"Is he Li Han?"

With the protection of a round bell, the table inside the council hall was not damaged in the slightest, and under the yellow curtain, Li Muchen opened a corner and looked at the figure with bright eyes.

She did not feel sad and afraid of everything that happened around her, on the contrary, she was very excited.

Such a big one-airway alliance, no one can help this guy in front of him, when others are not in the one-airway alliance, there are legends about him everywhere, at that time, Li Muchen still felt that these were more or less adulterated, but now there is no such idea at all.


The maid on the side had already been frightened into the six gods, and seeing that Li Muchen was about to go out, she hurriedly pulled her sleeve.


Li Muchen, as the third young lady of the Li family, has also practiced since childhood, how can a delicate maid stop it?


Li Muchen waved his hand and ran in the direction of Li Han very happily.

Li Han turned around, and his eyes revealed a look of interest.

However, this was not aimed at Li Muchen, who ran towards him, but at the maid behind her, under the table.

"Heaven and Earth Alliance Master, I am Li Muchen, I have been wanting to see you for a long time!"

Imagine a weird picture of a young girl running towards you as if she hadn't seen anything, with a bright flower-like smile on her face, stepping on the blood on the ground, in a place full of dead people.

Li Han smiled kindly.

The sword of royal power in his hand pointed forward.

Just three feet.

Resisted Li Muchen's throat.

"Don't don't, don't get me wrong, I'm not here to fight you."

Li Muchen raised his hands, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The dazzling cold light made her have no doubt, and the next moment, this sword would pierce her throat.

"Oh? You ran out so happy, do you think we can be friends?

Li Leng smiled coldly.

Do not fight stupid, do not fight smart, specifically fight this kind of not long-eyed.

Li Muchen glanced around, corpses all over the field, and smiled awkwardly.

"I don't mean that, although I am a person in the One Qi Dao Alliance, but I am different from these people, they can't tell how many pounds and taels they have..."

Li Han turned around and kicked, and Li Muchen, who suffered a heavy blow in the abdomen, instantly widened his eyes, flew out upside down, and after rolling a few times, he couldn't stand up for a long time.

"Now, do you know how many pounds you have?"


Li Muchen's body bent into shrimp, coughed twice, and blood spilled out of the corners of his mouth.

After killing these old immortals at the top.

The Wang Power family is the last hope of the current Yiqi Dao Alliance, and it can also be said that it is the last straw for the Heaven and Earth Alliance to crush the camel, which is the main reason why Li Han killed Wang Quan Drunk, if possible, he wanted to kill together with the King Power Hegemony.

Now, it's not necessary.

Li Han didn't even look at the crying and laughing king power hegemony again.

Because, this person, alive, is more useful to him.

Li Han doing these things has nothing to do with personal feelings.

Simply because the hope of the royal family is not extinguished for him, the signs of subsequent resistance are that the wildfires are inexhaustible, and the spring breeze blows again.

As for slaughtering the entire One Qi Dao Alliance, Li Han didn't think about this kind of thing.

First, it's trouble, and second, it's not necessary.

In the future, when these people take over the human realm in the Heaven and Earth Alliance, they will all be rare laborers, and if they are killed, who will do things for him? He didn't want to add any more burden to Tu Shanrongrong.

"Don't go... Don't go..." Li

Muchen's chest tingled with a tingling pain, and he shouted with all his strength.

It's just that Li Han didn't see her at all, and grabbed the hiding maid under the table in front of her, and then flew into the sky, gradually moving away.

It was a ruin, with only two surviving people left.

One hurts, one goes crazy.

His arrival was a disaster and an end for the Ichikido Alliance.

In April, before the spring of April, the alliance that mankind has struggled for thousands of years finally collapsed, like a snowy mountain collapsed.


After the people who suppressed the rebellion in the three cities of Yong'an heard this news through the thousand-mile sound transmission talisman, they were shocked to the point of being incomparable, and the crying and howling rose one after another in an instant.


..." "Little drunk..." The

Three Senses Saint Monarch Yang sighed and looked up at the sky, these days of conquest had already made this handsome son of the Feng Shen become emaciated, and a slag beard had grown on his chin.

"It's over, it's over..." On

the side were the other members of the mask group, and now most of them were the newly promoted masters of the One Qi Dao Alliance, and basically all those who could fight had been transferred to the Yong'an Three Cities.

Who would have thought that?

At a time when everyone is desperately fighting on the front line, with the will of death, ready to face that invincible enemy again.



Deng Qiyue had already knelt on the ground, covered his heart, and couldn't cry.

Little drunk....

"Li Han!"

Li Qujun had red eyes.

The voice seemed to come out from between the teeth, and even the throat twitched, hating it to the bone.

"Second brother, while that guy is not here now, we people take advantage of the victory to pursue and take down Flying Dragon City!"

Ji Wuji clenched his fists and cast his resentful gaze at the head of Flying Dragon City on the other side.

The rest of the children also responded.



In these days, the Dao Alliance disciples marched forward all the way, first capturing one of the cities, and the remaining two cities, the resistance encountered was not particularly strong.

Those members of the Heaven and Earth Alliance who originally occupied the city were killed and abandoned their armor and fled, and the three cities could be said to have been conquered without much effort, such as today's Earth Alliance huddled in the Flying Dragon City.

Yang sighed and looked in that direction and smiled miserably.

At the head of the city, a turquoise haired Tushan fox demon was standing there quietly, expressionless.

"Have you forgotten? How did we lose last time? Why do you think that Heaven and Earth Alliance Lord dares to pick this juncture and run to the headquarters of our One Air Dao Alliance?

Ji Wuji was stunned.

Li Zizi frowned and sighed helplessly.

Oh, yes.

They have to face more than just a one-air alliance.

And also.

Tu Shan.

No matter how powerful Li Han is, it is impossible to protect the residents of the city, he is a sword, but not a shield.

But Tu Shan's demon law has changed a lot, the last time the children of the Ji family and the children of the Mu family charged, they ate this loss, and the Li family disciples who protected the law behind, so many magic weapons, so many spells, fell on that protective cover, but did not set off a wave at all, which also led to the subsequent people can attack unscrupulously.

"We came from afar, the battle was already very reluctant, plus the residents of the three cities had long been cleared, how could the empty city stay for a long time? Don't you guys understand yet? We now occupy too much of a place and too few people can hold it.

Yang sighed and closed his eyes deeply.

No, there are too few who can keep, at all... Not really.

At this moment, I was deeply touched when I recalled what Dongfang Lonely Moon said.

This place is the place of death.

There is a sentence written on the gate building of Flying Dragon City now.

Don't be pretentious.

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