Disaster always comes silently, and the moment you notice it, it is a landslide tsunami that seems to swallow the whole world together.

Most of the One Qi Dao Alliance City had now fallen into Li Muchen's hands.

Those places covered by golden brilliance, whether they were humans and animals, seemed to have become her possessions at this moment.

From this, you can imagine how powerful her power is now.

"It's over, second sister, now a monster has been raised on the side of the One Qi Dao Alliance."

In the clouds, Aolai Guosan dragged his chin.

"Is it really so scary?"

Six Ears was a little suspicious.

"Why did you and I set your sights on the human realm in the first place, it is true that this kind of thing has been accumulated from generation to generation, and it does have its own uniqueness, and the magic power contained in it cannot be underestimated. But how many old monsters have survived for thousands of years? The

third young master of the Ao Lai Kingdom explained, and the six ears were abrupt.

The size of the monster power is indeed the simplest and most practical way to define the level of the monster level, but for this world, defining strength and weakness cannot follow this set of laws.

For high-end monsters, the use of techniques is definitely much higher than the simple dependence on monster power.

"The kingly power sword intent of the royal power family combines mana and technique, which can be described as the pinnacle, but there is another level above this."



Aolai Kunisan nodded.

"It is often said that people are good and not good at power, and the demon is good and not good at wisdom, in fact, it does not simply refer to the difference between the two when thinking about problems, the most important thing is that for the play of some special magic weapons, humans have no upper limit, and monsters have, which is the most obvious difference between the two, we generally call this difference the gap of 'wisdom', in fact, in more accurate terms, it is will, or thought."

"Whether this idea is good or bad, as long as it is gathered together and then urged by magic weapons..."

Liu'er's eyes showed a shocked look at this time.

She finally clearly understood what the monster that the third brother was talking about was.

Through the secret fire eye of the Ao Lai Kingdom, she could clearly see that wisp after wisp of things pouring into the girl's body from all directions, these... All are ideas in the human territory, positive or negative.

So many obsessions are entangled to make her what she is today.

"It's a pity, my real body still can't be taken out, I didn't expect that after so many years, those monsters gnawed the slightest bit and didn't gnaw the most important seal, now this guy's words..."

Six Ears frowned.

"Second sister, don't laugh, do you want to end up like me? We moved a little, but there was a guy watching from above.

Aolai Guo San Shao shook his head.

This was completely different from the situation in Flying Dragon City at that time, and the secret Vajra was not bad, and it could only be used to exert its maximum effectiveness under the premise of having the body.

And if his second sister's body is to fight, it will be two natures, and using the body may not be able to deal with the guy in front of him.

By doppelganger?

That's pure nonsense.


The golden tide soon flooded the sky, erecting a high wall blocked on all sides, in this case, even if Huandu Qingtian can turn itself into poisonous gas, it will inevitably hit a wall, and no one can say what will happen at that time.

Huandu Qingtian's intuition told him that this golden thing in front of him was very dangerous.

And the monsters who came with Huandu Qingtian and the Five Poisons Taibao were the first to suffer, and the three young masters of the Heavenly Ao Lai Kingdom made a slight look, and the poisonous boy among the five poison taipo below exclaimed: "Emperor!"

Huandu Qingtian heard this and looked in that direction.

Those peripheral little monsters brought by the Great Demon King were the first to suffer, and at this moment, they actually rushed towards their own people with weapons in hand.

"You're crazy!"

The poisonous master stopped for a while, he did not want to hurt these subordinates, and the result was multiple injuries on his body.

After being entangled like this for a long time, the poisonous lady finally killed in anger, killing all the southern monsters who suddenly rebelled inexplicably.

"Back, all back!"

Huandu Qingtian completely sobered up.

He looked at the approaching golden tide in front of him with a horrified expression, like a gradually shrinking house in all directions, wanting to wipe them all out.

"Heavenly Monarch! Back off! "

How could Shi Kuan endure such a thing, when even if he wanted to rush out directly.

Fortunately, Ji Ye's eyes were anxious, and when he grabbed his arm, he kept pulling back.

Next, naturally the eight immortals crossed the sea, each showed their powers, the nine days of divine light, the southern country poison gong and so on... These things that were terrifying in the demon domain in the past poured out like a non-original.

Li Muchen outside smiled proudly: "Don't do useless work anymore, there is no doubt that I am the strongest person in this world now."

Originally, she had thought about seeing that existence before.

However, now she has no such thoughts, she has always been in awe of those mysterious and powerful things, but after gaining power this time, she began to gradually discover that the people she used to think were great, but in fact, they were just that.

Like what the North Mountain Demon Emperor, the Southern Poison Emperor.

Isn't it easy to be pinched by her now? What she should respect is not the strong, but simply the strength.

The so-called strong are used to be defeated, as they are now.

"After cleaning up you guys, I should also go to Flying Dragon City, there is a bad guy who gave me a kick, it was so dangerous, it almost killed me, this revenge, I want to repay, but I estimate that he is not remarkable, just like you guys, there is no appearance, in the face of real power, it is simply vulnerable."

Li Muchen looked contemptuous.

The city is near late spring, and it is full of ruins.

The bleak aura spread through the streets, the wine banner beckoned, and a figure silently entered the city.

He carried a wine jug with red letters, and took a sip from time to time.

The moment he looked up at the sky, he was facing Li Muchen's gaze.

The two are opposite.

Without the slightest hesitation, a strong wind rose up and rushed towards Li Muchen, the sharp blade disappeared into her heart, and slammed into the ground with a boom, and the surrounding streets shook with it.


Li Muchen's eyes widened, his internal organs seemed to be about to vomit out, and his body fell to the ground like smashed meat.

"You looking for me?"

The man's eyes were filled with coldness, and Sen smiled coldly.

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