For a while, those middle and lower class families who were still vacillating between the Heaven and Earth Alliance and the One Airway Alliance had already begun to plan ahead, they were not bigger than the upper-class families, but the victory was in the number and more people, and they formed the underlying structure that supported the current operation of the One Airway Alliance.

Inside the inn.

"Is he crazy?"

"Is that important? If he is not crazy, he will have to die, choose one of the two. "

Tu Shan Hong Hong came to his senses.

This guy is really a pragmatic through and through, intrigue and trickery are only a means for him to achieve his ends, and by no means a bargaining chip for him to intrigue with people, he does not have to think about it, and he does not have to care about what others are thinking, anyway, he will end up on the road he arranged.

"Is that what you're for? Leaving him as a person, hanging a knife over the heads of the rest of the people, so that they can see it all the time, this is the end of going against you.

She looked down the window of the second-floor wing to the street, and there were already many people gathered around, surrounding the figure, and he looked at the crowd around him blankly and fearfully, like a child.

The grand prince of the royal family with unlimited scenery in the past actually fell into this kind of family ruin.

Really, looking at it, it's a little unbearable.

Li Han, who was lying on the bed, frowned, and only after a long time did he breathe a sigh of relief.

"Red red."

"I said it, don't call it these two words."

"I think you're very immature as a leader, and what you seem to be thinking about all the time is that you can't move your hand when you see this person being pitiful, and you feel that your conscience has been tortured when you see the lives in that place, right?"

Li Han sat up from the bed with a very stern expression.

Falling in Tu Shan Honghong's eyes, this may be Li Han's most sincere time for her, but the content Tu Shan Hong Hong does not want to hear very much, this is like a knife cutting open her heart.

"I'll admit, you're kind, and I appreciate that of you, but as a leader, what can you change in the end of the day? After so many years, aren't the tragedies that you don't want to happen always repeated again and again, are you always thinking of being indisputable to the world, and after so many years, Tu Shan escaped? "

Don't say it!"

Tu Shanhong Hong's voice was resolute, word by word.

She raised her eyes, and at this moment her beautiful face showed an angry expression.

"You just want to accuse me of naivety, but what have you asked about me? I returned to Tushan from Flying Dragon City, have you come to see it once?

Li Han was stunned.

He actually wanted to persuade Tu Shan Honghong to think about the problem rationally, especially after becoming the power of Tu Shan, many things cannot be superficial.

Looking at it today, perhaps the royal family and the major families above the One Ki Dao Alliance were miserably harmed, and the people in the city were also in turmoil, but this is the essence of war, and the general trend in the future must be in a state of relative harmony between humans and demons.

Li Han does not regret doing these things, nor does he have any sense of guilt, because he has that capital, every move is the same, the sin is in the moment, and the merit is in the future.

However, he ignored Tu Shan Honghong's personal feelings, and at the moment she was far from a leader who could put aside her personal feelings.

"Are you planning to say that you are now the lord of Tushan, you shouldn't say these things or not, you should think about Tushan's future development and other words?"


Li Han nodded.

"But I don't want to hear it! Do you understand?

Tu Shan Hong trembled his body.

Li Han's pupils dilated abruptly.


That invincible Tu Shan Hong, that always majestic Tu Shan Hong.


"You always feel that you have the ability to arrange, then you can arrange it!" Did I say anything against you? Or did I say that you are not allowed to step into Tushan in the future? You are so smart and have such a tacit understanding with Rong Rong, why can't you guess my thoughts correctly? "


It seems that something is getting more and more wrong, in a strange direction.

"I..." Li

Han stretched out his hand and was slapped away by Tu Shan Honghong.

"Fuck off! Don't you just look down on me and think I'm stupid? There is no such thing as the Lord of Tu Mountain, in terms of management ability, compared with Rong Rong, it is simply a heaven and an underground, so you left her in Flying Dragon City, isn't that so? "


"I didn't..."

Li Han chuckled in his heart.

This fucking isn't right... Wasn't it that you couldn't do without going back to Tushan every day?

Why is it that now it seems that I asked you to go back, this is true, do I say that if I don't want you to go back, you can not go back?

"Don't you think?"

Tu Shan Honghong raised his head and looked at Li Han fiercely, which can be described as a pear blossom with a special style under the rain.


Can I be blamed for this?

After thinking for a moment, Li Han immediately nodded.

"Well, yes, I remembered wrong, I'm sorry, my fault, I actually didn't want you to go back to Tushan in the first place."

"Huh... Do you have any other tricks besides deceiving people?"

Tu Shan Hong's nose was red, and he smiled coldly.

Am I special....

Li Hanren was numb.

He was so stupid, he should have thought long ago, reasoning with women will not work.

When even his expression was crossed, he lazily carried Tu Shan Hong on his shoulders from behind.

"What are you doing!"

Tu Shanhong was caught off guard, and exclaimed again.


A crisp sound.

Tu Shan's red face turned crimson at a speed visible to the naked eye, reaching the roots of his ears, and his furry ears trembled.

"Lao Tzu is too lazy to force you to talk so much, the braincase hurts, don't you want to care? Well, in the future, Tushan will also belong to Lao Tzu! "

When did I say..."

"You let me go! Let me go!

Li Han slapped her on the buttocks again, and then threw her directly onto the bed, without any intention of pitying Xiang Xiyu.

The maid who was captured by Li Han lying on the ground on the side had already woken up, and her timid eyes were full of tears of fear.

What's next?

Will I be treated like this....

Tu Shanhong glanced at her in shame, and hurriedly shrunk to the corner, not like he was afraid that Li Han would really do something, but more like he simply didn't want to be seen such a shameful scene.

Li Han did not go further, but sat on the table next to him, poured himself a cup of hot tea, frowned and sighed: "I admit, I really haven't pondered your mind, but you have this attitude every time, don't give a chance at all, how can I guess?"

Tu Shanhong said anxiously: "Can you stop talking about it first..."

Li Han ignored the maid on the side, his face was cold, and he slapped the table.

It's really a ghost fire.

"You're afraid of a ball, is Flying Dragon City an extra mouth for you? You said you didn't want to go back, Lao Tzu didn't dare to fight with Fengqi in the first place or what? What about the monkey coming? Lao Tzu still fucks his mother! "

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