"Suwen Nanguo is the head of my major demon domains, the old poison emperor has achieved great achievements, shocked southern Xinjiang, and has a great reputation, and everyone in the world knows it, and now in my opinion, it is not the same."

Ji Ye frowned.

"Be bold!"

The poisonous man on the side scolded angrily.

He has always had a good relationship with Ji Ye, and his eyes are full of eagerness.


This face, but can't hold back, Ji Yelai must have his own ideas.

"Your Excellency doesn't need to provoke me, this old man, when our major demon domains negotiated to go to Flying Dragon City that day, I remember that I also have Your Excellency's share, you know better than me, how the Destroying Heavenly Monarch deals with himself, do you still have to guard your own city gate building?"

Huandu Qingtian smiled indifferently.

Ji Ye sighed helplessly, and then looked out the door.

At this time, the five poisonous taipo and Huan Du Qingtian who reacted all showed their stunned expressions.

Could it be....

Bang bang!

The sound of calm footsteps sounded, and a very broad figure appeared at the door, still wearing armor, with a square face and a wide chin, and a standard national character face, which is the current Beishan Demon Emperor.

From a human point of view, he has already entered the state of middle age from the prime of life, and his body during this period is as strong as a wall, and he looks very thick.

"There is no doubt that he is strong."

Shi Kuan was concise and to the point.

The appearance of this legendary demon emperor with amazing arm strength and the ability to lift a mountain with one hand is very unpretentious.

However, no one in the hall dared to ignore the majesty he exuded, and even the existence of the demon king level like the Five Poisons Taibao did not dare to breathe.

Huandu Qingtian finally smiled.

"The sun really came out from the west, and the Demon Emperor of the North Mountain, who has never been out of the North Mountain, is actually willing to appreciate his face to my southern side, does that person really make you fidget?"

Shi Kuan shook his head.

"That is."

"Lately, I've been restless."

Shi Kuan did not hide it in the slightest.

The chicken master who appeared earlier also had a embarrassed expression.

It is very strange to say that when the Demon Emperor is guarding the city wall these days, he will often look to the east and suddenly lose his mind.

This is not a trivial matter, the entire Beishan Demon Domain has existed for so many years, Shi Kuan, as a gatekeeper, has always been conscientious, he has always been a pioneer, and regarded defending the city as his top priority.

That fellow, he was in front of the city wall, his look was fierce as if he wanted to eat people, and this kind of thing as a deserter did not exist.

Right now...... From time to time, he had to float, and the entire monster of Beishan looked at it in his heart, and did not dare to say more, secretly worried about his mental state.

"I'm going to Flying Dragon City, maybe I will pass through the Tushan Demon Realm."

Huandu Qingtian's face was gloomy: "The old man doesn't know what happened to you, but if you want to go to Flying Dragon City, have you thought clearly?"

Shi Kuan was silent for a long time.

After that, the very thick-looking face did not show the slightest expression, but just threw it on the ground.

"To go, I came to ask you, are you going or not?"

This is one of the few intersections between the Southern Demon Emperor and the Beishan Demon Emperor, and Huandu Qingtian has no friendship with him, but as an old immortal who has lived for tens of thousands of years, he still has the ability to see people.

Shi Kuan belongs to the kind of thing you say to him, a hundred times a thousand times, if he is unwilling, it belongs to the bull's temper and cannot be pulled back.

But what he wants to do, no matter how much you obstruct, you can't really bind all his hands and feet, he has to do what he should do.

"Although the alliance master of the Heaven and Earth Alliance is cunning, if the two demon emperors can unite together, I think there should be no problem."

Beishan Jiye nodded.

This is also the purpose of this visit.

The five poisonous taipo in the hall all breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the Beishan Demon Emperor does not go around on the Beishan side, if you want to see him, I am afraid that you will not have a chance for hundreds of years.

Now that he has appeared in the Southern Palace with a swagger, everyone is afraid from the eyes of their hearts, afraid that he is here to make trouble.

Now it's okay, the two have combined into one, and they all turn their spearheads to the Heaven and Earth Alliance in Flying Dragon City.

This is an alliance of two demon emperors, the North Mountain Demon Emperor is known for his horizontal body and strong body, and the Southern Poison Emperor is known for his poisonous attacks, if these two are combined, I am afraid that they will become the most terrifying combat power under the sky.

Huandu Qingtian saw that they were sincere, and he no longer went around in circles.

"Well, I'll accompany you to try this old bone again."

No matter how much he said, he still had some immortality in his heart.

His daughter is his life, if he is really desperate and unable to resist, he can only rely on people's noses, will he not fight or rob?

Don't put a single fart, what kind of emperor are you? But coincidentally, Li Han really has the ability not to let him, the emperor, fart, strong to the sky, incomprehensible strong, in the southern Xinjiang region, the use of the power of heaven and earth was defeated by that kid, he really has no way, and how many people to send is also sent to death.

Now, Shi Kuan's arrival has ignited a glimmer of hope in Huandu Qingtian's heart.

One person can't do, two people may....

"Report! Ichikido Alliance's side... Over there..."

At this moment, a youkai hurried over from outside the palace.

His face was anxious, and his words were somewhat incoherent.

The poisonous master just wanted to reprimand, this is the North Mountain Demon Emperor and the Southern Poison Emperor, how can he be so reckless on a major occasion where the two demon emperors are there.

However, Beishan Chicken Master spoke first.

"Emperor, I came with the Demon Emperor this time, passing by the Yiqi Dao Alliance, now everything there, the two of us can no longer explain, you can go and see, standing on the wall of the southern country should be able to see clearly."

Huandu Qingtian frowned.

Immediately, led by the Five Poison Taibao, he flew towards the other end of the city wall with the two Poison Emperors.

The walls of the southern country are very high, standing at the head of the city, you can look at the opposite Yiqi Dao Alliance from afar, in the past, the well water naturally did not violate the river water, and Huandu Qingtian refused to leave his territory.

But now it's a different story.

In order to see more realistically, the old poison emperor directly turned into a purple cloud of smoke and slowly floated into the air, submerged into the clouds.

With the continuous push of the clouds, it reached the top of the wall of the Ichikido Alliance.

"What is it?"

The old poison emperor made an extremely shocked sound.

Even after living for tens of thousands of years, he had already reached the point where Mount Tai collapsed at the top and did not change, but this was the first time he had seen this horrific situation.

The golden tides all over the city seemed to engulf everything, and the entire city seemed to be soaked in golden soup.

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