"Ahem, this is impossible..." Li

Muchen was horrified in her heart, at this moment, she could no longer speak, her life was gradually fading, and this fragile body could not resist such a violent attack after all.

However, these are only secondary.

What she couldn't believe the most was that she was obviously invincible in the world.

Why can't you notice that this guy has entered the city, what went wrong, take ten thousand steps back, even if she is negligent, then so many pairs of eyes on the city wall can't see this guy walking in swaggering?

They are immortal! Even if it is silently killed, it will be resurrected in place.

After saying this several times, at the last moment of her life, she moved her eyes to the city wall.


Not a single person.

A golden light flew out from Li's house and landed on Li Muchen's body.

Resurrected again.

She stood up slowly, and there was no longer that frivolous smile in her eyes.

"What did you do?"

"Or guess?"

Li Han smiled on his mouth, but the sword in his hand did not hesitate at all, and stabbed at Li Muchen again, and another one was cold, and he crashed into the house next to him, and collapsed two with a boom, all the way to the mountain that was moved by the North Mountain Demon Emperor to stand in the town.

At this moment, Li Muchen's body was already in pieces, his arm was broken, and his skin was stretched outside Sensen's white bones, like pieces of broken cloth.

And after really killing Li Muchen.

Li Han pulled out his sword and did not continue to trample on the corpse, but waited for a golden light to fall in the sky and Li Muchen to be resurrected.

Before she could resist, another sword stabbed away.

Arms are broken, legs and feet are broken, chests are cut, heads are decapitated ... In this way, cruel and bloody scenes continue to play out in this empty town.

Once or twice, Li Muchen can still bear it, but this kind of thing lasts dozens of times, and after hundreds of times, even if she can be resurrected, she can also feel the pain, how can she endure it?


So, gradually, she began to scream like a collapse.

"Isn't it fun? Can't stand it so soon?

Li Han smiled sarcastically, and a sword pierced her heart, flew into the sky, and in the process of gradual death, dropped her heavily to the ground.

"Don't! Why do this to me!

This time, after Li Muchen's resurrection, a look of fear finally appeared in her eyes, and she sat on the ground and shivered back, not even daring to move.

"Isn't that what you want? The world where the strong are honored is like this, I am stronger than you, so I can kill you like a mustard, isn't it a normal thing?

Li Han raised his sword.

Li Muchen was stunned.

An arm flew up, and blood splattered from the wound, like a fountain.


"Don't you just want to live in a world like this? Isn't all this what you want?

Li coldly trampled on Li Muchen's chest.

The sound of broken bones sounded.

"Poof... Ahem..." The

scenery in Li Muchen's eyes seemed to be dyed blood, and then gradually dimmed.

Li Han has never thought that such a thing as kindness is the main reason why people will go to death, but... Arrogant.

The third young lady of the Li family is not stupid.

At the beginning, Li Han had already given her a chance when she came to the One Qi Dao Alliance, hoping that she could think clearly before doing things, in fact, no one cared about her sky-high thoughts, and the world did not revolve around her alone.

Just like when she ran to find Li Han in a rush, she was kicked away.

Why did she feel that she was more noble than the people who fell around her? Not killing is just because Li Han feels that everyone who should be killed has already been killed, and it is definitely not out of some compassion.

Li Han will only do meaningful things from beginning to end.

It's good now...... Li Muchen proved one thing to the world.

A diode that wants to become strong because he is weak and turns out to be really strong, and it is not the same thing to treat all the people around him, and how unreasonable is it to kill if he wants to.

"At the beginning, I came to find trouble with the Ichiki Dao Alliance, and I didn't have time to deal with you, but now I come specifically to find your trouble, and when I have time, I will slowly accompany you to play."

Li Han smiled slightly.

This time, he gave Li Muchen enough time to revive, including the use of spells.

"You give me death!"

Li Muchen roared.

The whole city was once again flooded by even more majestic golden tides, and the flood water rushed to the edge of the city wall like a beast, rushing into the city and irrigating it.

This is to gather all the Jin Chenxi from all directions to this place.

Li Han put his sword into its sheath and opened his arms, as if he had given up resistance.

"Just touch him!"

The earnest emotions in Li Muchen's eyes climbed more and more, and seeing the golden tide getting closer and closer to Li Han, a crazy smile appeared on his face.

This guy simply doesn't understand what he's up against.

"I'm still cautious to this extent, like walking on thin ice, let me see how powerful you are who swallowed most of the human city like this, millions of lives, how awesome you are, you can kill so many people without blinking your eyes at once."

The coldness in Li Han's eyes became more and more intense.

"You're finished!"

Li Muchen's eyes lit up.

The golden tide finally touched Li Han's body, and he stood alone in the ruins, and the tide rushed towards him.


It was as if the rain and mist had evaporated, and everything that approached him seemed to have been evaporated.

"Third brother..."

Liu'er's body trembled slightly, and his beautiful eyes were full of disbelief.

"Second sister, calm down, that kid has shocked us enough, and it's not worse than this one or two."

Aolai Guosan smiled slightly, but took a deep breath to calm his mood.

The secret method of the Aolai Kingdom, King Kong is not bad.

According to the inscription in the stone tablet, when this practice was practiced to the extreme, it touched any object and collapsed with one blow.

In other words, you can imagine your body as the sharpest sword in the world, with the only special effect that it can kill everything... Well, even if it is not a living thing, it will not get in the way, it will all be in ashes, there will be no possibility of resurrection at all, and there will be no slag left.


The moment he appeared on the city wall, he flew past and hit the bodies of those disciples of the One Qi Dao Alliance, and all of a sudden, those people turned into smoke and disappeared into the air one by one.

There is no doubt that he was in just a month or two.

Cultivation to the peak again....


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