Originally, the purpose of their battle was not to capture these three cities that could not be defended at all.

It is to show an attitude, the One Qi Dao Alliance is not allowed to give an inch of land, and you can rely on the vast territory and people to wage a tug-of-war with your Heaven and Earth Alliance in these three cities, and over time, a corner of the land, even if it is backed by Tu Mountain, how can it consume the behemoth of the One Qi Dao Alliance?

Then it is natural to negotiate.

The best thing is peace talks.

However, on the chessboard that was originally full of games, a pawn that can be overbearing appears, and he can go to any square at will and take out any important piece of yours.

Just once, the headquarters was brought to the end, what else can he do later?

This is equal to... The negotiating table is lifted.

"Why is there such a person in this world? His existence is so unfair to us, as if all our efforts have been in vain, what could be more funny?

Yang sighed and faced everyone and smiled miserably.

No one could give him an answer.

"Second brother, make up your mind, even if we die here in battle today, we will avenge the old masters who died!" And, avenge our youngest sister!

When Ji Wuji said the last sentence, he choked up slightly, and all the members of the mask troupe looked sad.

Yang Yi sighed and nodded.

"Well, it's good to teach the alliance master of the Heaven and Earth Alliance to know that although our people's ability is not as great as him, they have a kind! Everyone, would you like to go with us?

Li Qujun raised his right hand.

"Go together!"

The remaining members of the Mask Troupe also raised their right hands along with them, as did most of the people present.

The atmosphere is very exciting, and it seems that there is really the momentum of a strong man who will never return.

However, not everyone.

It can even be said that only half of the people impassionedly shouted the slogan of avenging the dead masters, and the rest of the people retreated, and fear appeared in their eyes.

"What for! Do you cowards want to escape? Do you have the face to go back to the family?

Li Qujun hissed.

A young man fell to his knees in tears, his body trembling.

"Lee... Li Gongzi... In fact, this time the Dao Alliance said that each family must produce at least one child, but I was forced to come by the family, my brothers from the snacks were good and drunk, with the best magic weapon, at this time, but to send me a person who has just learned the imperial sword to Flying Dragon City, I also came with you, I am not afraid of death... I just don't want to die!

"Li Gongzi, I am worse than him, I am not an orthodox child at all, I came to replace our son-in-law, the head of the family told me that as long as I follow you, I will definitely win a big victory in the end, and when the time comes, I will be cultivated as a family hero into the core personnel of the family, I didn't think about taking a life!" Just do what you can do and let me go. "

Another guy got down on his knees, crying bitterly, and slapped the floor hard.

This is not the end, most of these more than half of the people are in this situation, they are some foreign disciples who have just learned the imperial sword art and simple spells, but they all use the names of their own family, and even many of them are directly related to the head of the family.

When there is no need to show their true skills, no one will see the true level of these rookies, for example, the previous siege of the city, there is not much resistance at all, I am afraid that only those few people in the mask regiment can directly open the city gate, and the rest only need to rush inside.

Li Quyun's pupils dilated abruptly.

Not just him, but even the remaining half.


No one expected that such an important matter as fighting against the Heaven and Earth Alliance would actually have such a loophole in the recruitment link.

"Ah!! That group of old immortals! When was this, actually sending such a batch of cannon fodder up to be shoddy!

Ji Wuji roared, his clenched fists, and his nails were almost embedded in the flesh and blood.

Li sighed freely.

"It's probably a good plan, in the future, whether these people are dead or alive, they can occupy two ends, we win, they can fight against the Dao Alliance, we lose, even if these people die in this place, they can be said to have nothing to do with their family, all of us big families above want to launch an attack on Flying Dragon City."

This generation of Yiqi Dao Alliance disciples are already uneven, green and yellow.

On the contrary, the children of the foreign family have been cultivating hard, but they do not get the resources and environment they deserve, which is the biggest drawback of the big family in cultivating talents, focusing on maintaining the blood of the clan, but not paying too much attention to personal talent, how many family owners spend a lot of money on those sons and grandchildren under them? These anointed disciples don't have to do anything one by one, just enjoying it, the path of cultivation is much smoother than ordinary people, and even the realm they can reach in a year, ordinary people may not be able to achieve it in ten years.

This is what was thrown out with money.

Even if those two ancestors really came to this environment, what could they do? I'm afraid it's no different from these people in front of me, who have long cried and shouted to go home.

"The terrible thing is that our Yiqi Dao Alliance is now in the hearts of people, and before we came, many people had already made such plans."

Aoki Yuan is also sad.

The trees fell and scattered, the walls fell and everyone pushed them.

"Good! Good! Good! You people do not go, and we do not force it, so today let you people see the backbone of these few we lead. Li

Quxun made a seal in his hand and jumped up.

The children of the Li family naturally followed, the dense magic weapons in the sky, as well as a lot of sophisticated instruments, the whole team was completely like a thick layer of armor outside, and the Ji family disciples who were the protectors of the right side also drove this thunder wing, buzzing, just listening to the sound had an extremely dangerous feeling.


"Miss Rong Rong, they are here."

A member of the Heaven and Earth Alliance at the head of the city glanced at the sky next to him, and the black pressure was pressed towards this side.

Several times.

That's true almost every time.

At first, seeing this kind of battle, maybe the people on the side of the Heaven and Earth Alliance would still be afraid, but now they won't, because Flying Dragon City has the strongest defense, and last time their alliance master had proved to them that these so-called Dao Alliance disciples were actually just flesh and blood with two shoulders and a head.

Tu Shanrongrong's eyes slowly narrowed.

"Within a mile, shoot and kill."


Behind the city, a group of fox demons dressed in white were carrying magic balls, which seemed to contain monstrous demon power.

This time, it was not a demon power image, but a real Tushan fox demon.

"Sister, I'm sorry, I think that kindness cannot bring peace to Tushan, not to mention that Tushan has been watching the fire from the other side, and it is not appropriate to sit and enjoy its achievements..."

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