The voice just fell.

As if it had received some indication halfway, the crossbow bolt that flew straight began to change its flight trajectory, no longer rampage, but twisted crookedly.

"What is that?"

Li Quxun's eyes straightened.

The orientation covered by the round bell is only in a flat shape, and coupled with the specially thickened defensive law array, it is more than enough to stop this kind of crossbow arrow.


It flew into the sky before it rushed over.

Actually bypassed the round bell!

"Stop them!"

Ji Wuji hurriedly commanded the children of the Ji family to take a position and meet the crossbow arrows falling like rain in the sky.


"My fox mind technique is far more than that."

Tu Shanrongrong's narrowed eyes glowed with a trace of coldness, and he stretched out his right hand and gently clicked.

The Fox Nian Technique is not a particularly advanced spell among the Tushan Demon Method.

However, this score is used by anyone, for example, in Tu Shanrongrong's hands, it can directly use high-level effects.

Also, there is a limit on the number of people.

There are many people, and this thing is really powerful to use.

To this end, Tu Shan Rongrong specially brought out hundreds of fox demons who specialized in spiritual spells from Tu Shan, at the cost of asking Tu Shan Yaya to eat two rabbits and let her go to the street to make a big fuss, and finally the elders finally compromised with Tu Shan Rongrong, the mastermind behind the scenes, in order to appease this chaotic demon king.

The radial turquoise light behind the city wall began to gradually enlarge, and they actually merged with each other, converging into a large curtain, which fell from the sky.

"Fly down!"

Ji Wuji was horrified.

At this moment, whether it was the children of the Ji family or the children of the Li family seeing this, they continued to lower their height, and they could only lower their height.

Because, the sky has fallen.

Anyone who falls for the Tushan Demon Law will lose themselves without exception.

"Don't come over at this time!"

Aoki Yuan raised her head, and a look of despair already appeared in her eyes.

It's over....

Jade Ruyi continued to exert its effect, and the turquoise curtain pressed down until the range of Ruyi's effect stopped, unable to move any further.

But ahhh


"My wings!"

The children of the Qi Dao Alliance in the sky fell like birds with broken wings, this is the jade ruyi of the Qing family, people come to fall people, treasures fall treasures, once it is effective, such a large range, so many people, she Qingmuyuan alone even if she is strong, it is impossible to give everyone the right to use magic weapons freely.

And most importantly.

On the premise of losing all magic weapons.

What to do with crossbow arrows in the sky.


Aoki Yuan was almost desperate.

On that side, Yang sighed that the follow-up troops they led had just arrived and saw this extremely tragic scene.

The children of the Ji family, the children of the Li family, and the children of the Mu family of the vanguard army were all exposed to a clearing facing the sky, and the crossbow arrows in the sky continued to fall, each of which could accurately harvest a life, many people were directly penetrated by the arrow from the head through the entire body, standing on the ground, blood flowed, very terrifying, and some abdomen were directly pierced through a large hole.

Within that range, magic weapons could not be used, and even the Deng family, who was good at defense, could not play any role, so they could only follow the follow-up troops and stare at the side.

It has become a natural cemetery.

The ballista kept loading and attacking, like a wild beast devouring people, as if it never knew to stop, in the chaos, the corpses were everywhere.

The screams rose and fell one after another, as if the heavens and the earth were rendered blood-red, and the world was noisy.

Tu Shanrongrong just silently raised his head.

The gaze extends to the outside of the city, thousands of mountains, thousands of waters.

There, there was silence that belonged to her alone.

"Brother Li Han, it's very safe, don't miss it."


Three days later, the headquarters of the Ichikido Alliance, thousands of miles away.

The people in the nearby towns were panicked and talked about it.

In the past, the children of the big families who flaunted their might were reprimanded by the elders in the family one by one, and they chose to stay closed.

"Have you heard? The alliance master of the Heaven and Earth Alliance seems to have come here.

"Don't say nonsense, didn't the One Qi Dao Alliance lead people to Flying Dragon City? The city lord is overwhelmed, and where is the mind to run to us.

"Hey, you don't believe it, you yourself went to the corner of the village next door, the heavenly palace on the mountain is still there, it is said that the world turned upside down a few days ago, all collapsed1"

In the streets and alleys today, the most talked about by the ordinary people is the collapse of the parliament hall of the Ichikido Alliance a few days ago.

This kind of thing that has reached the sky cannot be stopped.

In the past, if someone dared to talk about this kind of thing, don't look, those people wearing golden swords (Obsidian Inspectorate) will invite you to prison to have a good cup of tea, these days it is strange, such a big thing happened, rumors were all over the place, and no one was sent down to stop it.

On the contrary, it was resigned, which also caused the public opinion of this city to be pushed to a climax, that is, whether the Heaven and Earth Alliance could not do it.

"No more... Don't want it all... Huh..." A

decadent figure slowly walked through the street, his hair was dirty, the yellow-white Taoist robe on his body was also tattered, and the bearded face was still young, but for some reason he looked particularly old, as if the whole person had lost his life.

As he walked on the road, pedestrians avoided it.

Because this guy is so smelly, it's like he has urinated on his body.

"Isn't that the hegemonic son of the royal family?"

At this time, there was a person on the street who recognized it in confusion, and thought that he had seen it wrong.

Wang Power Hegemony is a well-known figure, wearing a green robe, wearing a waist of three feet, since he was a child, he has been placed in high hopes by the entire Yiqi Dao Alliance, and if he is lucky, he can often be seen flying his imperial sword flying from the sky, and he has to follow a few children of the Wang Quan family, old style.

"Don't talk nonsense! How can the hegemonic son of our One Breath Dao Alliance be called Hanako like this? "

He... It seems that I didn't say nonsense, that is really a hegemonic son. Several

housekeeper-like people had sharp eyes, and as soon as they saw the figure, they hurriedly ran back to the mansion to pray to their master.

What's going on?

The hegemony of royal power is crazy.

No matter how the big family above does not respond and how much they cover up the truth, they cannot cover up the fact that a living, driven crazy royal hegemony exists.

When the young masters of the upper-class families were still desperately working on the side of Yong'an City, the hegemonic son who stayed in the One Kido Alliance and was expected to become the next generation of alliance masters became like this.

Ichikido Alliance... The gas number has come to an end.

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