There is no way, anyone who goes up to this platform will be terrified when they see this scene in front of them.

The square was full of corpses, and the old men who symbolized the highest decision-making body of the Ichikido Alliance were also lying on the ground like grass mustard.

None of them are alive.

These people have all experienced the battle in Flying Dragon City, where will there be people who don't have long eyes and can't recognize who this guy in front of them is?


Wang Quan drunkenly cried red eyes, and tugged at the sleeve of his brother on the side.

However, he still knelt down, as if he had lost all his spiritual energy.

Seeing this, Wang Quan gritted his teeth, collected his sadness, pulled out the sword at his waist and stabbed towards Li Han.

On that day, the saddest scene in the history of the Ichikido Alliance happened.

There are so many men in the entire Yiqi Dao Alliance, but only one woman dares to make a move against this big devil in the end.

Lonely, poignant.

Spring flowers and rain fall.

She fell in the rubble.

Li Han drew his sword and looked indifferent.

One blow killed her, just stabbed on the death hole, did not make her endure too much pain, not even obvious scars.

He looked at Steward Fei's body.

"What I want to do is not to invite guests to dinner, you can spare whoever you say, and I Li Han can't do this kind of thing."


..." "Monsters..."

For a while, the terrified voices of these royal children rose one after another, and the destruction of the council hall had already scared these people to the extreme, and now, the second young lady of the royal power family fell in front of everyone, and it became the last straw that broke the camel.

"Huh... Hehe...... Hahahaha..." Wang

Quan Hegemony's body twitched, and he immediately laughed.

Laughing and crying, as if losing his soul.

Li Han didn't even look at him, just stood beside him and raised the sword of Wang Quan high above his head.

"After today, the One Qi Dao Alliance no longer exists, there is only one organization in the entire human realm, that is, the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and it doesn't take long for the owner of this alliance to bring people over again, those who resist, there is no pardon."

The high voice spread from the top of the mountain, and whether it was the children of the One Qi Dao Alliance between the mountains and forests or the children of the Wang Quan family who were frantically fleeing, they could hear it clearly.

The Heaven and Earth Alliance was finally worthy of this name at this moment.

Heaven and earth, I am alone.

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