"Don't say it!"

Tu Shan Honghong buried her head in her knees and looked nervously at the other side of the bed, from her angle she couldn't see the maid on the ground at all.

However, that doesn't mean that person isn't there.

"By the way, and this guy, you think Lao Tzu is very relieved to accompany you to come, right, what about the Flying Dragon City?" But you have to come, what can Lao Tzu do, or throw 7 everything to accompany you? Why don't you say that, eh?

Li Han glanced at the maid on the ground.

The girl immediately chirped and shrunk her head.

Very scared.

She felt like a piece of cargo now, and she might be picked up in the next second.

Tu Shan's red expression began to dodge.

Seeing this, Li Han's spine suddenly stood up, put the teacup in the palm of his hand, and scratched the tea leaves with the lid like an old lady panning a jade bracelet.

Raising his eyes slightly, his eyes were full of small sorrows. (Rainy days, cold iron.) The

weakness in Tu Shan's red eyes was even worse.

"How? No tantrums anymore? You send it, everyone is so familiar, don't hold it in your heart, anyway, for so long I have held you in the palm of my hand as a treasure, if you feel that something is wrong, you can say it, Lao Tzu is not afraid of others to hear, spread to the street is not afraid, Lao Tzu is good to you, Lao Tzu feels that it is righteous, there is nothing wrong, the king of heaven Lao Tzu came Lao Tzu also dared to say so. "


Tu Shan Hong opened his eyes in amazement, flashing and flashing.

The anger in my heart disappeared in an instant, and the ups and downs were replaced by an inexplicable feeling, and the heart actually ... Glad? Sort of... There is no way to resist.

"Then you... Why don't you go to Tushan to find me?

She lowered her head, her voice getting weaker and weaker, and finally she was almost inaudible.

Li Leng snorted.

"Hmph! How else do you say that you women have long hair and short knowledge? Didn't Lao Tzu do so much for the permanent stability of Tu Shan and for you to live in a peaceful place?

"Really? It's so nice.

Tu Shan Honghong secretly glanced at Li Han.

Li Han covered his chest in pain.

"Can this be a fake, ouch my heart, I can't stand it, your words are really hurtful, you really don't know how much I care about you, I'm outside, thinking of you alone in Tushan at night, can't sleep all night and all night, you don't believe go back and ask those brothers, do I often say that I want to go to Tushan to bring you back, care about a person depends not on words, but on actions!" Let's go!

"Are you okay..."

Tu Shan Honghong hurriedly got out of bed and squatted in front of Li Han.

The tears on his face have not yet disappeared, but his eyes are full of guilt.

If you think about it, from the first time he rescued the two sisters from the hands of the Taoist priest, to now, all this time, he really owes too much.

At first, what she thought was that she didn't want to owe favors, but if she didn't want to owe, she owed it like that.

Until one morning.

Rong Rong was sleeping, and outside the open window was the dark night sky, the clear moon, and the courtyard was covered with flowing moonlight.

She didn't fall asleep, staring out the window in a daze.

A figure broke into the courtyard.

At that time, Tu Shan Honghong was naturally vigilant, thinking that if he dared to get closer again, he would definitely let him know how powerful he was.

However, he came anyway.

Just a crisp silver bell rang, and a bell appeared in front of her.

He shook his head with a smile, signaled Tu Shan Honghong not to speak, only put the bell down and turned around and left in a hurry.

He's busy, all the time.

But whether it was a beautiful season or a night when the wind and snow were at home, during that time, he always wanted to come to see, do nothing, say nothing, but leave one or two things behind.

Gradually, a lot of traces of his left behind were placed in the room....

Don't be fooled, she often says to herself.

But...... She is just so unsmart, so easy to deceive, who can be blamed for this?

"Forget it, let Lao Tzu die so much, you leave me alone, why can't we care more about each other than anyone?"

"It's not that the old lady didn't worry about your affairs, this time I had already guessed that Rong Rong was going to Tushan to borrow people, and specially talked to those old people... The elders discussed it, and when the time came, they would send a hundred high-level fox demons to the Flying Dragon City for defense. Tu

Shan Honghong's voice was a little small, as if he was grievance.

As you can expect, the so-called 'discussion' in the mouth of this new Tushan Lord must be very exciting.

Li Han's eyes lit up... Fortunately, when he left the Three Cities of Yong'an, he had many detonation charms buried in the ground.

In order to change homes with the Yiqi Dao Alliance, he can be said to have hollowed out the family base, at that time, I still thought about him, the big deal of these three cities, Laozi did not want it, retreated directly, and then you don't want it, let you people come in and be buried directly.

Now it seems that Tu Shan only needs to make a move... The city can be saved, and the people can be saved.

"Oh, Honghong, why didn't you say this kind of thing earlier? If I knew, how could I bear to blame you... No, no, no, it's my fault from beginning to end, you did a great job. The

maid looked at the two and suddenly reconciled again.

Finally understood.

Together, this is a couple, a male devil, a female devil, or a monster!

Tu Shan Honghong was too lazy to pay attention to this guy who was full of lies, she had never understood why Dongfang Huaizhu couldn't hear this guy's many rhetoric, and none of them were true.

Now I understand something.

It doesn't really matter if you tell the truth or falsehood, the important thing is to love to listen to it in order to take it seriously.

"Don't talk about those who don't have it, take her this time to Beishan, what are you going to do?"

That's right.

Coincidentally, this maid is the object of the reincarnation of the Beishan Demon Emperor this time, and she was formerly the princess of the Royal Demon Kingdom.

Li Han saw her appearance and identity in the guidance of the Book of Pure Love, which originally belonged to top-secret intelligence... But there is no way, the insiders are hanging like this, casually looking, and there are a lot of names, the same as those old men and old ladies who go to the wishing fountain to drop coins, waiting in line one by one.

I really don't know how those monsters who went to make wishes under the bitter giant tree before Tu Shan started the Red Thread Immortal business, is there no other way to complete the reincarnation continuation except the Red Thread Immortal?

According to Tu Shan Honghong, the bitter giant tree is also born by relying on emotional power, that... This is a little unkind, after all, no one made a wish before, there is really no use for eggs, Tu Shan is completely a pyramid scheme fraud organization, simply to deceive people to provide emotional power to the bitter giant tree in the past.

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