This is not Li Muchen alone, there are many people who are not worthy of the Qi Dao Alliance, if she does not do this, people may force the people in the city to resist when the whole line of the Heaven and Earth Alliance attacks, and then it will be an inch of territory and an inch of blood.

Li Han still has no way at all, he can only kill the past and try to save it.

To be a person, you can have no conscience, not good and unnecessary face... But to be honest, those who are inferior to others should treat themselves as people, and those who are superior should treat others as people, which is the most basic.

Therefore, in order not to happen like this, he decided to destroy the high-level of the Ichikido Alliance before this.

Things go one after another.

The bottom of the Taoyuan Li family is very empty, near the central courtyard in the room, the surrounding has long been wrapped in golden brilliance, dense tree root-like things are intertwined, wrapping the entire house, one by one, like a beating heart.

And in the center of this heart, Li Muchen raised his head, his face full of despair and pleading.

Li Han frowned.

"Don't pretend to be pitiful now, you played a little big this time, so many people died, I also played with you, the price, it is not excessive to ask for your life."

In his case, using young ignorance as a shield will not work.

A beam of golden light fell from the sky and slammed into the courtyard of the Li family in Taoyuan, setting off a huge wave-like aura.

The right part of that room.

The golden sword of Wang Quan plunged straight into Li Muchen's heart, and even the entire house that followed disappeared together.

This catastrophe in the human world subsided.

"If you change seventy-two..."

Second sister! Stop! "

The third young master of Aolai Guo almost jumped his feet between the clouds.

Good fellow, this teaches a secret fire eye, a wishful stick, and a King Kong is not bad and does not stop, and also takes out the ability to go up the tree.

"Second sister, you're not a demon, don't forget, last time this kid beat us, but there is no emotion at all, you really have to teach him those things, and you can't make a fuss."

Everything was settled, as if nothing had happened.

You know, that guy from the time he appeared until now.

It took only half an hour, and this kind of catastrophe that made the Third Young Master and Liuer of the Aolai Kingdom helpless, as soon as he came, he was destroyed at will.

I really want to give all the remaining secret techniques of the Aolai Country to this kid... That picture, dare not imagine.

The One Kido Alliance raised a monster, and they came to the country proudly, this is the ancestor who raised a monster.

"I can't say that, I admire him."

Liu'er nodded, and then said with a smile.

"Don't you think it's a lot like that? Watching my third brother, who is growing up day by day, becoming more and more capable under my training, I am also deeply moved. "


Aolai Guosan understood.

With the second sister, this is a flood of maternal aura, and what incredible attributes are fed.

"Besides, third brother, haven't you been looking for help? I also said that I would consider him as an object of consideration before, but why don't I say this now, and this time I went outside the circle to do the same, that is, I acted alone.

Six Ears said dissatisfied.

The Third Young Master of Aolai Guo said anxiously, "This... You have to be obedient to him, how can I do it if he is disobedient? I was looking for an aid, not an ancestor.

"I see, you're looking for an obedient grandson."

Six Ears rolled his eyes.

In a word.

The three young masters of Aolai Guo were speechless.

"After so many years, you are used to your strength, used to holding everything firmly in the palm of your hand, those things in the human realm and the demon world are just a chessboard full of chess pieces in your eyes, as long as you want, you can instruct them to act according to your wishes, but what... You also said that this time we are looking for assistance, after all, if the problems faced by the two of us can be solved by ourselves, how can we ask for people?

"Second sister..."

"Let go of your self-respect, third brother."

Liu'er exhaled deeply, his expression deep.

The third young man of Ao Lai Guo took his last breath and finally unloaded.

"Second sister, you can handle this matter, I can't get along with him."

With that, he disappeared.

And the Taoyuan Li family below, Li Han standing on the ruins, also cast his eyes in this direction.

In the center of the square, those who were captured in the One Qi Dao Alliance were tied to the stakes one by one, led by Li Quxun, looking at Li Han's gaze, no longer the emotion called hatred...

After all, when the strength of the enemy reaches an incomprehensible level, any words such as revenge pale in comparison.

Six ears flew down from the clouds, tall legs slowly fell into the ground, with hairpins on his head and armor, still so heroic.

"How? Don't play chess on it anymore?

Li Han put his sword into its sheath and smiled slightly.

When Liuer heard this, he said helplessly: "If the chess player leaves, I am a runner, anyway, the eyes are all targeted, and if you want to kill, you will be killed."

"A good youkai, don't say such misleading things."

Li Han had a bad chill.

"How can I say it, you are now a groom official, there is a delicate wife at home, and there are two little fox demons in Tushan outside, I heard that the princess of the southern country was also captured by you."

Six Ears glanced up.

The golden brilliance that wrapped the monsters had already retreated, and the monsters, including the Southern Demon Emperor, flew in mid-air without landing.

Huandu Qingtian was looking at this with great complexity, Shi Kuan's face was expressionless, and the rest of the people had the same expression as everyone in the Yiqi Dao Alliance, after this battle, they had fully understood what kind of monster Li Han was.

"Expose my old bottom?"

Li Han pulled out the Wang Power Sword and smiled coldly.

"Don't pretend, what you will do, I will too, King Kong is not bad, although it is very strong, but you are also afraid in your heart, the more you come into contact with these mysterious and powerful secret methods, the more you are full of awe of our Proud Country, a cautious person like you, if you want to make a move, you must first prepare to destroy me and my third brother before entering the city, but unfortunately you didn't do that, but pretended not to see it, didn't you?"

Six Ears frowned.

Li Han collected the sword.

Admittedly, this time Liuer was right, he was not a reckless man.

There was no account to settle between him and Liu'er, and the time Feng Qi died before, Caesar's fire had already been sown.

Exploit? This kind of thing Li Han didn't mind at all, he had learned so many secret methods, what did he lose.

Do you choose not to eat because the person selling the food earns it?

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