Li Han is also the first time to be a groom official.

To be fair, I have imagined how lively and festive, and everything is very beautiful to fantasize... But what.

In practice, it is tired of dogs.

All kinds of exquisite things came together, and all the people were determined to death, as if performing a grand military parade, and even the bride could not be seen after a busy day.

How to say it... It doesn't really matter if you are tired, or it better reflects its solemnity and sacredness.

The headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Alliance is also lively, everywhere is crowded with people, there are more than a hundred tables for the banquet alone, the front and back of the building, there are big red flowers everywhere, much more magnificent than ordinary big family marrying relatives, and specially built a platform about ten feet high, more than fifty meters wide, with a brazier made of gold in the middle.

"Oh! The bride is out!

"The bride is out!"

On the other side of the attic, a wonderful man dressed in a red wedding dress and covered with a hijab slowly walked towards this side with the help of a maid.

Li Han stood in place stunned, his graceful posture, combined with the bright red wedding dress, made him crazy for a while.

Everything is like a dream of red makeup, and the scent of rouge is everywhere.

On the stage, the Oriental Lonely Moon sat happily on the high hall, and the hall owners and helmsmen under the stage were booing together, and the crowd of onlookers were all smiling, and the number of people attending the meeting exceeded thousands, and the fireworks never stopped.

Under the command of the emcee, one board and one glance.

Li Han hugged the delicate body, a little stiff.

In fact, Li Han himself is also very nervous, that feeling, it is difficult to understand if he has not been married, which has nothing to do with his own strength and position.

It's a wonderful feeling, it's not just a woman you have to carry, but a family, and the expectations of these people around you... There are too many, too many, and the responsibility will be put on your head one ring after another.

But, there's no denying that this may be the most majestic moment of your life.

Congratulations, you have finally become a real man on thin ice and full of joy.

"Don't be nervous, Xianggong will take you on the road ahead."



"Emperor, it seems that there has been a change in the human territory in recent days, and those children of the One Qi Dao Alliance who were originally stationed in our southern country have withdrawn one after another."



The poisonous master knelt on both knees.

Huandu Qingtian took a puff of dry smoke, and then knocked next to his dragon chair.

"Your Majesty!"

The outside of the hall was uniform, and the monsters of the southern country were all stubborn and stubborn, and their eyes were grim.

Palace Janissaries.

"Just wait for His Majesty's order, I will take the opportunity to go north, take Flying Dragon City, and rescue the princess."

The poisonous master said in a deep voice.

The war reports of the past few days have piled up into a hill, and the defeat of the One Qi Dao Alliance is expected, but no one thought that it would be such a fiasco, this is still under the premise that Li Han, the leader of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, has not yet come forward, which means that the armament of the Earth Alliance has risen many notches today.

If you don't take advantage of this gap to attack, but let it continue to develop, the city will be even more terrifying in a few years.

Therefore, this battle, discerning people can see that they can't win, but the princess is there, so there is no way.

In this regard, Huandu Qingtian just frowned, and sighed after a long time.


"I'm willing to swear to the death to take the princess back!"

The poisonous master said deeply.

"I'm willing to swear to death to take the princess back!"

The outside of the hall is uniform and sonorous.

No matter when, what I am most afraid of is nothing more than uneven people's hearts, it is easy for people to die, and how easy is it to let people die?

In the past battle in southern Xinjiang, Li Han's strength has been undoubtedly revealed, he is now standing on the top of the continent, even above the existence of the demon emperor, but everyone whose brain has not burned out knows what it will be like to fight against such a person.

Even if Huandu Qingtian wanted to save his daughter again and wanted to try it, how could he really use the power of the whole country? Once something unexpected happens, it is self-evident for the blow to the southern country.

The old man who had lived for tens of thousands of years looked sad, and he stood up tremblingly.

"Since I sat on this dragon chair, I have not seen a day in my southern country as the people's hearts are as cohesive as today, and I am here to thank you for myself, for my family."


The poisonous master was moved to tears, and the other five poisonous taibao also knelt down one after another, looking firm, as if the emperor had given an order, even if there was a sea of sword and fire ahead.


"That's it, that's it..."

Huan Du Qingtian sat back again.

"I miss your courage, it's just... I won't risk the lives of my people, and the matter of Luo Lan is... Helpless. "

What I am most afraid of now is not the many peculiar abilities that Li Han has mastered, but the secret method from the Proud Country that is beyond this.

Through intelligence and contact, Huandu Qingtian probably already has a score in his heart.

Li Han definitely has some kind of extremely heaven-defying talent, this talent can allow him to grasp what others have in a short time, if the body of ten thousand poisons has the past love as an explanation, then extinguishing demon divine fire, king power sword technique... In all this, which thing can be practiced to that extent in a few days, there must be some unknown reason for this.

Judging from Huandu Qingtian's vicious gaze, it can be said that Li Han's origin in obtaining these abilities must hide his weakness as a person.

Before that weakness, going is nothing more than sending to death.

"Who said that there is no choice, why does the old poison emperor want to grow other people's morale and destroy his own prestige?"

At this moment, a loud voice came from outside the hall.

Subsequently, the guards outside the palace got up one after another with weapons in hand, looking like they were facing a great enemy.

The Five Poison Taipo also looked in the direction outside the hall, and the poisonous master was a little puzzled for a while.

He, why is it here?

A middle-aged man with a chicken head walked up, he was covered in armor, and his limbs were like bird's claws.

It was no one else, it was the famous demon king under the Beishan Demon Emperor, the Beishan Chicken Master.

After entering the palace, he first saluted the Poison Emperor respectfully, and then worshipped the Five Poison Taibao.

"Guys, thankfully."

The demon kings of the major demon domains have not been guarding the demon domain, and on the North Mountain side, there is no such statement.

It is rumored that the Beishan Demon Emperor Shi Kuan has a very strange hobby.

Although he was a demon emperor and called the king of destruction, he did not leave the city day and night, wearing pawn-style clothes, and he was on the head of the city on the other side of Beishan, and any enemy who dared to invade Beishan would be smashed by him with an iron fist.

"Why are you here?"

Huandu Qingtian obviously didn't buy it, and his expression was a little deep.

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