Except for some of the people led by the current Yang family head Li Zizi who escaped, the rest of the members of the mask troupe were captured by Li Muchen, and those children of the One Qi Dao Alliance have become the appearance of people who are not ghosts or ghosts today.

They could not speak, bathed in golden light and reborn, and their eyes shone with greed, as if they were born with it, which was terrifying.

"Second brother, you see, these people have all become the children of our Li family now, from now on, the people of our Li family will no longer have to be at the mercy of the Wang Quan family, what I let them do, they will do anything, you see."

Li Muchen waved his hand.

The children of the One Qi Dao Alliance on the square knelt down on one knee one after another.

"Count me begging you, don't do this kind of thing again, Dao Meng... The Dao Alliance can no longer afford such a blow..." muttered

Li Quxun.

So many people, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, as long as it is a person with emotions, they will be moved when they see that scene.

"My stupid second brother, instead of waiting for death, he won't prove his worth? Is a life like this what you want?

Li Muchen smiled.

Immediately flew into the sky.

As far as the eye could see, most of the city was soaked in the golden tide, and more and more wisps of resentment went up, erratic, and gathered into Li Muchen's body, becoming more and more full.

She could feel that her strength was gradually climbing, until it reached some kind of peak.

And above this firmament, Li Muchen is not alone.

She turned her head suspiciously.

"That was... Oh..."

In the distant sky, a small dot gradually went up, and then as her vision narrowed, she could clearly see that the dot was slowly growing larger at a speed visible to the naked eye, until she revealed a shocked expression.

That's not something... Rather, a mountain!

At least a hundred meters high mountain peak flew into the sky, and then smashed in the direction where she was.

"Do you want to be so ruthless!"

Li Muchen subconsciously pulled out her legs and slipped away, and a huge shadow covered the top of her head, almost pressing her whole person directly to the ground.

With a boom, it was like thunder on the ground.

The mountain fell steadily to the ground, crushing all the surrounding houses, and the sound of rumbling tiles and falling walls was deafening, and the town that was the headquarters of the Ichikido Alliance was completely destroyed at this moment.

From the direction outside the city, the surrounding wall surrounds a mountain peak in the middle, standing on the ground like mushrooms after rain, which is very terrifying.

"Tianjun, is there something wrong with this?"

Huandu Qingtian also looked stunned, he personally watched the North Mountain Demon Emperor lift a mountain, and threw it towards the human city without the slightest hesitation.

This...... Good fellow, even if the people in their demon domain have never regarded the human beings in the human city as important, but the good villains will not ignore it like this, and suddenly a mountain will press over, how many people will die like this?

"It's okay, we had already explored before we came, and now more than half of the cities of the One Qi Dao Alliance are dead cities, and I and the Heavenly Monarch also want to understand what that golden thing is, but out of caution at that time, Fang has not started."

The nine-day divine light of the North Mountain Chicken Master also flew out from the top of his head in the arc of a crescent moon.

A scorching aura also rushed to his face, and this aura flew towards the city one after another, as if looking for a specific target.

"Can this be discovered?"

In a ruin, along with the fall of the Nine Days Divine Light, a figure slowly got up, his face full of doubts.

It was Li Muchen.

The circle of her body was also bound with a golden aura.

At this moment, the Southern Demon Kings who arrived in time were all relieved, knowing that Ji Ye's nine-day divine light was not an ordinary divine skill, once imprisoned, it was basically difficult to escape.

Or rather... This forbidden spell has a special property, that is, only death can undo it.

"Are you the one behind all this?"

Ji Ye was condescending and looked at Li Muchen with a scrutinizing gaze.

The latter said a little impatiently: "Heh, when will it be your turn to take care of things in our human realm, how come you don't have any sense of proportion." "

Hehe, little doll, I don't know what tricks you used, now trapped here, the old man advises you, it's not too much to be a person, you don't do these things that hurt nature and reason with the support of someone behind you, you must know karma, and you have tried it repeatedly."

Huandu Qingtian's eyes were full of sneers.

Obviously, he had already pushed the mastermind behind this little doll to that person.

This does not require any forensics.

When your identity and status reach a certain level, words and ordinary words and deeds cannot actually be the benchmark for judgment, or the higher the person, the more important it is to consider.

Look not at what others say, but at what they do.

Everyone knows who the opponent of the One Airway Alliance is, and just broke out such a huge war, so that the follow-up Flying Dragon City connected the three cities of the Qi Dao Alliance, and the ambition of the wolf son can be described as obvious, and it is only a matter of time before the One Airway Alliance makes a move.

After these days of consideration, Huandu Qingtian also figured out that the reason why Li Han would come to the southern country in advance was nothing more than considering that he was afraid that after the battle with the Ichikido Alliance, the southern side came to the rescue, so he gave him this old thing a wake-up call in advance.

This person looks young, but the scheming is heavy one after another, the princess has been captured so far, during the period of such a major decisive battle between the One Qi Dao Alliance and the Heaven and Earth Alliance, Huandu Qingtian is indeed not moving, the most important reason is... Don't dare to move.

The daughter's life was in the hands of that guy.

However, this time, the old emperor miscalculated.

"Mastermind behind it? I said to you, did you get something wrong?

Li Muchen smiled coldly, and immediately, under the gaze of the two demon emperors, the body bound by the Nine Days God Beam actually began to act.

Ji Ye just wanted to be born to remind him, but it was too late.

A charred figure slowly fell to the ground, and the golden aura on his body gradually receded.

This is the Nine Days of Divine Light, and only death can completely eliminate it.


just when everyone fell into a state of speechlessness for a moment.

The most horrific scene happened.

In the midst of the charred embers, a figure stood up again, she was intact, she looked like a nobody, admired the shocked expressions of the monsters in the sky, and covered her mouth and chuckled.

"How? Guys, do you think people like me still need to be attached to others? "

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