"By now, there is no point in saying these things, and what you have to do has been done to this extent, and no one in this world can stop you."

The Heaven and Earth Alliance will gradually unify the human territory, and the surrounding demon domains will gradually become subordinate.

In a short period of time, this man created something that others would not have been able to create for decades, or even centuries.

It is often said that times make heroes, but he created this situation on this level, on his own.

Six ears are clear.

"The only thing I doubt is that you should hate monsters after you came out of the Southern Country, but after that, you chose to create such a heaven and earth alliance and implement this concept to other places, does this mean anything special to you?"

From the perspective of the big picture, there will be fights in this world every day, and when the fights become more and more numerous and reach the point where they cannot be adjusted, they will evolve into wars.

Most wars are either due to the arrogance of those in power, or because internal contradictions cannot be adjusted, and can only divert contradictions, external aggression, and burn the fire on others.

But Li Han does not belong to either of these two.

First of all, he is by no means a guy who likes to be worshiped by everyone from above, and even very low-key many times, and has always been able to show up without showing up in Flying Dragon City, and has ambitions, but the pursuit of rights seems to be very calm, definitely not an arrogant type.

Secondly, Flying Dragon City is not as poor and weak as other human territories, it can be said that under the rule of the One Air Dao Alliance, the prosperous trade within this city is like a treasury, and the resources are very rich, and then connect with Tushan side, basically self-sufficiency is easy to do.

This is from the perspective of the ruler, but in this world, the strength of the individual is far higher than this level, whether it is a monster or a human, it is clear that things such as titles are actually illusory, and only when their own strength is sufficient can people look up.

In other words, since Li Han had the time to be such a ruler, why didn't he invest in himself instead and spend more time on cultivation?

"I don't quite understand, you should have been stronger than you are now."

In this regard, Li Han just looked at Liu'er with a strange expression.

"What's wrong? Is there anything strange about what I said?

"I'm a human, and I'm not a monster, even if I'm a monster, I need to eat and drink Lasa, will you save all the time to eat and drink Lasa to cultivate?" Isn't cultivation for a better life? Since I can achieve my goal without penance, why do I have to force myself to death? "

That kind of long and boring cultivation time is not something that ordinary people can do, basically those who can do that will tend to have no desires and no wants, Li Han believes that this is reasonable enough.

And...... Under normal circumstances, isn't it because of the inability to see reality and is not used to it, so they will think of escaping? Even if there is really a system, can the kind of guy who can shrink for a long time and cultivate alone, can he really be awesome when he rises out one day? In case you encounter someone outside the people, there are mountains outside the mountain, can you run back and continue to cultivate? Take 10,000 steps back, really invincible in the world, this kind of guy who has been locked up for so many years and has basically derailed with the times, the strength is not said, but the brain is still in the wild man stage, can really adapt to the life outside?

Li Han is not good at appraised, anyway, he feels that he can't bear the boring years of retreat alone, thinking that in the more than a month in Tushan Pass, if there is no Tushan Yaya, he estimates that nine out of ten times his spirit will have some problems.


Six Ears was speechless.

"Of course, what you said is not unreasonable, after all, when I first met you, I couldn't beat you, which is also one of the manifestations of not cultivating positively enough, but there will always be people stronger than me in this world, do I have to adhere to this idea and cultivate for a lifetime?"

Li Han spread his hands helplessly.

What about nesting dolls here?

It is reasonable to worry about some things that have not happened, which is called planning ahead, but worrying about too many things that have not happened, then it is purely a mental problem, and it is recommended that it is best not to go out.

"Second Miss, are you going to come and see with me?"

"Look at what?"

Six ears wondered.

Li Han raised his head, there were ruins on all sides, and the stone monument of the One Qi Dao Alliance that stood tall in the human world finally collapsed, and everything would usher in a new life.

As a traverser who once lived in peacetime, he came to this world and experienced some cruel things, including the current war, along the way, so many cities are empty, and the streets are similar to ghost streets.

Born, in, born again.

It's really like that's how it goes.

At the end of the day, how to say it? Or is he eager to live in a peaceful place in his bones and does not want war, so he will spare no effort to promote peace between humans and demons, how can it not be beneficial to him at all? This is to make a house for themselves, who would want to live in a latrine, don't you say?

"Look, a whole new world."


Early May.

Southern King's Palace.

A mournful wail broke the tranquility of the street.

Nanguo Emperor's uncle Poison Laozi and Imperial Sister-in-law Poison were found drowning and hanged at home, and similar tragedies occurred in that row of residential areas, and many monsters were assassinated on the way out.

They are all central figures in the power of the southern side.

Who the murderer was, no one knew, and people were panicked, as if the southern country had broken into a wandering ghost.

The relic of the poisonous old man's death is only one letter.

It is said that it was prepared to be presented to the Poison Emperor at the next day's court, and before that, the army had already shown a trend of fierce and vigorous recruitment.

However, all this gradually calmed down with the death of this imperial uncle, and it ended without a problem.

Ichikido Alliance.

Those who had been hiding in the palace were even more tragic, and all kinds of methods, died quietly, and many families were extinct because of this.

North Hill rumors are that no one was killed or injured.

However, the demon emperor who had been guarding the head of the city without thunder was gone, and the city wall completely collapsed, turning into a ruin.


"The lord of the Heaven and Earth Alliance has an edict, the army will march from the three cities of Yong'an on the same day, advancing into the One Qi Dao Alliance, but anyone who encounters resistance will be killed."

The hall was solemn.


The backbones of the Heaven and Earth Alliance in the two rows below spoke in unison, deafening.

The emcee's voice was clear and distant, echoing inside and outside the hall.

"In addition, promulgate seven prohibitions and twelve beheadings, prohibit the abuse of surrendered soldiers, surrender people, violators, behead!"

"It is forbidden to abuse women, young children, the elderly, violators, beheaded!"


Li Han, who was sitting on the main seat, waved his black robe with a fire sleeve, looking indifferent.


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