That day.

Once Tu Shan's magic array was opened, no matter what magic weapons and spells could not break through its encirclement, the charging Yiqi Dao Alliance disciples could only brave the rain of arrows in the sky to advance.

On the way, the most incomprehensible thing was the green light that burst out from the city, and they silently enveloped the children of the One Qi Dao Alliance.

Then, a horrific scene happened.

"Hahaha, dad, your old man didn't expect that he would have today, I'll send you on your way today!"

"Hee-hee... Beauty, come, drink.

"Nope! This trick shouldn't be like this, no! "

Young people were crazy between the two places of the city and the city, with different shapes, as if they had not seen the rain of arrows flying down from the sky.

Not only that, but they also fought and attacked each other, and continuous explosions continued to sound.

"Tushan Demon Technique! Is there a way to defuse it?

Li Quhuo directed the children of the Li family to stay away from these lights, looked crossed, and shifted his gaze to Aoki Yuan.

"I'll try! Stay away from me! Aoki

Yuan stepped on the jade Ruyi, and her robe flew to the ground like a fairy, and for a while, Ruyi also bloomed with a turquoise color.

In an instant, all the magic weapons on the ground failed.

The things held in the hands of those disciples who seemed to have hysteria seemed to have all turned into fire sticks, and there was no lethality at all.

"Hold on!"

Lee went to shout.

Once Aoki Yuan's jade ruyi takes effect, it is that people come to fall people, treasures fall treasures, and all the areas are invalid, which means that the children of the One Qi Dao Alliance below are now fish meat on the chopping board, only to be slaughtered.

And what these people have to do is to maintain the defensive line in the sky above and not let any weapon with attack fall.

"All with wind and thunder wings, block the bow and arrow!"

Ji Wuji waved his big hand, and the children of the Ji family, who had been guarded, flapped their thunder-like wings behind them, and the thunder flashed and rendered the entire sky a deep purple, crackling and thunder snakes dancing, intertwined with each other, as if a dense power grid had been formed.

And once the thunder and lightning are intertwined with the bow and arrow, the latter looks very fragile, even if the arrow is inscribed with the charm of the Dao Alliance, and some warlocks are added to the arrow, there is still a lot of gap compared with the real one-air Dao Alliance manufacturing level.

"Miss Rong Rong, the first batch of trial works has all been released."

A hall master stood respectfully beside Tu Shanrongrong, not daring to lift his head, and did not dare to breathe.

Let's be honest... The things made by this own workshop are really a little too buried.

"Well, it works pretty well."

Tu Shan looked thoughtful.

The hall master immediately breathed a sigh of relief... Fortunately, fortunately, Miss Rong Rong is here, if the alliance owner is here, it is inevitable that another foot will fly over.

What the are you doing? Break when you touch it! Lao Tzu gave you money, and you threw it to the toilet to feed the pigs? Is it okay for you to develop the hall?

And that's not the scariest.

The most terrifying thing is to be laughed at by several other hall masters, oh can you develop something ah, can't everyone bring things back, you just spend nothing.

Damn, all of them are not afraid to give birth to children without ass, the direct combat troops are good, what do you want directly reach out, the same as an uncle, in the past you said that they were desperate, that is really desperate, now there are Tushan people here, can only say that they understand everything, fuck, one by one is really a blessing, a battle to kill a person is a very rare event.

The bitter thing is that these high-logistics people are like their mother's mother, and when the original hall was first formed, they scooped up those magic weapons and objects of the Dao Alliance from the black market.

Somebody has to come over, so call someone who can do something, and guess what?

That good fellow, Nima knows no basket of words, after a month or two of learning, you ask him to draw, the donkey's grass-like eyes are staring, the rolling pin is the same hand, not a single word is written, just the paper, can poke you a dozen sheets.

"But according to the current trend, you should encounter many difficulties."

Tu Shan said very tactfully.

"Hmm... That..." The

hall master of the R&D department, the seven-foot-tall man, his face was almost red.

"Miss Rong Rong, let's be honest, before coming to the Heaven and Earth Alliance, we were craftsmen from an unruly family, and our own conditions were not so good, if our Heaven and Earth Alliance wanted to make a good magic weapon, what was lacking was not money, the most important thing was people."

"Well, you don't have to worry about this, I'll send it to you, but how to adjust it at that time is your business."

Tu Shanrong turned his face and smiled.

The hall master of the R&D department followed the direction of her line of sight, and her frustrated expression suddenly became clear.

Good guy, what is he worried about.

Asking people, this is not ready-made?

Even straightened his chest.

"Yes! Don't worry, as long as the person arrives and can't come up with something, I will directly take off this hall master's clothes!" Kneel again and call those Wang bastards who laugh at me every day a grandfather! The

direction the two were pointing.

Without him.

It is the phalanx of the Li family's children in Taoyuan now.

After a while, the hall master of the R&D department jumped around above the city.

The eyes stared at the Li family children flying in the sky like a hungry wolf, and they were even more excited than seeing the beautiful girl.

"Your crossbow convoy aims at Lao Tzu a little, those who have a gourd behind are not allowed to kill, the rest are casual."

"You know, you know, will pay attention to your baby bumps, our ballista has been transformed by the old craftsmen of Tushan Gubaozhai, but it's a pity that the old man can't make a qi Dao alliance thing, this car, it's a finger where to hit, take a good look at it."

The hall master of the Dragon and Tiger Hall pushed him and smiled angrily.

Tu Shan Rong silently calculated in his heart the distance between the people of the One Qi Dao Alliance and this side.

After arriving at the place.



For a while, on the city wall, more than ten renovated ballistae roared in unison, and each car could shoot at least ten thick crossbow arrows with a length of more than one meter.

"Here it comes! Shield!

"Li Quxun has long had foresight, these crossbow arrows are menacing, and each arrow is attached to the Qidao Alliance's defense-breaking charm, and the general defense really can't help it.

But this is not a problem for the Taoyuan Li family, who has done their best.

After the ten Li family disciples were ordered, they drew up one after another round bells, side by side, with the blessing of magic weapons, and looked more majestic.

The hall master on the city gate building smiled coldly when he saw this.

"Do you still treat Lao Tzu as a hillbilly? Lao Tzu's arrow, but it will turn a corner. "

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