"There is no need to be so cautious, old emperor, we have seen this along the way."

Beishan Chicken Master and Beishan Demon Emperor Shi Kuan both flew over.

The two of them are now in the sky above this human realm, according to the previous rules, there are monsters appear here, and the human city has long been in trouble, and there will be countless cultivators coming to rectify.

As a result, no one can see it now.

"I and the Heavenly Monarch of Destruction originally thought of not breaking the rules, bypassing the human realm and coming towards the southern side of the country, but as soon as we arrived in the sky, we saw these situations, this is not only your southern side, we have seen so many cities when we came, most of them are like this, completely immersed in this golden water, unspeakable weird."

Beishan Jiye stared intently at the engulfed city.

The present city is like a dike with strong fortifications on all sides, and the water inside is accumulating higher and higher.

If you look at the city from the outside, it is impossible to detect that the inside will be such a terrifying appearance.

"It won't be that guy."

Huan Du Qingtian's expression sank.

Who else has been at war with the Ichikido Alliance recently? Now that it has become like this, could it be that that guy really has plans to slaughter the city?

This...... It's probably too vicious.

"Don't hide from the old emperor, my trip with the Demon Emperor is for this matter, if it is just to go to Tushan to take a look, it will not be such a big move, the two of us have our own low-key way to come and go."

Beishan Chicken Master hugged his fists, and then he slowly raised his head.

"It's just... You also see, some things are not decided by you and me, sometimes, you want peace and stability, but others don't think so, this is city after city of people, old emperor, you see, here... Can there be a living thing?

Huandu Qingtian looked at the golden tide full of the city, and he imagined that these things rushed into the city like a terrifying wave, covering all the residential houses and streets, and countless figures rose and fell in it, crying for help, and finally drowned in it one by one.

He has seen mountains of dead people or dead monsters, after all, over the years, the One Qi Dao Alliance and the major demon domains have fought wars, and the battlefield, which is not a river of blood.


This time there were a lot of deaths.

"I've lived for so long, I've never seen such a cruel thing..." If

these are really all done by Li Han.

So, after solving the human territory like this, what does this terrifying guy want to do next....

Is this a question of whether you can fight or not?

This is a question of leading the neck and killing if you don't fight.


At the moment, the headquarters of the Ichikido Alliance.

The towns were deserted, the wind blew, not a single figure could be seen on the streets, and there was a bleak look everywhere.

The water in the kettle of the passing tea shed has long been boiled dry, the dustpan of the bun shop is thrown on the road, but the steamed buns show a corrupt appearance... Everything, traces of human life can be seen everywhere, but there is no single figure.

This is the first town to be hit by the golden tide, but at the moment it is safe and sound, it seems that the water has only taken away the people who live here, and the rest is parked in place unharmed.

From the mountainside upwards.

Taoyuan Li family.

There were many children of the Li family, one by one, dressed in Taoist robes, looking still the same as before, standing side by side... No, not only the children of the Li family, but also the children of many other families, such as the children of the Yang family who are easily recognizable, the children of the Ji family who have the wings of the living behind them... They stood in pairs and threes, and it seemed that they did not mean to distinguish their families as usual.

These people stood there quietly, with weird smiles in their eyes.

In the center of this school field of the Li family, figures are tied with stakes.

"It's worthy of being the acting alliance master of our One Qi Dao Alliance, I can actually see clearly that something is wrong with me at once, if it weren't for the presence of the Heavenly Eye, it is estimated that I would have explained it in the morning, do you say yes, second brother."

The girl jumped to the present of one of the stakes.

Her own brother was tied to it.

My brother broke a hand outside, and these days hanging outside is wind and rain, and the sun is exposed, even his lips are peeled, I don't know how haggard.

According to reason, my sister should express her distress at this time.

Thinking so, Li Muchen smiled at him, and then deliberately ran to the house and took out an umbrella to block it in front of the weak Li Quxun.

"Brother, look, am I good to you?"

Li Quxun raised his eyes slightly, his eyes were red, and his pupils were full of blood, as if he was morbid and violent to the extreme.

Whoever is so fierce will subconsciously be stunned at a glance, Li Muchen is no exception, immediately the paper umbrella fell to the ground, startled and said: "Brother, I'm doing this for your good, why do you want to murder people?" "


..." "You..." "Not my sister..."


... Who the hell is it? Intermittently

, Li Qujun's voice was very small, but the words were very clear.

Li Muchen covered his mouth when he heard this.

"No, you can see that? I have obviously tried to imitate her character as much as possible, trying to be perfect and identical, how can you see through it at once? "

It's a matter between our brothers and sisters... Ahem, what happened to my sister, let her see me!

Li Qujun struggled to squeeze out these words.

He really wanted to know if this farce was rehearsed by his sister today, and what did she want to do?

What has become of the current One Air Dao Alliance, the enemy that everyone is facing now may be the most powerful enemy they have encountered since the establishment of the One Air Road Alliance, and it is precisely when it is necessary to organize personnel to fight with the enemy, but at this critical juncture, their Li family has a Li Muchen but is adding chaos.

Li Muchen nodded his face and said very innocently: "Well, she's still alive, but she doesn't really want to see you."

"For... Why..."

Li Quxun coughed twice.

Li Muchen spun around, then turned around and smiled slightly embarrassed.

"That... Didn't she do something very bad... She actually understands it in her own heart, so ah, she doesn't dare to see you, and you have to be considerate of her mood..."

The corners of Li Quxun's mouth raised slightly.


Does she know what she's doing?

My God, what the hell are you kidding?

In your eyes, should the One Qi Dao Alliance really be destined to this extent?

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